OT: The "Sweden Incident"

What the f*ck is the "Daily Express"? Is that like the National Enquirer? Sell it at the market checkout to let you know what Elvis is up to these days?

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What rapes and murders do you have in mind? ISIS in Syria and Irak has the power to behave badly and get away with it, but they don't seem to have all that many representatives in Sweden, and the occasional badly behaved Musl in immigrant probably shouldn't be counted as an Islamic thug.

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While the actual Thugs seem to have originated from Muslim tribes, they wer en't identified as particularly religious - it was more a heritable occupat ion than a cult.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Bill Sloman, Sydney
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It is a UK newspaper, if you use the term "newspaper" loosely, since its stories are designed to gratify its reader's prejudices, rather than offer them any kind of factual information.

Cursitor Doom is addicted to it.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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lions, it is an invasion.


I did look it up.

in?v?ZH?n/ noun noun: invasion; plural noun: invasions

an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force. "the Allied invasion of Normandy" synonyms: occupation, capture, seizure, annexation, annexing, takeover; More storming, incursion, attack, assault "the invasion of the island" antonyms: withdrawal an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity. "stadium guards are preparing for another invasion of fans" synonyms: influx, inundation, flood, rush, torrent, deluge, avalanc he, juggernaut "an invasion of tourists" an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain. "random drug testing of employees is an unwarranted invasion of pri vacy" synonyms: violation, infringement, interruption, intrusion, encroac hment, disturbance, disruption, breach "an invasion of my privacy"


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The alleged terrorist attack in Sweden suggested by mr. Trump in his Flor ida rally is in news her, as the swedes are not aware of any such attack ha ving happened. It seems mr. Trump was rather inspired by the Fox documentar y about the effects of immigration. Dagens Nyheter - with approximately sim ilar standing as USA Today has in the US - published a comment by the very same swedish policemen who were interviewed by Fox, they say they were quot ed out of context ...


... to extent that the whole documentary is completely misleading. The swed ish Prime Minister also got provoked

tinyurl.com/hdg3dn2 .

I don't know what the realistic total assesment of the immigrant situatio n in Sweden would be, as I keep hearing wildy differing accounts. We have a related discussion going on here, we received roughly 50 000 asylum seeker s in year 2015 (the top year). The immigration criticizers here are making a lot of noise about rapes and other crimes by the immigrants, and say that the mainstream media is downplaying the ill effects. What they are claimin g contradicts my experience so far. But the matter is complicated and our s ituation is rather recent as compared with Sweden and Denmark for instance.

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It's a fairly similar situation in Norway. The crime rate due to asylum seekers is very low, but clearly it is not zero. Many of these people have suffered a great deal, and they come to a country that is completely different from where they lived, and are unable to speak the language. It takes time to get used to a new country. Some are too traumatised to do anything much for a while. Some turn to crime as the only way they can feel they are making a living. Some get exploited by other criminals and pushed into crime - they simply do not understand enough of life in their new country to avoid it. Some crimes they commit here were not viewed as crimes in their homeland (domestic violence is a prime example).

In the case of rape, asylum seekers and refugees are overrepresented in rape assault cases - but are far from being the majority group. And assault rape is a tiny percentage of rape, most of which is date rape, "friend" rape, party rape, etc. To complicate matters, reported rape incidents have gone up significantly in recent times - not because there is more rape, but there is less tabu about reporting it. However, wild claims and accusations about evil foreigners generates more facebook advertising income and populist party votes than dry facts and statistics. (Our tabloids like a good scandal, but we don't really have any newspaper to compare to the UK Daily Express.)

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David Brown

Sloman seems to believe that if it doesn't appear in the WaPo or the NYT it never happened. He lives in his own little bubble where everything is

**just...fine** and nothing horrible ever happens. :-D
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Cursitor Doom

Thanks for that. I always find it most reassuring when someone I've never heard of with no provenance at all buts in out of nowhere to tell me everything's just fine.

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Cursitor Doom

What about this...

...Jim Thompson

| James E.Thompson                                 |    mens     | 
| Analog Innovations                               |     et      | 
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems  |    manus    | 
| STV, Queen Creek, AZ 85142    Skype: skypeanalog |             | 
| Voice:(480)460-2350  Fax: Available upon request |  Brass Rat  | 
| E-mail Icon at http://www.analog-innovations.com |    1962     | 

     Thinking outside the box... producing elegant solutions.
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Jim Thompson


and the gangs not liking it one bit, that's what happening, whenever they catch a leader figure things tend to ignite. Happens in the US as well, nothing new there. Also, note that the police actually walked off with the person they detained, so as far as the gang is concerned, it was a fail, and there will probably will be fallout for the gang member captured because his pals decided to riot to such an extent police had to fire for effect immediately (there are very strict rules when cops here may fire for effect immediately without firing warning rounds).

But I know that you will dismiss me as one of Soros' paid shills, even though he has not paid me one dime, you will dismiss me as a liar, even though I live 20 min from Rinkeby, and used to live there at one point in time.

The problems aren't about muslim or third world immigrants, the problem is about policies which have allowed for social problem areas to emerge and fester. That's why two-timing good for nothing politicians blame immigrants, blame muslims, because they don't want to hark up the moolah

of what austerity measures does to an area. It used to be a decent neighborhood before certain politicians began cost cutting...

Like, take Storvreten in Southern Stockholm Co for example. When I lived there, it was a majority European neighborhood, but socially problematic, and had its share of problems. Nowadays, it is a different ethnic mix, but the exact same problems in the neighborhood.

The problem never was about immigrants or muslims, it has always been about not doing anything about social problems when you see them emerge. The sooner you realize that, the less harsh your the reality check coming your way will be.

[End Rant]



teostupiditydor@algonet.se | for you are good and crunchy with 
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Teodor V.

Just as we thought. Nothing to see here; move on, move on!

That makes you one of Soros' *unpaid* shills, then. :-D

Wow, what a stroke of luck! So you know all about it at first hand, then. What a remarkable coincidence!

Right... so the lesson is, if you're going to take in Muslim refugees, then you must look after them properly; shower them with benefits, put them up in the finest accommodation in the best neighbourhoods (the British approach) and if you don't then they'll understandably become angry and trash everything. Sounds fair.

Gosh, who would have thought that! Amazing!

OK, got it. Keep the champagne and hookers coming and all will be well. Thanks!

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Cursitor Doom

The Washington Post who employs a science-denier like George Will on their editorial staff is your example of a leftist paper?


There are a lot of leftist rags out there but I definitely wouldn't consider the WaPo to be one of them

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Youre one lying asshole. This guy says the place was like a "war zone"

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Julian Barnes

You know what one of the first things a conman does to a mark is? Convinces him (or her) that everyone is lying, teaches him (or her) mind stopping tricks such as looking for "suspicious" strokes of luck or remarkable coincidences in order to dismiss information which would reveal the con.

It works so well at times that the mark can, when faced with overwhelming evidence of the con, fall into a belief that there is a concerted effort to make him (or her) doubt the conman (or conwoman). A conspiracy...

Actually, it happens regardless if the people are Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Jew or freaking Pastafarian... Allowing social problems to grow in a geographic area, and you inevitably end up with a problem neighborhood. It happens with Black, White, Yellow or freaking Polka Dot neighborhoods.

And it happens more easily with groups who come from wartorn areas, because the conditions which lead to people fleeing their home in themselves cause social problems. It's actually one of the shortcomings of Swedish policy, that the freedom of movement refugees are allowed causes ethnic groups with social problems to pool, the NIMBY attitude in posher neighborhoods further amplifying it.

There is talk of restricting the places where a refugee can move initially to spread the load more evenly, in order to spread the load more evenly geographically so the social problems can be dealt with both cheaply and before they grow to big problems.

It's no secret. Again, I clearly see you are behaving like a mark. Like, what reason would I have to lie about something which you can easily access the stats for? I mean, in Sweden, certain stats actually are a matter of public record... Oh yeah, I forgot, there is a very old conspiracy in place to put false stats into the public record to lull the population into a false sense of security for the coming invasion... You still don't see the con?

You don't need to look further than into some of the deep red areas of the US, which voted overwhelmingly for a certain presidential candidate. Same social problems I talked about, same cost-cutting exercises, and more or less totally white neighborhoods.

Problem isn't one of a religious or ethnic group, it's one caused by bad policy, with the policymakers taking the easy way out and blaming others rather than themselves. Confidence tricks 101, always blame others for your own problems, never admit you made a mistake, especially if it's a bad one.

All isn't well. Things are incredibly f***ed up, more f***ed up than you are able to realize... And the harsher your reality check, the longer it will take for you to come to, get your hands dirty and actually deal with the god-forsaken mess... No time for champange and hookers for quite some time, if at al...


teostupiditydor@algonet.se | for you are good and crunchy with 
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Teodor V.

Check out news coverage about the riots in 2012 to 2014, this is slightly smaller if not the same magnitude as one of those widespread riots.

Do you know the person who made the video? Do you know he isn't knowingly or unknowingly lying? Do you know if the guy made a good job summarizing what happened?

Look at the video, he talks about police firing warning shots... It has been known since last morning local time that police actually fired for effect (i.e. intending very much to hit people). Not a sign he did a good job.

Not one word about Stockholm PD having for some time now focusing on taking gang members off the streets, keeping close eyes on them so they can't commit even the slightest misdemeanor without seeing the dreaded blue lights flashing.

They really don't like that kind of attention, because it prevents them doing what they want, so they try to provoke riots to scare the police away (which only worked temporarily last night.

Does the poor sod even dare to visit Rinkeby? Nope. I do, it's not worse than a 20-minute subway ride, and Rinkeby is the place to go if you want to put your hands on certain ethnic delicacies... He is clearly afraid of nothing, or he is intentionally trying to stoke peoples fears. I'm not sure which, but it's one of the previous.


teostupiditydor@algonet.se | for you are good and crunchy with 
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Teodor V.

You stink. Youre a phoney. I know peolpe in sweden speak very good english but yours is way too perfect, its better than mine so you are some kind of phoney sock puppet and full of SH1T.

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Julian Barnes

I graduated with a 4 on a 1 to 5 scale in advanced english, which because of my education in electronics also is my working language, meaning I've gotten to use it a lot in the 25 years since I graduated. I mean, doesn't every electronics nerd actually read datasheets? I actually can express myself better in writing in English than in Swedish. Spoken language it's the other way around...

You're looking for any excuses your feverish brain can come up with to be able to dismiss me, just like the good mark you are...


teostupiditydor@algonet.se | for you are good and crunchy with 
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Teodor V.


Typical socialist clap-trap... the "solution: Simply kiss up to the riff-raff and tell how sorry you are for their plight, change your laws to Sharia and let them run _your_ country ?

Bwahahahahahaha... I think I'm going to throw up.

Maybe, just to be safe, ban all visa's from Sweden? ...Jim Thompson

| James E.Thompson                                 |    mens     | 
| Analog Innovations                               |     et      | 
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems  |    manus    | 
| STV, Queen Creek, AZ 85142    Skype: skypeanalog |             | 
| Voice:(480)460-2350  Fax: Available upon request |  Brass Rat  | 
| E-mail Icon at http://www.analog-innovations.com |    1962     | 

     Thinking outside the box... producing elegant solutions.
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Jim Thompson

Not at all. Allowing social problems to pool will cause troubled neighborhoods regardless of the ethnicity of those living in it. You have numerous such /white/ neighborhoods not that many states away...

Dealing with a problem by not dealing with it is not a valid way to deal with a problem, it will only make things worse until things come to O SHI- moment.

*hands over barf bag* Good, get that poisoned food out of your system.

Wouldn't keep me out, hahahahaha!


teostupiditydor@algonet.se | for you are good and crunchy with 
Remove stupidity to reply  | ketchup.
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Teodor V.

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