in the 80's

What they passed just makes worse all the things that are wrong.

Our health care is excellent--the best there is--the problem is the cost. Obamacare costs considerably more. So, that makes our main problem worse. As a bonus, it crushes incentives to improve care.

Why do we rank lower? If you answer that, you'll know it's not due to medical care.

If the states want to do that they're certainly welcome to experiment. That's a healthy thing. Hasn't worked well though, where I've seen it.

The biggest insurer of all by far is the government. You're right, they're horrible.

-- Cheers, James Arthur

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Hmmm, well the 80's were pretty darn good, but it looks like there was a downside!

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Jimmy Carter had SOLAR WATER HEATERS installed on the White House.

Fell fre to learn how to spell.

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Michael A. Terrell

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White House Turns Up Heat With Solar Energy at Spa

With little fanfare, the Bush administration has installed three solar energy systems on the grounds of the White House.


But if the new systems are primarily symbolic, no one, it seems, has told the White House. President Bush, who uses solar power on his ranch in Texas, has yet to trumpet the little-noticed panels, as evidence,perhaps, of his support for renewable energy.

A spokeswoman for the White House said the administration considered the changes an internal matter that it did not need to publicize.

Written By: Brian Faler, Special to The Washington Post, Monday, February 3, 2003; Page A21

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The last two years of which have been presided over by Barack Hussein Obama.

Thanks, Rich

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Richard the Dreaded Libertaria

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So, who pays the astronomical bill for this grand socialist scheme? "The Rich?" What happens when they're taxed into poverty?

Europe and Canada have maintained the illusion that socialized medicine can work, because the people who have the means have had the safety valve of private medical care in the US. When Obamacare destroys that, then where will they turn?

Obammunism is taking the country down the same abyss that swallowed the former Soviet Union, and the socialist dupes are cheering him on.

However, I do hope that in the coming bloodbath when we throw out all the socialists, we don't snap to the other extreme of an anti-choice theocracy that wants to conquer the world rather than simply protect our borders.

Vote Libertarian! Thanks, Rich

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Richard the Dreaded Libertaria

Well, actually, insurance is kind of a stupid bet. The only way to win is to lose!

And mandatory _anything_ is evil and anti-American!

Thanks, Rich

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Richard the Dreaded Libertaria

All I was trying to say is, notwithstanding I'm broke, if I _had_ been able to have a continuous income, and invest in a savings plan, it wouldn't be either a 401K or any other government boondoggle - maybe "US Savings Bonds," but probaly more like a savings account or CD. :-)

How much did you lose on your 401K when the market tanked?

Thanks, Rich

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Richard the Dreaded Libertaria

Or bet on the "Don't Come" line, like Goldman-Sachs did, pissing everybody off. ;-P

Cheers! Rich

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Richard the Dreaded Libertaria

That's one of the more ignorant statements you've made. You bet a little to make sure you retain a lot.

Dunno, want to drive? Perhaps you ought to have the means to pay for your mistakes.

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I don't think that's going to happen this time, but if it does, two years won't be long enough to unwind the damage Obummer has done.

Might just as well vote Demonicrat.

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=A0Pay it.- Hide quoted text -

20% of the population owns 80% of the wealth and pays 80% of the tax. If they paid *100%* of the tax, they wouldn't be taxed into poverty and would still be rich. I wouldn't mind paying $700,000 in tax if I made a million. $300,000 is all I need.


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Bill Bowden

So you're saying that because you might have made poor decisions it was better to save nothing?

Zero. I moved my 401K into corporate bond funds ("stable value") at the end of '06 (contrary to some dingbats here, this recession wasn't surprising). I haven't made much since (4-5% per year) but lost nothing. I did take a pounding in '00, but gained all that back and a *lot* more between '00 and '06.

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Nah, the problem with GS is BO. If you want the master of the "don't come" bet it's George Soros.

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Have you recovered enough that the interest on your 401k is roughly comparable to your salary... or at least enough to support your desired standard of living indefinitely?

Hey, someone forwarded us the announcement about your systems now supporting multiple users talking simultaneously (after the "teaser" announcement back at NAB) -- from that I'm going to assume your software guys managed to get it all performing reasonably well. Congratulations! -- As far as I'm aware, that's a pretty unique feature.


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Joel Koltner


Nope, sorry Bill. (Has Doc been working his magic on you? :-)

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The top bracket pays just $70 billion a year in federal tax. The top

2% (gross income >$200K, like a small business owner with a couple employees) pays $480 billion in tax (51% of the total). (2005 numbers, from the IRS.)

We need $1,400 billion more a year just to break even, assuming interest rates stay super low. They won't.

-- Cheers, James Arthur

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Which only proves your never ending ignorance.

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Michael A. Terrell

Well, yes, of course, if I cause damage I should be held accountable. Or I could apply common sense and what I learned in Driver Training, and my couple years of experience, and simply not crash my car.

But forcing me, essentially at gunpoint (which is what government power is, after all), to buy a product I neither want nor need is just plain wrong. Ever heard of "armed robbery?"

Thanks, Rich

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Richard the Dreaded Libertaria

And 97% of all stastics are made up of numbers plucked from thin air. ;-)

Cheers! Rich

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Rich the Cynic

No, I'm saying that because I made poor decisions that I never had anything left over to save. ;-)

Thanks! Rich

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Rich Grise

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