Re: OT: Global warming strikes again.

They "are" sharing - by sacrificing your livelihood.

Reply to
Robert Baer
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Concern over the quality of the science that is making it possible for it not to happen is not inappropriate. If you had any sense, you should be worried by a state of affairs where Exxon=3DMobil and their friends can discredit sound science by paying for a few million dollars worth of anti-scientific propaganda.

In the not all that long term, anything useful that I do will be washed away by the consequences of continuing anthropogenic global warming.

Exxon-Mobil and its friends have now set up a situation where it seems that we will need some kind of climate catastrophe killing a couple of million people before the population will be again minded to take anthropogenic global warming seriously.

We will then be scrambling to do what we should be doing now to slow down anthropogenic global warming, but without the time to do it gradually and pianlessly. We'll probably be too busy to set up Nuremberg-style "climate war crimes" tribunals to hang every last survivor of the Exxon-Mobil board, and the surviving staff of the Heartlands Institute and the rest of the lying propaganda machine.

Your grandchildren may be able to take the time out to spit on your grave, unless it is under water by then.

-- Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

Reply to
Bill Sloman


I certainly lack the opportunity. Your judgement is coloured by the fact that I don't take your ignorant pontifications as seriously as you'd like.

-- Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

Reply to
Bill Sloman

Well, there you go. No facts, so resort to ad hominem.

Ho hum.

Reply to
Rich Grise

This from a guy who attributes my rational - and argued in detail - support for anthropogenic global warming to "faith".

Rich, the reason that I can't attack your comments on the basis of the facts adduced, is that your comment is - itself - pure ad hominem. You are hoist by your own petard.

-- Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

Reply to
Bill Sloman

OK, show me.

Thanks, Rich

Reply to
Rich Grise

Show you what? Enough of a physics education that you can understand the scientific case for anthropogenic global warming?

-- Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

Reply to
Bill Sloman

Our house is 365 feet above sea level. The cabin is at 6400. Whoever inherits them will do fine.


Reply to
John Larkin

You mean the more that people rely on AGW for funding the more they are likely to 'believe' in it?


Reply to
Nial Stewart

Climate Prognoses ?Not Worth The Paper They?re Printed On?

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Whoa! Germany?s got a new enfant-terrible. Someone has just bolted though the Climate Berlin Wall, big time. Climatologists are dissenting, and it?s even being reported. The normally quite alarmist Austrian online Der Standard published a shocking article yesterday headlined:

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Vienna ? Climate protectors and experts in Cancun will be forced to increasingly defend their earth-warming models against mounting criticism. ?We just know way too little about the various factors that influence climate and cannot possibly make any reliable prognoses?, says the managing director of and climatologist Karsten Brandt.?

"For example, measurement stations in the Antarctic, or also in the Atlantic, have recorded falling temperatures over the last 10 years. Those with the greatest interest are the politicians, and their scientists who are funded by billions. If they ever admitted there is no climate change, they would make themselves redundant."

"The latest NASA measurements show significantly colder sea surface temperatures than seen in the past years."


Reply to
Nial Stewart

You seem remarkably well primed about Watts and his output for someone who (almost) never visits the site.

I am a fairly regular reader at Real Climate and occaisionally at Tamino's Open Mind.

Having looked at both sides of the argument I'm not convinced (as you might have guessed).


Reply to
Nial Stewart

Sloman has no interest in facts, or in ever actually doing anything. He just hangs out here to generate ritual insults and puff up his useless ego. All his arguments are secondhand at best.

He'd better-spend his time panhandling downtown to scrape up enough money to buy a decent DVM. I assume his wife won't fund it.


Reply to
John Larkin

I tend to believe he really does work. For one of George Soros's spin factories. Where else would he keep getting funds to pay his internet bill?

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I've got no evidence that the top-ranked climate scientists are funded from a pot labelled "anthropogenic global warming" and I doubt that any such pot exists. I presume these people apply for research grant money in the usual way, and the grants are assessed by the usual funding agencies, who probably fund all phsyical science grants out of one not-all-that-large pot.

Quality of research does matter, but it is assessed by the quality of the papers written, the impact factors of the journals they get published in and the citation numbers that the papers eventually accumulate.

Me-too research is hard to publish and doesn't get cited much. New points of view and unexpected results are much more profitable, so the researchers aren't interested in confirming anthropogenic global warming as such, but rather in finding new ways of looking at the processes involved.

This isn't "believing" in anthropogenic global warming, but rather more trying to take it to bits to find out how the - hypothetical - processes involved fit together and influence one another.

-- Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

Reply to
Bill Sloman


The house is a bit too close to the coast for comfort. It won't go under - unless the Antarctic ice sheet decides to slide off into the ocean - but its access roads, its connection to main drainage and its fresh water supply may all need work from time to time. If your local shopping centre is closer to sea level, the house might become less desirable with a sea level rise of only 36.5 feet, which is roughly what the Greenland ice sheet with deliver when it decides to slide off into the sea.

-- Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

Reply to
Bill Sloman

the Climate Berlin

ed. The normally quite

day headlined:

ingly defend

oo little about the

ble prognoses , says


tic, have recorded

rest are the politicians,

ere is no climate

ratures than seen in > the past years."

The managing direct of the forecasting service sounds as if he knows as much about climate science as you'd expect from a management clown. He says

"modellers just do not take lots of factors like solar activity and ocean currents into account, and overestimate CO2=E2=80=B2s impact"

If he knew what he was talking about he'd be aware that the latest climate models do figure in the - small - contribution from variations in solar activity (which correlates with sun-spot number) and that the climate models are starting to incorporate the cocean current data that we have been getting from the Argo buoy project over the past few years.

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Newpapers do pay more attention to management clowns than they deserve, and you've demonstrated your ignorance - once again - by serving up a contentless newspaper report as if it meant something.

-- Bill Sloman,Nijmegen

Reply to
Bill Sloman

About 5 miles. How is the ocean going to get me? Earthquakes are a serious hazard, high water ain't.

It won't go

Are you now projecting a sea level rise of 365 feet?

but its access roads, its connection to main drainage and its

Safeway is uphill from here, with a nice, scenic network of stairways on the way [1]. Or I can hike through the canyon, a little awkward with bags of groceries. The company building is at +19 feet, so it might be in trouble in a few hundred years. Now you really, really have me worried.

Do any fun electronics lately?


[1] San Francisco is full of stairways, some of them famous.

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Reply to
John Larkin

His wife pays for it so she doesn't have to sleep with him.

For the last time:  I am not a mad scientist, I'm just a very ticked off
Reply to
Michael A. Terrell


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Climate Berlin

The normally quite


increasingly defend

little about the

prognoses , says

have recorded

are the politicians,

is no climate

temperatures than seen in > the past years."

Someone suspects there is more solar involvement in climate:

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The University of Colorado Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) and NASA?s Goddard Space Flight Center announced the formation of a new collaborative research center dedicated to the study of the Sun?s effect on Earth?s climate.

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Pilewskie said, ?The exciting thing about this collaboration is that we believe it will promote studies to help answer a key question about the climate system: how does Earth?s atmosphere respond to the sun?s variability, and how does that affect climate? This question is particularly important now, as we seek to quantify the human-induced impact on Earth?s climate.? /end quote

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Of course. Nobody's going to get a multi-million dollar research grant for discovering that there was never anything to worry about in the first place.

Science by Consensus: "Hey, let's all vote on what the speed of light is!"

Cheers! Rich

Reply to
Rich Grise

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