OT: The "Sweden Incident"

I'm not. Where do I say I agree with it in any way? Fundamentalists of most religions seem to have obnoxious views. And not every follower of a religion is a fundamentalist.

And to be clear I don't equate Islam and Christianity as they are currently practiced.

Modern Christianity, in the west, now has a relatively mild interpretation. Western culture has moved on from stonings, religious crusades and witch burning. Much of the Islamic world has too but it started later and seems to have a lot further to go.


John Devereux
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John Devereux
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Your leftist moral equivalence shows clearly though.

You certanly are!

The two are nothing alike, in theory or practice. That you think they are says everything about *you*.

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Which particular set of ten? Different groups of Christians (and Jews) vary.

Certainly /some/ of the commandments match up with most law systems throughout history, such as "do not kill" and "do not steal". But others are very religious in nature, and have nothing to do with rule-by-law - "thou shalt have no other gods before me", etc. And it is completely missing other key aspects of most rule-by-law, such as a requirement to obey authorities, requirements for honesty (in at least some circumstances), and "do unto others as you would be done by".

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David Brown

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I think you just haven't bothered to understand what Islam is really all about. This is understandable. Most don't bother.

-- Kevin Aylward

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Kevin Aylward

What evidence is there to support this nonsense?

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Cursitor Doom

Going back to just the 10 Commandments would put an *awful* lot of lawyers out of business. ;->

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Cursitor Doom

George is just coping by mentioning some Muslim he knows is a good guy.

I have a very good friend who's an Iranian... doesn't prove that the Iranian government is made up of good guys. ...Jim Thompson

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     Thinking outside the box... producing elegant solutions.
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Jim Thompson

I don't think that an enthusiasm for "faith schools" is the strongest evidence for that. Polly Toynbee doesn't like "faith schools" so they can't be all bad.

Blair went to Fettes School in Edinburgh, which does have a chapel, so he may have been biassed.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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If only the lawyers followed the ten...

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They do. Religiously. The trick is misleading people by telling them the truth is a way that conceals it. Trump hasn't mastered that, and probably never will.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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No money in it. Simplicity is anathema to lawyers since it generates minimal fees. They thrive on complexity. Pity clients don't!

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Cursitor Doom

The irony is that if you read some of the far Right's thoughts about "masculinity", particularly the sort of "Christian Masculinity" stuff that comes from American Evangelicals, it's actually horrifically anti-male; that male sexuality is all evil and predatory while women are angels to be appeased and provided for.

They spend money to put up billboards like this:

"Appreciate it"? That's all I'm supposed to expect out of a relationship? Fuck you, my girlfriend has a job like everyone else and isn't a huge mooch. Being a mother is the second most common thing in the world after sex, and these guys act like women instantly deserve a medal for doing it.

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sound surprisingly similar to the far left feminists view of men and women

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Lasse Langwadt Christensen

That is interesting, isn't it!

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It's from *Fake News CNN* so you have to factor in that they're only showing you the left-most part of the sign. The real sign is twice as long with a meaning that's totally different to the selectively cropped text shown here. The more imaginative and humorous among us will have tons of fun working out what the missing portion of text says. ;-)

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Cursitor Doom

two side of the same coin, religions, one taught in churches the other in gender studies courses

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Lasse Langwadt Christensen

"Please leave men alone, find a different villain for once. Thanks!"

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My girl has a master's degree in it and has been cooking me dinner three nights a week for over a year; if she's just biding her time to slip

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s -








she need you to help pay her student debt from an utterly useless pseudo degree? ;)

Reply to
Lasse Langwadt Christensen

Indeed, my 3rd partner, after my 1st and 2nd wives, is Iranian. She left Iran after the revolution, for obvious reasons. She is an atheist.

Hence, one might appreciate how I have spent some time researching just what Islam is all about.

I cant see how any rational person, after reading some of the wikiislam articles, can have any sort of positive view about Islam.

-- Kevin Aylward

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Kevin Aylward

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