Waves of sound through the galaxy interfere with each other

did you notice in the High Voltage Switch thread that AlwaysWrong linked to the company he works (or more likely worked) for.

perhaps annoyed SED users could email

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(e.g. thru snipped-for-privacy@hitekpower.com or snipped-for-privacy@HiTekpower.com )

and ask that they track down said employee, and get him to cease and desist. After all, he makes it look like:

- they hire sociopaths (so dont work there)

- and if he really is a designer (I doubt it, more like a disgruntled tech with delusions of grandeur) then their products are probably not worth considering.

Hopefully he posts to SED from work. In which case, he will end up regretting posting those hitekpower links.

heck, maybe someone could out him :)

Regards Terry Given

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Terry Given
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Check out tourettes guy on Youtube.. :)

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D from BC British Columbia Canada.

Reply to
D from BC

You're wrong on the first, and the second was just to see if you were paying attention, and/or had any hope of redemption.

Reply to

o more

You do realize that "mass" and "weight" are separate things? Right?

Also, Helium is monatomic, so you would more properly say "Helium atoms", not "Helium molecules".

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A newsgroup isn't "actions", it's banter. And ng personna may well be different from real-life personalities. I'd assume that, like prize fighters, the battle should only happen in the arena. Besides, being mean is just mean.

If he ever asked for help with a serious electronic problem, I'd be glad to help him. And if I had, say, a high-voltage packaging problem, I'd welcome his advice.

That is silly.

Dunno. I've never hired anyone that dumb. I did have one guy who spun a lot of his work towards personal projects, and kept inviting good-looking female reps in so he could hit on them. And another *big* guy who tackled me mid-body after a full run across the room. They're not here now.


Reply to
John Larkin

how many times has dimmy offerred to meet & thump other posters? on a regular basis.

therein lies the rub.

and I cant really see any difference between, say, talking to ISPs about abusive posters, and talking to the company they work for.

Also, isnt a "real" newsgroup like SED "real life" anyway? plenty of you guys have met up for wine, food, beer & electronics discussion. If I was closer, I would too.

Cheers Terry

Reply to
Terry Given

Typical immature wussy, pussy boy behavior. Grow up, asswipe.

You're a goddamned idiot.

Your assessments have ZERO credibility, and your qualification to make an assessment is NIL.

They are the top dog, but I wouldn't expect a twit like you to grasp anything even resembling a fact.

It also appears that you are too goddamned stupid to decipher a Usenet header as well.

You're an idiot.

Come meet me, pussy, I'll out your brain tissue for you.

You have no regards for a goddamned thing, boy.

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It also appears that you are a cut and paste retard as well.

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It is fake as that guy does NOT have Tourette's.

He reminds me of Terry Given, however, as the TerryTard cuts and pastes the same SHIT over and over and over.

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He's very Clintonian in his choice of words. He implies that he's calling you out, then backs off saying that he never said that *he* would "meet".

Loss of a Usenet account isn't like losing one's livelihood. As much as he may deserve either, I'd not like to be the one who ratted on the fool.

As would I but meeting isn't the Usenet either. No invitations here.

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Yes. Were it legal, I would have someone beat the f*ck out of you, boy.

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Fuck you, and your "out of line" assessment. YOU are out of line by making it.

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If it were legal, I would make you very unhappy for your bullshit you put forth in this thread, because THAT is EXACTLY what you deserve.

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The way you mouth off, you deserve far more than a thumping, and NO, dipshit, I never mentioned any such thing... till today.

I always said "let's meet", but never stated anything about what would subsequently occur, so get your story straight, you retarded BASTARD!

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oxymoron. both interpretations.

and you have little or no reading comprehension.

nope, I just cant be bothered even looking. But the IT manager at hitekpower can, and is :)

who? where? you keep hiding behind inane nyms.

if you ever make it to NZ, look me up - it only takes a few seconds. We can discuss it over a beer; I'll even let you teach me a thing or two about pool. Try any violence, and I'll show you the error of your ways, even if you are bigger than me (6'2" 100kg) which i doubt - the content of your posts suggest a bald, pot-bellied 5'3" loser with a very small penis, poor personal hygiene and no (human) sexual partners ;)

wrong. I simply have no regard for you.

have you considered suicide as a career option? it would increase both the national average IQ and the SED SNR

at the very least, try and get your insults above the level of "f*ck you" - small children can do that.....

Cheers Terry

Reply to
Terry Given

Isn't that soooo cute? The mentally decapitated freak is trying her very best to insult me.

Let's see. The highest my weight ever reached was 297 pounds, about five years ago when I was pretty much confined to bed for two years. I've lost 28 pounds so far, so I weigh 269 pounds right now. My normal weight was 175 pounds when I was healthy. 269-175 leaves 94 pounds, so that means you only weigh 47 pounds. No wonder you're so bleeding stupid, you anorexic little drag queen. I can see why you're always raiding your mother's dresser and closet.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Reply to
Michael A. Terrell

You're an idiot... ALL interpretations.

You're a liar, and I post from my home ISP account, and do not work at HiTek, dumbfuck.

Looks like you are the one afraid of being outed.

I know exactly how to find people when that is my goal.

I wouldn't enjoy a beer around you.

You have no competence for the game.

If I had violence in my aspirations, you would not see it coming, and would not know anything further, at least not until you were walking through the gates of hell.

Lard ass.







And wrong. Is there anything you ever get right? I think not.

More proof that what you need is a fast moving piece of lead in the head.

You're an idiot.

As if you even have a concept of it.

Actually, you are the noise.

If you know small children that go 'round saying "f*ck you", then there must be more than one group of individuals in the world that see you for the total piece of shit you are.

Disingenuous retard.

Yes, YOU!

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You did a fine job of that all by yourself when you posted the pic of your lard ass with the belly dancer. You are pathetic. Oh wait... that was your evil twin in AZ. Oh well, I am quite sure that you are just as fat as that slob is.

It's a damned shame that one of the bed sores didn't get you.

Like I said... lard ass.

Yes, you are physically a mess, and you spew you mental baby bullshit into Usenet. How quaint.

Get it right, dumbfuck. You are ALL lard, dipshit.

Funny, I remember grilling rib-eyes three times this week alone.

Everything in my abode belongs to me. Get some new material, you stupid f*ck. Actually... DIE first.

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On 1/18/08 12:18 AM, in article snipped-for-privacy@4ax.com, SkyPig farted a contrail coded to say.....:

You crossed the line with that cruel post, you ignorant SOB.

Reply to
Don Bowey

Once again, the maggot infested mental midget makes a pathetic attempt at misdirection.

Dumbfuck. I never had any bedsores. I'm not stupid enough to stay in exactly the same position for weeks at a time. You, on the other hand, have bedsores inside of your injection molded plastic foam skull, from never using that 'so called' mind of yours.

Another cheap shot from "Mizz Mentally Decapitated of 2008"?

What's wrong, Queenie? Caught in another stupid lie?

So, the anorexic little queen grills for her owner? That's no surprise.

So, you finally bought your own dresses and pantyhose? its about damn time.

Another pathetic death threat from an impotent little west coast maggot? Tell me something. Are you AHHHNOLD's favorite little girlie man? I'll bet his pool stick is bigger than yours! I'll bet that if you're nicer to him, he'll give you 100% disability for your 45 IQ.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
Reply to
Michael A. Terrell

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