Super duper hype fast FET driver?

A religion is a form of schizophrenia. Religions which are stable and taking their course in a mild manner are publicly admissible.

(*) For anyone who is interested:

Murray Rothbard "The Ethics of Liberty"

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Vladimir Vassilevsky
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Visit a Lutheran church some day :-)

Regards, Joerg
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Outdated? From what I have heard they have discovered a new source of "revenue" and are now taxing the redlight districts:

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Regards, Joerg
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On a sunny day (Mon, 22 Aug 2011 12:49:11 -0500) it happened Vladimir Vassilevsky wrote in :

Although there is some truth in that, we need to look a bit deeper. What is at the basis of *all* religions? Usually it is a person, say Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, Ram, Mohammed. These people were real and were able to show their followers a divine experience in side of them. I am not talking about any worldly miracles like waking on water on winning wars or whatever. I am merely talking about some process *inside a human being* that needs to be understood, and when understood is the key to a life long happiness. As society is set to look for happiness *outside* yourself, for example in western society by acquiring more material wealth, objects, power, or whatever you buy into that they makes you think will do it for you, the 'schizophrenia' is created.

We see from history that usually, after a such a person dies, politics grabs the followers and changes a real experience into a religion, a set of rules that then are supposed to bring you to that experience, usually accompanied by some book, Koran, Bible, Gita, etc etc. For Christianity this happened during the Roman empire, the believe in what Christ was showing was replaced by a state religion, and that was used to control the people. Absolutely nothing to do with a divine experience or understanding what was at the basis of it all. Crusades happened later, murder, inquisition. Mass hysteria, total stupidity... Nothing 'mild' really., and still today the pope plays his games, plays his masses. and the real experience NOW in this life is replaced by a promise for after death, after you are gone, have rotted away so to speak...

So, to make a long story short, for the real truth look within, there is bliss there, or at least it can be. It is simple, and there is something there that needs to be understood.

Reply to
Jan Panteltje

y I

and I











it's a job/business, why shouldn't they pay tax like everyone else?

at least it is legal and regulated, so there's hope those who work there do it of their own free will

just like drugs prostitution won't go aways just because you ban it, it just means criminals will make money providing it, with no regulation what so ever


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Gregarious instinct.

experience in side of them.

The christianity as a concept is ~300 years older then Jesus. The success of the christianity is mostly due to the efforts of Paul rather then Jesus himself. Mohammed was an indoctrinational officer of the Abu Bahr's army. Not sure about the others.

wars or whatever.


Human being is an animal. Understand this, quit thinking, quit talking to yourself and quit pretending to be what you are not. That's the whole secret :))))



Acquiring stuff -> endorphins -> happiness.


Christ was showing was

Why not. This is no better or worse then any other method.

That always was and always is. Nothing changed.

the basis of it all.

Well if everybody will absorbe in nirvana then who will be cleaning the shit?


The Pope is just a CEO of the Catholic Church, Inc.


Life after death is another way for not paying the bills. The efficient doctrine should produce the results now, here and for real.

there, or at least it can be.

What point are you trying to make?

Reply to
Vladimir Vassilevsky


Global warming? You hadn't heard the news? They finally figured that out...

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-- Cheers, James Arthur

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There are several old-line PNP saturated switches that are gold- doped. I don't remember the part numbers off hand, but they're in the old Nat'l Semi transistor book. 2n4209, maybe?

They're pretty fast, ~1 or 2 nS edges IIRC, but not saturating them is better still.

I measured some GHz rf transistors for a pulse application a couple decades ago. They're VERY slow if you let them saturate--don't let them!--but scream if you don't.

The old-fashioned brute-force way was a long-tailed NPN with a vicious L-R pull-up (or current source) collector load.

-- Cheers, James Arthur

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Or else what? You're proposing converting us to atheism by force?

Nice liberal sentiment, that.


Phil Hobbs

Dr Philip C D Hobbs
Principal Consultant
ElectroOptical Innovations LLC
Optics, Electro-optics, Photonics, Analog Electronics

160 North State Road #203
Briarcliff Manor NY 10510

hobbs at electrooptical dot net
Reply to
Phil Hobbs


Yup. Its a legal profession and people make money so they have to pay tax and charge VAT. OTOH they can deduct expenses like condoms and breast implants :-)

Failure does not prove something is impossible, failure simply
indicates you are not using the right tools...
nico@nctdevpuntnl (punt=.)
Reply to
Nico Coesel

"converting US to ATHEISM by FORCE"

What loud words! Inflated nostrils and blazing eyes! BTW, Phil, your words, not mine :)))))

Religious martir you are; like Osama bin Laden.

Reply to
Vladimir Vassilevsky



So we look the other way when the question regarding the residency permit comes up?

Oh yeah, if we give up fighting it we just make it legal. Sorry, but you will not convince me of that. I have lived in the Netherlands for about

6 years and seen the sad aftermath of that. Including some funerals.
Regards, Joerg
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Indeed. The most succesfull companies I worked for never cut on measuring equipment.

I buy as much equipment as I (financially) can. Even though I use some of my equipment less than once a year its still worth it because of the time saved.

Failure does not prove something is impossible, failure simply
indicates you are not using the right tools...
nico@nctdevpuntnl (punt=.)
Reply to
Nico Coesel

5V+ and






d I







Remember the patents? Massive over-voltage drive to overcome L(g-s), then back-off quickly to save the gate from destruction.

If you had a fast drive waveform you could just bootstrap a top-side N- fet.

-- Cheers, James Arthur

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  • DROOL *

Anyone aware of one that's still made, and small?

When you break the 1nsec barrier all those measures are off-limits. Everything must be shorter than 1/10", impedance-controlled, and zero nanohenries. All it takes is a wee bouncy-bounce into saturation and game's over.

Regards, Joerg
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Not really. Way too old. The book 'Il Principe' by Machiavelli gives an interesting insight in the politics in Italy around 1500. At that time the Pope was a warlord and the church just invented how to make money by charging people for not visiting the church and other 'taxes'.


I told my grandfather to send a postcard if there is an afterlife. So far the mailbox has been empty :-(

Failure does not prove something is impossible, failure simply
indicates you are not using the right tools...
nico@nctdevpuntnl (punt=.)
Reply to
Nico Coesel

lly I

, and I















d from



of course not, why should it be any different than if they were working cleaning hotelrooms, picking strawberries or something else? if they work they should pay tax and have the permit to live and work in that country

do you think a ban would fix that?


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Fairchild refers to MMBT4209 in their cross-reference .PDF, if that's any kind of clue.

Oh this was well under 1nS--that was the whole idea. The application needed a

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use a

the next




Right. We boot them from a plugin serial flash chip, which also holds an enormous FPGA configuration file. The 3250 is for high-end stuff that needs the compute power and hardware floating point and DRAM and junk that the 17xx chips don't have.


Reply to
John Larkin



Oh, here's what they're calling it these days:

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Don't believe the timing specs, those are absurd. You have to drive the ever-lovin'-snot out of it, but I've gotten its MMBT2369 brother to switch an order of magnitude faster than those specs.

It's still better to not saturate them. Even a simple b-c schottky makes a world of difference. I think I drove my test samples with

74ACxx logic, series resistor, || a few pF, Vdd=3D+5v.

-- Cheers, James Arthur

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