Sony VCR remote RMT-V402A

Several buttons are not functioning but I can not get this darn thing open to attempt a repair. Anyone know how to open it? TIA

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Sudy Nim
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As with any other remote control, if you take the battery cover off and can't see any screws, then it's likely the two halves simpy click together. Even if you know where the plastic lugs are, you may end up sacrificing one or two when you do separate the two halves.

There's a section on remote controls in the group FAQ:

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Thank you for the reply Graz. There are no screws and try as I might I was not able to open it. After reading your information I just forced the battery end up until it cracked (a little super glue will fix that) but then I could slide a screwdriver inside along each side popping open the lugs. I've open several remotes but this one refused to budge.

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Sudy Nim

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