OT: Funding for Ebola

Seems the Democrats, Hillary in particular, are claiming that CDC lacks funding to treat Ebola because the GOP withheld funds.

Hmmmm? Seems the Dems used those funds for something more important...

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...Jim Thompson

-- | James E.Thompson | mens | | Analog Innovations | et | | Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus | | San Tan Valley, AZ 85142 Skype: skypeanalog | | | Voice:(480)460-2350 Fax: Available upon request | Brass Rat | | E-mail Icon at

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| 1962 | I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.

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Jim Thompson
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I thought I heard on the news today that $1 million was moved from the CDC to Obamacare, but I can't seem to find a reference. Mikek

I thought they said for the software development!

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That would fund about 20 minutes of software development.


John Larkin         Highland Technology, Inc 

jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com 
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John Larkin

Since it is possible to transfer DNA by EM field we will already be infected because this post contains the contaminating word. Please, whoever is up there, throw brain, but try to hit.

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On a sunny day (Mon, 13 Oct 2014 16:11:46 -0700) it happened Jim Thompson wrote in :

Why would you like to fund ebola? Is it not worse enough yet?

..they are sending all sorts of clueless help, Germany even found 117 volunteers .... lol (after a big media campain for 'help'). Anybody who has ever seen a virus through an electron microscope will quickly realize that wearing a plastic suit does not stop it. It is so small that it will get airborne and inhaled miles away. Test with apes have shown it is airborne.

Now it is in the US, it will spread there 2.

It alread too late.

There is an other interesting fact... Some people say I was joking that you could get it from watching 0bama on TV. But some nobel prize winner did an experiment with 2 tanks of water with a DNA string or something in one, and an EM field engulfing both, and guess what, the DNA or RNA or whatever materialized in the other tank. Of course his research was denied as 'contamination'. But really, try to avoid 0bama's news casts.

Reply to
Jan Panteltje

  1. The sequester was Obama's idea, so they're really blowing smoke.
  2. The response to help stop Ebola in Africa (which is a good thing) is deploying our military, which was disproportionately savaged by Obama's sequester.
  3. Obama's certainly spending a great deal more on his human trafficking operation, not less than k each for the 50,000 undocumented Democrat voters he relocated as of April. That's 0 million, right there, and probably a lot more. (I've seen figures of >0 each per day.)

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Cheers, James Arthur

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Too bad the plastic suit won't stop your ravings either.

Tests with apes show you have no idea what you are talking about.

Too late to not read this drivel.

Now I see! You are actually a genius, the most thoughtful guy on the planet and the savior of all humankind as well.


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wow, let's see...$2 billion for a terrible healthcare website...yeah, that $1 million will go a long way as history repeats itself. Bet ALL the money gets spent on Public Information, aka propaganda, assuaging 'one's' fears and giving phoney tips on how to protect oneself, rather than accomplishing anything.

QUESTION: We know sloppy hygienic methodologies of people who should know better, health care workers, transmit ebola, but are mosquito bites capable of transferring, too? like with the West Nile virus transfer?

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I took Jan's 'drivel' as a wonderful piece of satire! I particularly enjoyed his comment about apes inhaling Ebola virus from miles away!

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On a sunny day (Tue, 14 Oct 2014 06:20:53 -0700) it happened RobertMacy wrote in :

Of course

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Jan Panteltje

On a sunny day (Tue, 14 Oct 2014 06:22:29 -0700 (PDT)) it happened mpm wrote in :

You know, one of the things you are demonstated when starting to work in a hospital is they let you sneeze in a clean room, and then grow all those nasties in a petry dish. Do you really think in Affrica that if an ebola patient sneezes the virus is NOT spread for 20 or more meters, it does not care about tents and fences..

You guys have no idea. All them friendly clueles helpers do is help spread it. Where does the waste water go, where are the dishes washed, how are those plastic suits cleaned, where does that waste water with virusses go? Its a dangerous joke. You see even in a controlled environment like a high tech US hospital, and hospital in Spain (dunno how high tech that is) staff gets infected. And then on TV somebody saying 'How Could That Happen?' How clueles can you get to think you can control something so small and to be precise ALL of it, that you cannot even see with a normal microscope? Look what I wrote month and month ago in sci.physics about ebola breaking out of Affrica. What is done is so stupid that apart from 'do not assign to malice what can be explained by stupidity' I really do think big farma likes to spread it, or they are even dumber than a pig. Quote me.

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Jan Panteltje

I agree with the 'possibility', but it is of REAL concern.

No one has shown HIV transfers through mosquitos. something about the digestive system kills that 'fragile' virus. Just wondered if ebola is killed in a mosquito's digestive system, or if ebola is one of those 'rugged' virii.

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That's a good point. They moved billions on several occasions.

For example, when Obamacare's Medicaid cuts threatened to roil the 2012 election, the Obamacare czar pillaged other Health and Human Services funds to fill in the hole so seniors wouldn't know until after the election. (illegal, BTW -- only Congress can do that)

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More(?) (The cuts are draconian. I've wondered why they haven't bitten, but haven't kept up with it, or looked into this next issue):

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I'm sure there are lots more examples. They diverted money to advertise their Obamacarp website(*), for one, plus for software fixes.

(*) "Ummmm, that's good carp!"

Cheers, James Arthur

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On a sunny day (Tue, 14 Oct 2014 07:06:49 -0700) it happened RobertMacy wrote in :

Well it is suppoded to be passed on by eating meat from infected monkeys. Those were probably dead for a while by then. :-)

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Jan Panteltje

Actually all we know for sure is that the tiniest mistake with Ebola contamination appears to result in catching the disease and that the first world PPE gear is not quite as good as they thought. Or their working procedures for containment are inadequate in some subtle way.

It would appear that using goggles instead of a full face shield is one of the reasons why it is thought that the unfortunate nurse may have touched and contaminated her face when removing them.

Probably not by mosquito as they don't see any incidence of sporadic unexplained no contact cases in the wild but what about fleas, ticks and bed bugs... they all remain pretty localised.

The Ebola virus is large and somewhat fragile with a relatively short lifetime outside of its host. Chances are the digestive enzymes of most blood sucking creatures will take it out pretty quickly.

I was surprised how many other cases of non-Ebola haemorrhagic fevers the UK had dealt with in the past couple of weeks - about two dozen.

Crimean Congo Viral Haemorrhagic fever and other tick borne unnamed ones for instance.

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(historic case as this info doesn't seem to be online)

Martin Brown
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Martin Brown

On a sunny day (Tue, 14 Oct 2014 14:11:39 +0800) it happened rbehm wrote in :

Yes, you are going to die, it is inevitable

Reply to
Jan Panteltje

PS you may like to read this, (all of you): arxiv.org/pdf/1012.5166

Page 4: 2.1. Transmission of DNA sequence through waves and water

Please not that Luc_Montagnier won a Nobel prize, and is not your average clueless experimentalist:

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Now go and cry

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Jan Panteltje

The wiki is a great article, thanks for sharing! but, only thing mentioned there is 'monitoring' EM not 'generating' life forms using EM.

What is the EXACT URL for that pdf?

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It's only going to take a few GIs getting ebola for political hell to break loose. The military mostly hate O already.

He just had his 200th golf game.


John Larkin         Highland Technology, Inc 

jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com 
Reply to
John Larkin

Do you think of a mosquito as a hypodermic syringe? It is not.

Mosquitoes can only pass on diseases that have evolved to live inside the parasite. It is not that the disease is "killed" by the mosquito's digestive system as much that the mosquito is not a host for diseases other than the few that they spread.

But that won't stop the uninformed from wildly speculating.


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