Apple throttled your iPhone by cutting its speed almost in HALF!

Bear in mind that Fox' Mercantile is the utter moron Snit, who is again, lamely following people around the net like the little retard child he is.

This is a moving graph of what Snit/Fox's Mercantile claimed was dB!

All Fox's Mercantile/Snit saw was a moving graph for heavens' sake.

Snit/Fox's Mercantile is *that* stupid!

Just look at this hilarious video, where he makes an utter fool of himself, and doesn't even realize that he probably the *dumbest* of all the Apple Apologists, even dumber than is Jolly Roger and Lewis (which is hard to fathom).

Proof that Snit/Fox's Mercantile is an utter moron Apple Apologist:

Snit === Fox's Mercantile

Reply to
Harry Newton
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It must be true, y'all - he read it on the INTARWEBS.

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I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead. 

Reply to
Jolly Roger


E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter. 
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead. 

Reply to
Jolly Roger

Blogger opinions aren't facts, and you haven't provided any factual data showing that iPhones "begin to fall apart after a year" either, because it doesn't exist.

Untrue, as anyone who has owned iPhones for longer than a year knows well.

Troll, troll, troll your boat...

E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter. 
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead. 

Reply to
Jolly Roger

You recently asked for an example of your lies. This is one. Trivial to quote.

Now you might claim I cannot prove I am NOT someone else. Well, sure, but you have absolutely no basis for your accusation... no reason to think it is true because it is not true.

It is a lie on your part. Period.

You have been caught lying. Again.

You are the one who repeatedly brings up my name... actively seeking to get my attention. So, again, your claim about me is a lie.

Your lies are very easy to quote!

I made no such claim. Your accusation about me is a lie.

Another of your lies.

You lie non-stop.

Personal attacks from those who troll show their own insecurity. They cannot 
use reason to show the message to be wrong so they try to feel somehow 
superior by attacking the messenger. 

They cling to their attacks and ignore the message time and time again.
Reply to

You deny facts like a religious zealot denies evolution.

Yet, you never supply a *single* fact that supports your point of view?

Why is it that you deny facts outright that don't fit into your belief system?

It's usually the ill-educated who fall prey to fundamentalist belief systems sans nary a single fact to support their point of view.

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"Apple is consistently doing things like this without the consent of their customers," Oberdick said. "It's always a move that makes the consumer who is not informed or technologically savvy replace their phone."

Reply to
Harry Newton

As a religious fundamentalist denies evolution, you deny any fact that shakes the very foundation of your Apple Apologists belief system.

There are literally hundreds of references saying what I said, which is that many of the affected iPhones degrades measurably within a year such that Apple was forced to drastically throttle the CPU speed (to less than half the original speeds) in order to "prolong the life of the device".

All the major Android manufacturers are on record that they don't do what Apple did to their customers and that they never would do that to their customers.

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"Apple didn't make it clear that replacing an iPhone's battery could resolve this issue and improve performance. The company doesn't make it particularly easy to replace batteries, either. And more importantly, it could have designed phones that didn't need these guardrails just a year after their release, which is arguably the bigger issue."

Those are quoted *facts* which have been referenced many times.

While those actual facts shake your fundamentalist belief system, they are still facts, even if you don't like facts that don't fit into your religious zeal.

If you feel those facts are wrong, why can't you ever provide a *single* reliable reference that backs up your point of view?

Reply to
Harry Newton

You don't like the fact that many Apple iPhones greatly degrade in a year.

As a religious fundamentalist denies evolution, you outright deny any fact that shakes the very foundation of your Apple Apologists belief system.

I provide direct quotes supporting my factual statements:

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"Apple could have also avoided this issue by designing phones with bigger batteries that don't degrade as quickly or making it easier to replace them. Other phone companies including HTC and Motorola have insisted they don't throttle their phones."

Where is your direct quote supporting your fundamentalist belief system?

Reply to
Harry Newton

The more relevant part of that article is this: "Even just making it clear to people that replacing their battery will meaningfully improve their phone could go a long way."

In fact, this is a big advantage of the iPhone over the plethora of Android phones where new batteries, not NOS (new-old-stock), are not available for more than a year or two.

Few people would have been upset if a battery health monitor displayed a message advising the owner to get a new battery to ensure top performance. Would that have resulted in fewer new iPhone sales or would it have caused people to upgrade rather than spend $79 on a new battery?

Reply to

except that most of the time, it won't improve anything because the existing battery is perfectly fine.

Reply to

You haven?t posted any facts, all you post are links to blogger opinion pieces devoid of factual data.

That would be you.

E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter. 
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead. 

Reply to
Jolly Roger

Blogger opinions aren't facts, and you haven't provided any factual data showing that iPhones "begin to fall apart after a year" either, because it doesn't exist.

E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter. 
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead. 

Reply to
Jolly Roger

Blogger opinion pieces aren?t facts. Try harder.

E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter. 
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead. 

Reply to
Jolly Roger

What's odd is that the half-dozen or so Apple Apologists seem to be the only ones who assert that Apple told their customers about the fact that they would slow down phones permanently to about half the original speeds, after about a year of use.

It seems that facts shake the very foundation of the half-dozen or so Apple Apologists' belief system: *Jolly Roger, Lewis, nospam, BKonRamp, Savageduck, Hemidactylus, etc.*

What is wrong with the Apple Apologists that they deny even what Apple admitted?

formatting link
"Apple didn't make it clear that replacing an iPhone's battery could resolve this issue and improve performance. The company doesn't make it particularly easy to replace batteries, either. And more importantly, it could have designed phones that didn't need these guardrails just a year after their release, which is arguably the bigger issue."

Reply to
Harry Newton

The user experience is *definitely* impacted when the phones shut down. How can you say that it doesn't impact them when their year-old device shuts down, in cold weather especially?

What world do you Apple Apologist fundamentalists live in that has a fundamental belief system that negates the very *huge* issue that caused Apple to secretly, permanently, and drastically throttle CPU performance to less than half the claimed speeds?

"Apple said it introduced this behavior last year, for the iPhone 6, 6S, and SE, as a way to prevent random shutdowns" of year old phones.

"Apple is knowingly designing and selling products that begin to fall apart after a year."

Reply to
Harry Newton

While this is true, the facts shake the fundamental belief system of the half-dozen or so Apple Apologists you are dealing with.

They deny out of hand even that Apple already admitted. What is wrong with the Apple Apologists that they deny even what Apple admitted?

You're not dealing with normal adults. *Jolly Roger, Lewis, nospam, BKonRamp, Savageduck, Hemidactylus, etc.*

You're dealing with a half dozen ill-educated adults who have a fundamental belief system mired in incessant fabrication of imaginary functionality: Why do the Apple Apologists deny facts & habitually fabricate imaginary content?

Reply to
Harry Newton

Which is why the iPhones suddenly shut down in use.

Reply to
Harry Newton


I must caution you about nospam.

He's vastly *different* from the other half-dozen or so fundamentalist Apple Apologists *Jolly Roger, Lewis, BKonRamp, Savageduck*, etc.

While nospam has the same fact-free belief system that characterizes an Apple Apologist, he's far smarter than the rest. And better informed. He's apparently just as poorly educated, but he's smart nonetheless. So he actually *might* be college educated even, but I think not.

Nontheless, nospam is duplicitously clever (like James Comey) with facts in a way that is intended to frustrate a logical person out of his mind.

I've consistently said he'd make a great defense lawyer, and I'd even want to hire him as my defense lawyer, but he'd make for a lousy prosecutor because he brings up innuendo and magical possibility of "who done it", but he never proves a word he says with facts.

The other half-dozen Apple Apologists actually *believe* what they write, but nospam doesn't believe a word of what he writes. He's far too clever, and you can tell by the exact words he uses, which are clever contortions of actual facts.

The rest of the Apple Apologists are merely ignorant fundamentalists - but nospam actually provides value - but you have to grasp that value out of his contortions like an archeologist grasped the true story out of an archeological dig in a rubbish heap.

The value of nospam is that you know he knows the truth when you read his clever distortions of it. He drives logical people nuts, until they realize he does it on purpose.

He's a classic Orwellian doublespeak artist, who will flatly and repeatedly deny that 1+1=2, seemingly without a single twinge of guilt. Just watch.

Reply to
Harry Newton

Neutron, Ricky sittin' in a tree.


First comes love, then comes marriage

Thank the stars, no baby carriage.

Rick's wet thumb & wetting his pants,

Doing the hula, hula dance!

Reply to

The feature in question prevents spontaneous shutdowns of devices with dying batteries and extends runtime.

Get back to us when you have factual information to share rather than useless blogger opinion pieces.

E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my ravenous SPAM filter. 
I often ignore posts from Google. Use a real news client instead. 

Reply to
Jolly Roger

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