Conclusive physical evidence for AWG?

Feel a little pain do you? Truth always hurts!


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Maynard A. Philbrook Jr.
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ago in a social setting proves that you are not an Aspie, Sloman? Nice tr y.

yone and they mean well. That's always my assumption, even when their world

-views seem perverse. That's why Bill's interesting, if tiring.

change. It's a condition, not a choice.

n, part of our evolutionary diversity.)

Part of the syndrome seems to be difficulties in non-verbal communications, which is very unlikely to be a useful variation. It's a higher level defec t than deafness or blindness, but not much less crippling, since most of wh at makes us human consists of being able to deal with lots of other people.

It may free up large chunks of brain tissue for other use - some clever peo ple I know can't do face recognition, which apparently frees up almost as m uch brain tissue, but that clearly isn't crippling.

James Arthur has an even higher-level defect, which makes it impossible for him to understand facts that don't fit his political world view. That does seem to be crippling.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Bill Sloman

No pain at all. The truth might hurt, but you and Greegor don't seem to be able to find anything that looks remotely like it.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Bill Sloman



Reply to
Maynard A. Philbrook Jr.

I can't say for sure but you may be insulting wankers by associating Sloman with them.


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BS > Nobody sane has ever called BS > Uta Frith or Noam Choimsky rabid. Only idiots cannot see the emperors new clothes. Got it. BS > I'm not interested in Saul Alinsky, so I've got little idea of what ra tional people think about him. James Arthur doesn't like him. which has to be a recommendation. How convenient for you that you can disavow Saul Alinsky, the albatross around the necks of US lefties and socialists. That they refuse to rebuke and cast out such blatant evil is very telling. He is as sinister as the NSDAP ever was. G > You seem to have gigged me for spelling G > a word wrong and immediately disparaged G > my intelligence. G > Perfect Aspie behavior, Sloman! BS > It was a revealing mispelling. Going into a tirade over a misspelled word is a glaring giveaways on usenet. This Aspie behavior is common enough that Netiquette calls what you did a "spelling lame". BS > I couldn't disparage your intelligence any more effectively than you d o yourself - I do observe that you post nonsense at regular intervals, whic h does suggest that you are pretty stupid, but if you confined yourself to posting about subjects that you did understand, your intellectual defects w ould be less obvious. BS > Only in your demented imagination. G > Ask your shrink acquaintance which tests G > she thinks would detect your Aspergers, Sloman. BS > Observing the subject interacting in a social situation is widely supp osed to be pretty informative. The emphasis does seem to be on difficulties with non-verbal communications skills, which are easy enough to assess in regular face-to-face social interactions. Mine are fine. Asked to get information from an expert YOU brought up, you instead substituted your OWN rationalizations. Did you think that was "cricket" old boy? BS > I don't count Uta Frith as an acquaintance - I did meet her once but s he was on a kind of celebration tour, and met a great many people in a fair ly short time. Yet you joked with her that you have Aspergers, before I ever made the suggestion, and you brought her up here as supposed proof that you do not? "celebration tour" re socialism?

----------------- James Arthur wrote:

As was my point about testing, diagnosis of Aspergers is less about testing and more about behavior. Aspies are famous for abusing their special abilities to manipulate others. Aspies online are VERY interested in manipulating others. (I suspect this is a response to the fact that people closer to them who know they are Aspies IGNORE most of their BS.) One Aspie I've been interacting with for 8 years once argued that gasoline would work in a fire extinguisher because of the physics technicality that liquid gasoline does not burn. (I didn't realize he was an Aspie until about two years ago) Aspies lack common sense and obsess with technicalities to that extent. Failing to discount the ravings of an Aspie to correct for the effects of their brain disorder and other issues can be a huge mistake. Aspies might be superb at technicalities but they tend to be imbeciles when it comes to common sense, people skills, religion or social issues. Aspies are by definition sociopaths. If a person's mental illness or brain disorder pollutes their attitudes or opinions I do NOT believe that their comments and opinions should be taken at "face value". Slowman's move to Netherlands and back, his employment situation and the fact he never started a business tell me that he lacks common sense. How many older people do you think would move to another country so far away and so different and expect to be able to get work? Consider how that might appeal to an Aspie, however. Remember how Bobby Fisher emigrated in his later years? Aspies dominate Mensa, Chess, and even Academia without being discounted, but when it comes to online discussions of Politics, religion, or social policy, their opinions are badly disqualified by the fact they are sociopaths. Slowman keeps exhibiting telltale signs of Aspergers, AND he loves to expound, promote and attempt to manipulate on issues where his concealed or undiagnosed Aspergers disqualifies him.

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It is true and *you* have to decide if you are going to get your scientific advice from people like Seitz who was the canonical denier for hire and sold his soul to big tobacco to keep the suckers smoking.

Then they hitched their wagon to denying CFC's deplete ozone and then moved onto AGW denial. They manufacture doubt and trumpet it widely to deliberately mislead the public on behalf of their clients. Their techniques are well honed and the scientific establishment has been far too genteel in dealing with their politically motivated attacks.

Thanks to the tobacco documents disclosure laws in the USA we can even see what his patrons actually thought of him long *before* he became involved in orchestrating the infamous Oregon Petition.

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Index entry (in case the above includes one time session ID)

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Deniers for hire is being kind.

Martin Brown
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Martin Brown

Sounds more like dementia, confusion and maybe a bit of age!


Reply to
Maynard A. Philbrook Jr.

On Wednesday, 29 January 2014 09:40:48 UTC+11, Maynard A. Philbrook Jr. wr ote:

I'm 71, so the age is real. There's no evidence for dementia - my mother an d my wife's mother both suffered from dementia, and my wife's sister was in terested enough to do a Ph.D. on caring for the demented, so my wife and he r sister assess me (and each other) from time to time.

I'm certainly happy to confuse DecandentLinuxUserNumeroUno and Cursitor Doo m with AlwaysWrong - it saves typing and thinking time at absolutely no cos t in precision.

Ask nicely, and I might include you in the blanket waste-of-bandwidth ident ity, though you aren't really potty-mouthed enough to qualify.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Bill Sloman

Slowman's socialism started many years ago.

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Whereas Greegor seems to have been born stupid. Like many Americans he has yet to work out that socialism and communism are two different things - the y do share a common ancestry, but the socialists slung out the communists a round 1870, famously - and correctly - predicting - at the time - that the communist way of doing things would lead to worse tyrannies than capitalist

-run regimes were imposing around 1870 (and they were pretty bad).

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Bill Sloman

He was born a socialist?
Reply to
John Fields

On Wed, 29 Jan 2014 04:01:37 -0600, John Fields Gave us:

What did you think about "Lexx"?

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Haven't seen it yet; it's second up in my Netflix DVD queue. 

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John Fields

Rousseau claimed that "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. T hose who think themselves the masters of others are indeed greater slaves t han they."

Greegor might have been born a socialist, but seems to be claiming that he subsequently ran a small business, which would have made him the master of others, at least in his own eyes. Presumably his business started off as a larger business before he got his hands on it. I find it difficult to imagi ne that he might have been a successful businessman - he's a little to pron e to jump to the wrong conclusion.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Bill Sloman

I need to eat with my mouth.

You on the other hand like to drool and slobber over the keyboard with yours.


Reply to
Maynard A. Philbrook Jr.

Bizarre idea. One's fingers would presumably start slipping off the keys. Jamie does have an active imagination, but not one with much connection to reality.

Bill Sloman, Sydney 
> Jamie
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Bill Sloman

On Wed, 29 Jan 2014 06:56:01 -0600, John Fields Gave us:

It has some odd political scenarios in it.

Make one think. If you can past the T & A fluff in the first season.

I think it will eventually get cult status.

If that kind of thing is even still around.

Most folks today are oblivious to a lot of art forms. There are guys at my work who do not watch any TV at all. Never enjoyed a good movie title.

It is a strange world.

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I never watch broadcast TV, except for the occasional PBS mystery, or Downton Abbey sort of thing.

I go to an actual movie theater maybe once a year, if that. "Midnight in Paris" was the most recent one, pretty good flic.

Never voluntarily listen to music.

I do read a lot.


John Larkin         Highland Technology, Inc 

jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com
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John Larkin

On Wed, 29 Jan 2014 17:43:58 -0800, John Larkin Gave us:

This was on Showtime, and would be R rated.

Likely never broadcast here.

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