Quartus programmer problem

I've used quartus_pgm in a makefile successfully some time (and perhaps some Quartus version) ago, but now I get a strange error:

Info: Command: quartus_pgm -c ByteBlasterMV -m JTAG -o p;quartus/cycconf/cyc_con f_init.pof Info: Using programming cable "ByteBlasterMV [LPT1]" Error: Quartus II Programmer was unsuccessful. 0 errors, 0 warnings Error: Processing ended: Fri Feb 03 16:59:16 2006 Error: Elapsed time: 00:00:01

The JTAG chain contains two devices: one MAX-PLD and one Cyclone FPGA. I just want to program the PLD. What's wrong with this command?

BTW: with jbi32 it works: jbi32 -dDO_PROGRAM=1 -aPROGRAM ..\..\jbc\cycmin.jbc


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Martin Schoeberl
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I usually have a chain description file, i.e.

quartus_pgm -c ByteBlasterMV -m JTAG chain.cdf

The cdf files describes order of the jtag chain as well as the name and location of the pof file.


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