RoHS AKA Woah, Hoss!

Right, just like Bush, with the marriage amendment. What we need is a revolt to kick him and his cronies out of office. Are you in?

    - Win
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Winfield Hill
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No ;-)

...Jim Thompson

-- | James E.Thompson, P.E. | mens | | Analog Innovations, Inc. | et | | Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems | manus | | Phoenix, Arizona Voice:(480)460-2350 | | | E-mail Address at Website Fax:(480)460-2142 | Brass Rat | |

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| 1962 | I love to cook with wine. Sometimes I even put it in the food.

Reply to
Jim Thompson

You don't like democracy?


Reply to
John Larkin

You know I've been "in" from the start, so to speak.

Let's start a write-in campaign, "Vote None Of The Above", a la "Brewster's Millions", and write in my name, Richard M. Grise.

I'll fire the IRS and introduce legislation to rescind the income tax amendment. I'd make the department of defense actually _do_ defense, instead of going out on invasions all over the world.

You know, that sort of thing - world peace, and all that. :-)

I read an interesting editorial that the best price controls on oil are the fact that it's so freaking expensive - when pople can't afford to drive to work any more, they'll find a different way to get to work, and stop buying exorbitant gasoline, and the oil companies won't make any profit, and the system will self-regulate.

Cheers! Rich

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Richard The Dreaded Libertaria

On Tue, 06 Jun 2006 03:13:20 GMT, Richard The Dreaded Libertarian Gave us:

And pay for it with what?

Reply to
Roy L. Fuchs

Roy, You came onto me, remember. You keep sending me emails asking me to make love to you. You seek responses from me. You are experiencing some sort of excitement and obsession with me. However, no matter how much you wish it, I do not wish to be your lover. I am straight, you are gay. Find another man to bring you justification in your life. Sorry.

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On Tue, 6 Jun 2006 00:17:03 -0500, "Brian" Gave us:

Get this straight, you retarded mother fucker. I do NOT send ANY emails to ANYONE in ANY of these newsgroups.

I have other ways of finding out who you are, so you had better watch your ass with you lying bullshit or it will likely get stuffed with a splintery hunk of wood so large that even you won't enjoy it.

Reply to
Roy L. Fuchs

He's just fantasizing.


Reply to
John Larkin

I can honestly say GW has disappointed me more than any other president I was alive for. He turned his back on all of us.

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You know, it would be refreshing to know what elected officials really think, even if stupid. At least you could figure out what they are thinking. I miss Jesse Ventura in that regard. Right now, I can't really tell what ANY of them think and want until its too dang late. I think thats what they want, though, it eliminates the possibility of debate proving them wrong before they get what they want.

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Yep, europeans arn't too keen on him either, apart from Tony B liar

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Reply to
martin griffith

Apparently the lead replacement chemicals in petrol are cascinogenic, but the press eventually moved on to other topics!

Reply to
ian field

Years ago in my TV repair days I was called out to repair one of those small 'portable' sets (mains only but has a handle on top) the little old lady who owned it told me that the "picture went all wavy, then the set went off". When I opened it I found that all the boards surrounded the tube neck like a box and the PSU reg board was at the to - and so upside down. The TO-5 transistor driving the TO-3 series pass regulator had overheated and unsoldered itself (a smart thump from the little old lady probably broke the molten solders surface tension!) The TO-5 transistor was laying in the bottom of the chassis and tested perfectly OK when I checked it! Once it was refitted it was obvious that the wavy picture was caused by an OC reservoir cap, a replacement got the set working properly.

This would never have happened with the higher melting lead free solder - the transistor would have fallen out long before the cap failed!!!

Reply to
ian field

Petrol always contained benzene which is rather bad. Lead is still lead in the exhaust, organics burn.

The lead replacement (methyl tert butyl ether, MTBE) gives an awful taste to drinking water, and it migrates fast under ground; that caused the stink. It is supposed to burn in the engine.

An alternative would be alcohol, but big oil doesn't like to give power to big farming.


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The benefit from removing lead in Petrol is to allow the use to catalytic converters not the removal of lead which wasn't really causing any problem. On balance probably a good thing for vehicles with converters and a bad thing for those without.

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Lead allowed the use of cheaper valve materials. But gasoline did contain quite a lot of lead I think. Not healthy in a city at least.

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seems interesting on this subject.


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