Really Obnoxious Sound



Well, you pulled a switchero. The topic was the "MSM" and not "a lot of people.'

The MSM will no more abandon 'their guy' than the RNC would abandon theirs.

Up to a point I tend to agree but also think you underestimate the opposition, the ability of people to delude themselves, and the ability of the GOP to field untenable candidates.

It is, for example, not terribly difficult for some people to delude themselves with the argument, well, he needed some OJT but now he's got OJT.

It might be fun hearing the 'vote for change' candidate argue against 'voting for change' although I have no doubt he'll argue that the 'change' isn't finished yet so he's still the 'change' guy while the other is a 'going back to the dark ages' candidate.

Which gets to the last point, I think you may underestimate the effectiveness of the left's incessant fear mongering and demonization tactics.

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of american

american dad offers


Well, from Israel, to the new democracies in Eastern Europe, to NATO they're mostly asking "where'd ya go?"

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anoyne tell


No matter. It will be less effective, since they have been screaming WOLF! for far too long. Just like the fearmongers at the local TV stations ranting about another year of named tropical storms, without mentioning that the number is lower than the year before, and how few made landfall compared to years past.

They will be less effective on those who realized the were screwed by their fantasy candidate.

You can't fix stupid. You can't even put a Band-Aid? on it, because it's
Teflon coated.
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Michael A. Terrell

episode of american

american dad offers

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His allies are the ones he went to and kissed their asses on camera. He's done his best to piss off our real allies.

You can't fix stupid. You can't even put a Band-Aid? on it, because it's
Teflon coated.
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Michael A. Terrell

episode of american

american dad offers

connection to



Well, he may think they're 'his allies' but ass kissing never earned the respect of anyone.

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anoyne tell

level of

I've been wondering for 30 years just exactly when that would happen but it hasn't yet. Witness Pelosi and Reed's recent re-election.

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Especially voters.

You can't fix stupid. You can't even put a Band-Aid? on it, because it's
Teflon coated.
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Michael A. Terrell

White House,

anoyne tell


level of


OTOH, look at the diehard liberal areas that went conservative in the last elections.

You can't fix stupid. You can't even put a Band-Aid? on it, because it's
Teflon coated.
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Michael A. Terrell

The less work he does the better off the country will be. Mikek

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I don't know how you're going to remove liberals, who think ass kissing is 'diplomacy', from the voter registration rolls..

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White House,

anoyne tell


level of




That does offer a glimmer of hope but I'm not convinced it wasn't more than an anomaly driven by the unusually bad circumstances of the moment.

My historical observation is that for every 'corrective step' liberals are still left 3 steps ahead because they will do virtually anything to further their agenda, but conservatives won't.

And, IMO, it is because of their nature. Liberals are results oriented and little else matters, meaning 'how' they get it, whereas conservatives are principles oriented.

For an example look at Wisconsin. When they lost a majority and didn't like the bills brought to the floor for a vote they left the state and shut down the entire legislative process. It simply doesn't matter to them that that, in theory, is what electron are for. They didn't like the results and that is that.

The bill finally passes so a liberal judge puts a stay on it despite having no State constitutional authority to do so. Eh, so what?

Pelosi wouldn't let anyone read the healthcare bill she rammed through. It was just 'too important' to get bogged down in debate, which is the purpose of having a legislature but what the hell?

I could go on.

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Stop their cheese checks and let them starve to death.

You can't fix stupid. You can't even put a Band-Aid? on it, because it's
Teflon coated.
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Michael A. Terrell

Thank you for correcting a typo

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Not gonna happen.

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Don't feel too bad - I once saw somebody say "wan't" for "want." Now _THAT'S_ egregious! ;-)

Cheers! Rich

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Rich Grise

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