quartus_pgm under Linux?

According to byteblaster/INSTALL (in linux/byteblaster.tar.gz):

" If you are using Quartus II 4.0 or later then you do not need a kernel driver - Quartus will use the parport driver which is part of the 2.4.x and 2.6.x series kernels."

I'm running QuartusII 4.2SP1 under RHEL-3 (2.6.x) . The permissions seems fine:

ls -l /dev/parport0 crwxrwxrwx 1 root lp 99, 0 Sep 7 2004 /dev/parport0

I have a ByteBlasterII connected to the parport on the machine, but when I do:

quartus_pgm --list Info:

******************************************************************* Info: Running Quartus II Programmer Info: Version 4.2 Build 178 01/19/2005 Service Pack 1 SJ Full Version ... Info: Processing started: Tue Apr 26 10:54:37 2005 Info: Command: quartus_pgm --list No JTAG hardware available Info: Quartus II Programmer was successful. 0 errors, 0 warnings Info: Processing ended: Tue Apr 26 10:54:37 2005 Info: Elapsed time: 00:00:00

Any clues?


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Reply to
Petter Gustad
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Hi Petter, jtagd does not auto-detect ByteBlasters (of any type) as probing for them might break other types of hardware attached to the parallel port.

You will need to add it by hand, either using the GUI or using the command:

`jtagconfig --add byteblaster /dev/parport0`

Hope this helps, Subroto Datta Altera Corp.

Reply to
Subroto Datta

Hi Subroto,

Thank you for your reply.

I tried this, but it resulted in an error:

jtagconfig --add byteblaster /dev/parport0 Unable to add hardware (Unknown hardware)

However, I took an old Windows PC and sat it up as a jtag server which seems to work fine. I can then program from the Linux machine using:

quartus_pgm -m JTAG -c "ByteBlasterII on jtaghost [LPT1]" chain.cdf

The odd thing is that I don't specify the password on the client side, but it works...


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?
Reply to
Petter Gustad

Hi Petter, Hi Petter,

I made an error in my earlier post. The command should be:

jtagconfig --add ByteBlaster /dev/parport0

The "byteblaster" is case insenitive. If this does not work send me your email and I will have the person who tested this out help you.

Hope this helps, Subroto Datta Altera Corp.

Reply to
Subroto Datta

Hi Petter, I hit the send button a bit too early. Here is the corrected post.

The command should be:

jtagconfig --add ByteBlaster /dev/parport0

The "ByteBlaster" is case SENSITIVE. If this does not work send me your email and I will have the person who tested this out, help you.

Hope this helps, Subroto Datta Altera Corp.

Reply to
Subroto Datta

Hi Subroto, Petter,

As a little addendum, if you happen not to have a /dev/parportX entry, do the following:

somehow go root type:

modprobe ppdev chmod 666 /dev/parport?

and your parport devices should be there with the proper permissions. It may be a good idea to have your admin add these lines to your /etc/init.d/rc.local file.

Best regards,


Reply to
Ben Twijnstra

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