Re: Bob Dole E-mails McClellan

Damn, I bet you don't abuse green-card workers either then. :-)

Yeah, me too. Don't grow too large though, or somehow inevitably it seems that this is no longer an option...

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Joel Koltner
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Gee, and I was about to write Rich off as never having anything meaningfuel to say.

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Richard Henry





One company I worked for had that as a corporate policy because they had gotten in trouble with the gov't on a T&M contract which an audit dsiclosed included a fake PhD on the staff. As a consequence, we lost a very good project engineer because he claimed to have a BS in Electrical Engineering, but his degree was actually a BS in Geology. He had taught himself electronics and computer programming as he needed it.

Too bad, good-bye.

Reply to
Richard Henry

We couldn't let people believe that T&M rates should be determined by the value of the work they're doing rather than the initials behind their name or the years of "experience" they have, now, could we? Noooooo!

For most jobs I'd want to do I expect having a PhD might actually lessen my chances of getting hired. :-)

My brother is workig on his PhD though... has been for quite some time now, better part of a decade by now... My suspicion is that he's never going to make up in the (purported) better pay of a PhD all the money (compounded) he's lost by staying in school and living at a not-too-far-above-povery level all these years, unfortunately.

Of course, PhDs are great for those who honestly want to devote their lives to basic research or teaching.

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Joel Koltner





I suppose belligerent drunks in bars 'have to' keep picking fights. The NIE says we don't 'have to' pick a fight with Iran. They respond to international diplomatic and economic pressure.

He's dead. There's a new supreme leader in place (Ali Khamenei) who looks like he will work with moderate governments (Khatami).

You are trying to pick a fight with a dead man.

And we are sick of Bush. Except that we keep re-electing him, or maybe now his shadow. Funny how we (and the Iranians) keep letting the lunatic fringe speak for the majority.

Which way?

Paul Hovnanian
Do not mold, findle or sputilate.
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Paul Hovnanian P.E.

You need to crack open a few books on system stability.

Paul Hovnanian
Stop Continental Drift! Re-unite Gondwanaland!
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Paul Hovnanian P.E.

You need to get out and bicycle more.


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John Larkin


Gov't contract. What can I say?

Reply to
Richard Henry

No time. I'm too busy cutting down trees:

formatting link

Paul Hovnanian
And so at last the beast fell and the unbelievers rejoiced. But all was 
not lost, for from the ash rose a great bird. The bird gazed down upon 
the unbelievers and cast fire and thunder upon them. For the beast had 
been reborn with its strength renewed, and the followers of Mammon
in horror. -- The Book of Mozilla, 7:15
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Paul Hovnanian P.E.


Track record does not consistently support that claim.

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It is a very old expression

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But trees sequester carbon! Bad person!


Reply to
John Larkin


It may or may not remain sequestered depending on the use to which the timber is put.

Reply to
Richard Henry

Well, it's quite apparent that the mideast doesn't *WANT* democracy (at least not Cheney/Bush style) - witness the fact that Bush forced them to have elections, and the winner, THREE TIMES, was "Yankee go home".

So did they listen? Nah, they just quit having elections, apparently deciding it's so much wiser to take the tack, "we'll have to keep killing them and terrorizing their families until they LIKE us!"


Thanks, Rich

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Richard The Dreaded Libertaria


y wrong


No, I wouldn't have expected better of you.

--=20 Keith

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The war in Europe killed more American soldiers than the Germans killed civilians, too. Strawmen rarely have points.

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Lame, loon.

--=20 Keith

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No, they're actually hurting. A few more turns of the screws should help a lot. Unfortunately...

You're an idiot.

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Japan really did attack the US. Germany really did declare war on the US. Iraq did neither of these. Iraq was completely a war of choice started by the US. It has nothing to do with the "war on terr".

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They are meeting with the leadership of Iraq. Iraq is no longer a counter weight to them. The trade restrictions may be hurting them but the US removing Saddam certainly hasn't. Under Bush #1 at the end of the gulf war, the US proved its self to be an untrustworthy friend. The US now has been shown to be an irrational friend or enemy. Iran hasn't just gained. The US has lost.

The extremists in Iraq have also been strengthened within the country, in they they have been loosing control more slowly than they otherwise would have.

Obviously you must be an idiot. Republicans always accuse others of the things they are guilty of. You are a republican. You just accused another of being and idiot. Therefor you must be an idiot. QED

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