Buying Greeenland

Not so bad eh? They have some smart guys and a few with lousy personalities.

But I didn't plan on leaving them there, If they had a legitimate claim for asylum, then let them come in. The others, I guess it comes out of my tax dollar to get them back to their country.


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Yo yo yo, they call me the panty-twister, the pussy-grabber, I'm an Ohms Law bone-saw tight flow Mister Transistor with tight game for fly sisters to nab her

And these posters be posers disrespect the solder-slinger soldiers, but they be Cabbage Patch kid-holders, Math class dozers, Face card flop-folders,


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Maybe so, we;ll see how it ultimately turns out for them. I warned everyone I could about Trump when there were 15 other candidates that were decent and sane, but the trumpets had to have Trump. I thought that when he leveled that vile insult at McCain and they followed up by disparaging all POWs, 'I prefer the ones that were not captured". that it would be the end of him. That happened early on in the primary campaign, right after he announced. If anything, it just propelled him on. That's when I knew something very strange and very bad was happening.

If that's true, it's rather odd that the Republicans picked both of those men to be their presidential candidate. George Will recently said that what Trump has done is worse than Nixon. He said Nixon did his dirty deeds in secret, he hid them and when they were exposed, it brought him down. Trump does his lying, insulting, vilifying, dividing, openly and brazenly. And that will be much harder to get over, he's normalized the despicable.

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Whoey Louie

John, the schematics you post are beautiful with good contrast and all pertinent information. I was just having some fun when I put to things in the news together, then bitrex went ballistic. Spitting, sputtering and drooling cause he lost the election.

Johm, I wish I had what it takes to design electronics, I don't, so I'm here trying pick all y'alls brains for info to do any project I'm on. But I'm having fun, so it's all good.


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Already explained that. Mikek

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lol ya, that's how it was.

You're 100% qualified to be a suck-up, tho. You're welcome to shine my shoes anytime.

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Trader4 thinks that the fifteen other Republican Party candidates competing with Trump were "decent and sane". They might have been - if compared with Trump , but people less stupid than Trader4 - most of the population - cou ld see their defects. Worse, they were less charismatic than Trump, who is good at telling the deplorables what they like to hear (and not worried abo ut telling different deplorables different stories).

He was clearly a sleazeball, but the other nominees were merely different k inds of sleazeballs.

The Republican Party wasn't offered a complete sleazeball alternative candi dates for either Mitt Romney or John McCain. Sarah Palin was pretty dire, b ut she was never a a candidate for the presidency.



I don't think that many people see Trump as "normal". He's been despicable all his life. The curious thing was that enough of the Republican Party was prepared to tolerate him as their candidate for the presidency - many were n't, but not enough to block him.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Bill Sloman

The other ones were secret sleazeballs. Trump's honest about being a jerk and a hypocrite. y'know?

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Pot, meet kettle.


  Rick C. 

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Rick C

Well, they hadn't realized that it was OK to go full Trump, yet! They were still looking at secret-Trumps like dippy Mitt Romney.

Y'know, the kind of guy who likes to present an air of corporate respectability and nice-guy flair in a $3000 suit while secretly plotting to embezzle from the company and bang your wife while you're on vacation, instead of walking up to you and shaking your hand with a grin and saying matter-of-factly "Your wife is hot. I'd like to bang her" the way an honest man does.

Obama was arguably the first type of guy from time to time but lots of women probably liked him OK when he was a nobody, too, so he never really developed Trump's ah, "psychology of romantic relationships."

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Let's hope *you* don't fall into that trap again!

Reply to
Tom Gardner


I'm not entirely confident that John Larkin designs electronics. What he re ports does seem to be more like persistent tinkering, and he doesn't seem t o come up with design insights. Works for him, and he seems to like to thin k that what he does is design, but I'm not convinced.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
Reply to
Bill Sloman

Always with the Republicans, ignoring that the reason Trump won was that the DEMOCRATS picked someone even more defective than Trump! Hillary! She got beat by the orange clown. Ouch!

Worse, they were less charismatic than Trump, who is good at telling the deplorables what they like to hear (and not worried about telling different deplorables different stories).

But of course Hillary Clinton wasn't a sleazeball. ROFL

They raked in a hundred million, much of it from Bill giving speeches to every country, organization, business, scum bag that needed influence because they have business and issues involving the federal govt. Bill's speaking fees, both the price per speech and the revenue went way up, years after he's out of office, but precisely at the time Hillary became Sec of State. Their "foundation', full of their cronies and doing business with their cronies, it took in billions. the crowning jewel was taking $135 mil in donations from foreigners that needed Hillary;s sign off to sell 20% of US uranium capacity to RUSSIA! Bill got $500K for one speech in RUSSIA from the bank handling the deal! Now there are your real sleazeballs. There is your collusion. To have that going on, while Hillary was Sec of State, was at least as despicable as anything that Trump has done. If you want to be Sec of State, then do that. If you want to run a foundation, then do that. But no, they had to do both. Why? Because that's the way they could shake everyone down. For proof of that we need to look no further than the demise of the money flow into the "foundation" as soon as Hillary was done.

And the Democrats just say all that is perfectly fine, nothing to see folks, just move along. They are as blind and as partisan as the trumpets are with Trump. Thanks for another teaching moment.

I didn't say Trump was normal, stupid. I said he's made the despicable normal.

Reply to
Whoey Louie

Sadly yet another load of loony BS.

Reply to
Whoey Louie

Apparently not.

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Usenet destroyers.

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The big, hundred-post threads are idiotic flame wars, and I know really good people who won't post here because it is as bad and ritually-mindless as twitter.

I guess all unmoderated public forums have the same fate.

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I'm interested in system dynamics, some social and economic systems included. But I post about things, and dispute points of fact.

The group-killers engage in endless rounds of profanity and lame insults.

My house guest just sat down at his laptop next to me. He is a serious microwave and acoustics designer and educator. He won't post to s.e.d.

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Ditto other people.

Welcome to usenet, where the unit of discourse is not the posting, but the flame. T'was always thus, since the 80s.

The only way to win is to not take part.

From that we can conclude you are not a serious designer/educator :)

(N.B. I haven't said that conclusion is correct!)

Reply to
Tom Gardner

Years ago I had a boat question and went to a boating group on usenet. It is totally whacked for boat info, mostly political. Same with one of the machine tool groups. From now on I'll try to keep my OT stuff there, mostly. I didn't really expect to set anyone off, I just thought it was a funny idea. I guess I'm naive Mikek

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