in the 80's


The propagandist's job is to make you think that. They're definitely impressed. Terrified.

I read last week that 75%(!) of Americans believe their government is governing against their interest. That is the stuff of revolutions.

Several states have had enough--at some point people will just start ignoring Mr. O's laws. Missouri's at that point, Arizona's essentially there, Texas, and several other states are close too. Civil disobedience--MO's just approved it, with more to follow.

If we keep passing absurd laws that no one's read, no one's going to follow them either.

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If that were true Obamacare wouldn't have passed. They would have been thinking of the unemployment lines long before now.

I'm not buying it.

What are people going to do when their employer drops, or is forced to drop their insurance? What are they going to do when the taxes double? Pay it.

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Well, they're suicide Democrats. To re-find the article below I Yahoo'd "poll americans government against". The list of hits was amazing--2/3rds of America is against almost all the stuff Obama's doing.

I didn't say we have a revolution, I said this is the stuff of revolutions...


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Friday, July 16, 2010

The notion that governments derive their only just authority from the consent of the governed is a foundational principle of the American experiment.

However, a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 23% of voters nationwide believe the federal government today has the consent of the governed. Sixty-two percent (62%) say it does not, and 15% are not sure.


-- Cheers, James Arthur

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Get some very thin piano wire, very useful for snares and garrotes.

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And don't forget to make your own wood handles :-) ...Jim Thompson

| James E.Thompson, CTO                            |    mens     |
| Analog Innovations, Inc.                         |     et      |
| Analog/Mixed-Signal ASIC's and Discrete Systems  |    manus    |
| Phoenix, Arizona  85048    Skype: Contacts Only  |             |
| Voice:(480)460-2350  Fax: Available upon request |  Brass Rat  |
| E-mail Icon at |    1962     |

                   Spice is like a sports car... 
     Performance only as good as the person behind the wheel.
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Jim Thompson

I fear we're just going to have to learn the hard way, a la the (ex-) Soviet Union; but people will probably never learn - they'll just continue to do the same stupid crap and blame somebody else for their actions.


So, my plan is to stock up on water and canned foods, watch my jewels, and try to enjoy the ride when the whole card house comes crashing down.

Oh, BTW:

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(mind the wrap)

Cheers! Rich

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Richard the Dreaded Libertaria

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Yet 2/3rds of America isn't against OBAMA. If what you are saying were true, there wouldn't be a safe seat in Congress, this November.

The stuff not of revolutions is being well fed, so far.

Wonderful in theory. In reality, people are too easily bought with their own money.

That doesn't seem to be translating into much real change (and I don't mean the hopey kind), however.

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Not because I didn't play the stock market. ;-)

Cheers! Rich

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Richard the Dreaded Libertaria

You *are* still broke. If had saved (in a 401K, or whatever) you wouldn't be.

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Well these things take time to build, obviously. You have to have some patience. Societies don't turn on a dime.

Look, 71% of Missouri just voted to defy Obamacare, a law that's only a few months old and hasn't even kicked in. That's a pretty radical thing, isn't it--71% of a state voting for civil disobedience? In just a few months? Virginia and about 19 other states are suing in federal court too.

I spoke to my fave accountant today. She's 100% straight-arrow, colors within the lines, etc. On the Obamacare 1099 issue she said "Just don't do it. Don't send them in. People are sick of this stupid cr@p, for nothing, and we're just not going to do it. What can they do, arrest all of us? They don't have enough prisons." (paraphrased)

I 'bout fell out of my chair.

This government's wrecking the country, ruining our productive capacity and spending us to China--borrowing--to do it. Obama is to jobs what Pol Pot was to human beings. He preaches austerity whilst living in the ultimate luxury, his Empress closing beaches in Spain for her bathing pleasure; he promises unity but practices division. People get that. And he's encroaching on our every liberty. People get that too. Just because they don't run out in the street and scream every day doesn't mean they don't.

Have you seen pictures of the protests last year?


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Stay tuned.

-- Cheers, James Arthur

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Society may run off the cliff while trying to brake. Unlike Wyle E., the results may not be recoverable.

Lets see if they put their fortunes where there mouth is.

Just like the income tax, they don't have to arrest everyone. One in a thousand will keep the rest in line.

*Some* people get that. The other 40% don't care, or even like it. A significant percentage want him to go even further.

What's your bet for November? 30/5? 70/10? 30/5 isn't going to cut it.

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401K plans have several levels of risk. You don't have to play the stock market to participate. You could put it all in government bonds. There is also the advantage of tax deferment which lowers your wages and current tax liability. Also many employers match part of your contributions (free money).

Not exactly a scam, unless you shoot for the moon and miss.


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Bill Bowden



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Okay, the start of this thread was 'In The 80's' however this is 2010 (the next century to be exact) you may have loved Ronald Reagan (I was not so impressed) but that was then and this is now. No matter what the idiot tea-party folk think and no matter what the ignorant, self- serving, hypocritical republicans (not all republicans just about 90%) think, we are in the tenth year of the George Bush recession / depression. I blame Bush 100% for the situation we are in today. You could say that Obama and the democrates have done poorly or that they have not done enough but, the truth is they do not have, in the republicans, a partner in negotiations. The republicans early on adopted the tactic that, 'we will resist everything he does and make him fail', no matter how many people are hurt or how bad this strategy is for our country. Oh and for you folks out there who are right now saying, 'boy this guy is so wrong' please take note that your grandchildren will be reading in their history books that George Bush was the worst president in the history of the United States, bar none. GW's epitaph is already being written, and he deserves every word of it. Back to Ronnie Raygun for a moment, now he replaced Jimmie Carter, who was an intelligentman and a good man but, not a good or decisive leader. One example of the good thinking and the bad thinking of democrates vs republicans however is that Carter put solar panels on the white house roof, when Raygun came in, he had them removed (we would want any of that stupid green tree hugger shit to actually stick, we want to be sure that our friends in the oil business have maximum profits). The republicans always want to wave the flag and say how great everything is in the US and how everything we have and everything we do is so much better than the rest of the world. And yes, in so many ways, we do have a really far better way of life than most of the rest of the world even today in out financial mess. However we do not always have the best of everything and, no, we do not always do things in the best way. I could go on but, I am afraid that I would take up all the space available. I would only ask that you folks that disagree with me do a little remedial reading. Check out politcifact dot com and read about 'peak oil' we have larger problems on our horizon and we are still arguing about the problems of the past when we should be preparing for the challenges of the future. We are headded for an abyss we cannot contemplate. Godfrey Fell fre to email me directly...

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In the 80's, we also had "Computer Beach Party":

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Tim Shoppa



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Okay so I just could not resist posting another response to this thread. Specifically to 'Obamacare'. No I am not happy with what the congress produced but, with the ignorant ass republicans fighting them at every turn, it was all they thought they could do. What we should have wound up with is true universal health care, just like the rest of the world. Just for some education, our system of healthcare IS NOT the best in the world. The Netherlands and Japan hold that distinction. We rank number 30 in life expectancy and number 37th in infant mortality yet we spend double what the next most expensive country (Norway) does each year per-capita.Now folks, you can argue with a lot of things but when you argue with cold hard facts, you begin to seem pretty ignorant. I have a friedn who is a purple heart vietnam vet, he asks, but then I would lose my 'special benefits that I deserve'. Well frankly I do not think that the 'cattle call' that our vets have to put up with at vetrans hospitals is all that special. No, I we did have universal health care, I think the vets ought to be at the front of the line, very simple, we owe them. I would love to see heathcare co-ops in every municipal area of concentration, say a

100,000 t0 500,000 person medical district (cities like Dallas, Houston, Chicago Los Angeles would constitue their own medical district). These medical co-ops would be administered by the folks on the front lines, Nurses, Doctors, Hospital administrators and workers, Hospice and Home Health care agencies, the people who actually know what is going on and what needs to be done. The insurance companies, we do not need them, they are a total expense and add nothing to health care. We should hire all the soon to be laid off staffers at the insurance companies into the medical heath co-ops. Where will the funding come from? From the same place it is coming from now. A 'standard payment' should be set for large, small, and medium size companies and these payments should be funneled into a federal fund specifically for heath care (not into the general fund, this money should be doled out directly to the heath care co-ops do not let the spendthrift lawmakers get their hands on it). For all of you folks so dead set against universal heath care (not obama care I dont like that either), have you asked you doctors and nurse practicioners what they think about all this. Do not ask them, 'aren't you against all this obamacare stuff'. Ask them a simple honest question, if you were in charge, what would you do to change our helthcare system?
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=A0Pay it.

That means you just don't understand the mechanics or economics of it.

o The immediate predicament is because government insisted we give loans to people who shouldn't get house loans. Clinton started that, Bush continued it. Incredibly, Mr. Obama is STILL doing it.

o The longer term problem is that, like GM, we've agreed to spend more in entitlements than we have.

o Mr. Obama supported those, and wants to increase them on a grand scale. And he's doing it.

o The reason we're still in recession is that Mr. Obama is scaring and threatening everyone. But for that we'd have recovered from the immediate shock long ago. He's causing it. It's his recession. It could easily turn into his depression, too.

In every case, the problem stems from politicians meddling where they don't belong, like telling banks to make risky loans. In every case, the problems stem from people in the past doing what Mr. Obama, the Job Slayer, wants to do more of today.

There's no reason to meet 1/2 way on bad "solutions" that only make the problems worse, which are morally bankrupt, and which 2/3rds of the country does not want. American needs to be protected from those. Thank heaven we have one "check" left of the many checks and balances we're supposed to have.

Mr. Obama's doing all the wrong stuff. He's wasting money, increasing expenses, crushing private enterprise, saving the worst failed things that shouldn't be saved, and taking people's property, privacy, free speech, etc. Cash-for-clunkers and stimulus are for fools. Passing giant stupid bills by trickery without even reading them is horrid.

None of that is worthy of support, nor even partial support.

Meanwhile he's race-baiting, attacking citizens, dividing and conquering.

Oh pooh. The Democrats can do whatever they want--they have the votes. Right now they're hell-bent on unwinding the American revolution of 1776. They're having trouble doing it because 2/3rds of the people oppose them, and even some Democrats get that.

Nice rant! But do the math on solar panels, please.

-- Cheers, James Arthur

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It *WAS* all they could do, idiot! The 'D's have all the cards.

No, we certainly shouldn't have ("universal" health care). Slavery is not for "free" people. Just because more than half the planet lives under dictators, should we too?


"Life expectancy" is a very poor measure of health care. How about using cancer survival rate as your yard stick?

You have none. You have emotions and propaganda. Typical leftist nutcase.

But it is one of the "government in action" shining examples that you lefties throw up every time you're asked to show how government can do *anything* better than the private sector. Another is Medicaid. I was in a local hobble-in clinic today. I overhead the receptionist on the phone, "no we don't accept Medicaid". Don't accept money from your wonderful government? I wonder why?

Bullshit. Everyone would be at the back of the line, except your "leaders".

I would certainly rather have *anything* administered as locally as possible, but no government *administration* is better. Bureaucracies are corrupting; Bureaucrats are corrupt.

If you were king of the world, there would be no war, and everyone would have peach ice cream for breakfast, eh? Sorry, the world is an ugly place. Make the best of it. No one else will do it for you.

You should get rid of car and homeowner's insurance, too, then. Life insurance is bad. ALL insurance is bad. Off with their heads! Yeah, we hear that constantly from Obama.

Oh, that's worked out so well for Social Security (and *everything* else the government does).

I think I should be able to tell everyone how to design electronics, too. In fact, just call me the ELECTRONICS TZAR.

What a moron.

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Right. Even if your employer doesn't pony up a match (mine does, but won't tell you what it is until October of the *following* year - no thanks), there are IRAs, and both regular and Roth plans.

It's still not a "scam". Unless you're *really* foolish, like some of the Enron employees [*], you won't lose everything. Long term it's hard to lose anything with *any* kind of investment smarts.

[*] Bet everything on *your* company - foolish. ...and then ride the rock all the way to the basement.
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o drop

=A0Pay it.


Solar panel math is getting better. I know an ex councilman up north who has run a panel business for over 20 years. He tells me times were never better, phone is ringing off the hook. Sold a big system to Ted Turner a couple years ago, and works 6 days a week. Of course subsidies and tax credits do help.


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Bill Bowden

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