OT Gas Prices and the Blame Game





I thought the Chinese already had well off the coast of Florida. In International waters.

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Yes - the symptoms are a sign that my body is fighting off the infection, i.e., my immune response in action!

And you know what? I always get better! ;-)

Cheers! Rich

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Richard The Dreaded Libertaria

...HPV probably kills more women, and is

You can die of warts?

Thanks, RIch

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Richard The Dreaded Libertaria

There were three drug addicts shooting up in the park one day, and some little old lady comes by and shrieks, "You're sharing a needle! You'll get AIDS!!!!"

One of the addicts says, "That's OK, lady, we're wearing condoms."

Cheers! Rich

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Richard The Dreaded Libertaria

Are we talking about the same thing? I mean magneto-hydrodynamic generators, ones that use a magnetic field to extract electricity directly from a high-velocity plasma. That was all the rage once.


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John Larkin

Yep. Look up Woodson and Melcher.

...Jim Thompson

| James E.Thompson, P.E.                           |    mens     |
| Analog Innovations, Inc.                         |     et      |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC\'s and Discrete Systems  |    manus    |
| Phoenix, Arizona  85048    Skype: "skypeanalog"  |             |
| Voice:(480)460-2350  Fax: Available upon request |  Brass Rat  |
| E-mail Icon at http://www.analog-innovations.com |    1962     |
         America: Land of the Free, Because of the Brave
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Jim Thompson

I haven't kept up with it, but I think the working "fluid" for UHV is NaK instead of a plasma.

...Jim Thompson

| James E.Thompson, P.E.                           |    mens     |
| Analog Innovations, Inc.                         |     et      |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC\'s and Discrete Systems  |    manus    |
| Phoenix, Arizona  85048    Skype: "skypeanalog"  |             |
| Voice:(480)460-2350  Fax: Available upon request |  Brass Rat  |
| E-mail Icon at http://www.analog-innovations.com |    1962     |
         America: Land of the Free, Because of the Brave
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Jim Thompson

Can you imagine the uproar if HPV was transmitted other than sexually? Any deadly infectious disease that had infected over a quarter of teenage women would be the #1 health concern, but it isn't. HIV isn't even in the same league, but is treated similarly.

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Good idea. I actually have that kit, still in the wrapper. I'd forgotten about it.

The original CoolRunner has been obsoleted, so I wonder if the old kit's compatible with the slightly differently-featured CoolRunner II. Worth a try, for sure. (It has a release date of 10/1996, so I'm guessing it's a safe bet a P-III Win98 machine will run it like a cat with its tail on fire.)

ATF1502BE...another hit! You're batting 1,000. With some digging, Atmel offers WinCUPL as a free 35MB download (after registration), a "legacy" development tool for it. Win98 is supported, so that saves getting XP Pro or Vista.

Could even use an old GAL22V10 for experimenting--I have the software and programmers--but it draws ~100mA at 5V, which would be a huge nuisance. I have to make Vdd from +50-80v and would prefer a linear regulator with a

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James Arthur

Ever hear of cervical cancer?

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Cervical cancer.

James Arthur

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James Arthur

I read the article, it still sounds like voodoo science to me. Pursued with much vigor and poor rigor.

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Except for those parts that are indian reservations. Plus it is tough to do stuff in national parks.

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Jim, it is blood-borne. They have a lot of trouble trying to teach drug users not to share needles.

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I believe we have evidence of google recognizing that a problem exists. Instead of a CAPTCHA per account it is a CAPTCHA per post. I'll bet they strictly limit addressee's now. Prediction: The USENET newsgroups get hammered with spam.

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It is a disease that as its first stage of infection devastates the immune system. Most pathogens attempt to do this but only a handful of really nasty ones are successful or evoke a near lethal shock response - like malaria, cholera, TB, anthrax, ebola, rabies.

But the cold virus has co-evolved with us and is relatively benign now.

If you have ever had chicken-pox as a child then the live virus is almost certainly still hiding from your immune system in a latent form inside nerve ganglia. It can reactivate as shingles in the adult.

If the H5N1 strain of bird flu becomes human to human transmissible you may not be so sure. Infection presently has a 30% kill rate.

AIDS is a particularly effective disease that takes down a significant component of the immune system and then opportunistic infections move in to take advantage. It is lucky for us that the virus responsible is not robust and easily killed outside the body. The multiple drug resistant strains of TB now appearring in the HIV compromised population represent a serious long term threat to the rest of us. Uk stopped vaccinating against TB some while ago (and the vaccine was always a bit iffy).

Clear proof here that Dreaded Libertarians are dreadfully ignorant.

Regards, Martin Brown

** Posted from
formatting link
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Martin Brown

I still have a copy of ICTPlace. In a pinch you could use Winplace. These were from a long gone company called ICT. You could select the macrocell options by clicking that then write the equations in a nice little editor.

ICT made really wonderful parts and had this great software but unfortunately, I designed in their main product. I am still batting

1000 on every time I design in a makers programable part, they quit making it.

ICT had a part that was a lot like a 22V22. It was very handy.

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What are you guys using to define the functionality? Best regards, Spehro Pefhany

"it\'s the network..."                          "The Journey is the reward"
speff@interlog.com             Info for manufacturers: http://www.trexon.com
Embedded software/hardware/analog  Info for designers:  http://www.speff.com
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Spehro Pefhany

You got that part wrong. They are subsidizing the profits of the oil companies. Not the price of gasoline. The extra money goes into the pocket of the oil company.


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Genetics and microbiology (by comparison), look a lot more difficult than electrical engineering!! Wonder if I made the right choice?

For example, I recently learned that what was once considered "junk DNA" is mostly pieces-parts of old viruses - which now make up the midocondrial parts of our cells. Researches have also discovered (at least is some studies) that junk DNA is anything but.

One article I read about junk DNA and HIV in particular showed that early human response to HIV-like virus "installed" a defense in modern day populations to that ancient strain which now puts us at huge risk for certain variants - but other primates evolved a different defense and can actually be protected. (This might have been bird flu, not HIV, now that I think about it.)

Anyway, the point is this whole immunity and co-mingling of viruses within living things is fascinating stuff. If a bit complicated to grasp....


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