Who sells RF shield cans?

Joerg wrote in news:gjTTh.3376$ snipped-for-privacy@newssvr14.news.prodigy.net:

Don't you mean drab, limp and sodden? >:) Maplin is a sad parody now, it makes Tandy (Radio Shack) look downright cool. Ok, I jest..

But Maplin turns up unwanted in Google results with generic strings with phrases like search terms buried in them looking like a simpleton, or a broken robot trying to talk. It's obvious that Maplin can't offer those things, they just suggest they can, they're almost all polluting Google with the efforts of people why tried, and failed to find results on Maplin cos they aren't there, yet Maplin's coders, in their inneffable, nay, infinite wisdom, have polluted the interweb indefinitely with a catalog of their failures. By the time they realise that this ghastly mess has been made, it will be too late to do anything about it, and probably too late for Maplin to survive with a web presence of any credible kind. It's like watching a supertanker. You know it can't turn before it will run aground, and when you look closely you can see the crew asleep at their stations.

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No, we don't. We took in an older foster kid for 1-1/2 years but that did not increase our TV consumption at all. It modified it a bit though. I found that I still enjoyed watching Lassie, Bonanza and all that. Well, where we lived back then we had four channels, plus two in a foreign language that only I could understand so we didn't watch that.

It's all a matter of education and upbringing. When visiting others and their kids suggested to watch TV our foster kid usually said "Nah, let's go play some soccer".

Regards, Joerg

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That's good, not to have a TV. We forgot to buy one after moving from PAL country to NTSC country. 8 months later my wife wanted to see a weather forecast so I thought ok, where's that box with the little TV ... oh wait, drat, it ain't going to work here.

Some kind of hard-disk box that records shows or movies upon command. They advertised it as the best thing since sliced bread and our neighbors can't understand why we don't have one. What hardly anyone in the US knows is that we had similar technology in Germany back in the

80's: The VCR remote had a bar code reader and small display. Many TV magazines printed that bar code next to movies, news, almost anything. Swipe ... beep ... check display just to make sure ... send ... beep-beep ... done. The stations sent out code in the V-sync space that told the VCR when a pre-programmed movie really started and when it ended. So you'd never miss anything if, for example, the UEFA World Cup game was delayed or went into a huge overtime.

BTW you could also set the VCR clock that way. No messing with menues. They gave you a bar code sheet for that, too.

Regards, Joerg

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"Oh yeah! The Wii has the *best* soccer!"


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Joel Kolstad

My exposure to video games went to the level of the Pong game. But only because I built one. Never played it after it worked, just gave it away since the fun was out of it once I had it completed.

Regards, Joerg

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OK, ok, what *do* you do for fun then? The opera? Football? Hiking? Fast cars?

I think Wea Hayward's combination of hiking, sailing, and radio is pretty cool:

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Joel Kolstad

Joerg wrote in news:vgUTh.4118$H snipped-for-privacy@newssvr23.news.prodigy.net:

This is cool. I remember those barcodes. Never had the means to use, then, but I liked the idea. It could be useful for radio. We now have a 'Listen Again' feature for the BBC but the sound is atrocious, and it uses 'Real' Audio. And it saves half-hour chunks, so if there's an over-run (rare on BBC radio), I'd have to mess around with Mplayer to get something complete to listen to.

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No opera, no football, but quite some hiking. Got two large dogs so we wouldn't even have a choice here. No fast cars though (except watching a friend build a Cobra from scratch). Then lots of volunteering which consumes much of our time. There just ain't no time for TV. Also, we do pretty much all of the remodeling activities ourselves.

That comes pretty close. Except that I build up my projects in metal enclosures, not plastic ;-)

Regards, Joerg

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