RF is horrrible

eople find them obnoxious.

Cursitor Doom trying to look inoffensive, and failing. He may have a very s trange idea of what might "constitutes polite criticism" but he has claimed that I'm a Marxist, by which he might merely have meant that I'm not his k ind of right-wing nitwit, since he clearly doesn't understand the rest of t he implications.

You say what you feel like saying, and anybody who doesn't like it is "exce ssively sensitive".

The problem with venting opinions about subject you don't understand is tha t you can be quite a bit more offensive than you imagine.

On the other hand, you could be not only a psychopath but also complacent p sychopath. But pig-ignorant in any event.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
Reply to
Bill Sloman
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Bill, just shut up. You're embarrassing yourself and wasting everyone's time. We saw you start it. Now we want to see if you can stop it.

Reply to
Clifford Heath

r people find them obnoxious.

ry strange idea of what might "constitutes polite criticism" but he has cla imed that I'm a Marxist, by which he might merely have meant that I'm not h is kind of right-wing nitwit, since he clearly doesn't understand the rest of the implications.

excessively sensitive".

that you can be quite a bit more offensive than you imagine.

nt psychopath. But pig-ignorant in any event.

There's no way I can persuade Cursitor Doom to see sense, but I can show up his character defects. You may not like it, but - as Cursitor Doom has men tioned, this is the Usernet, and a certain amount of intemperate irritation is traditional.

As for embarrassing myself? I've got own standards, and I'm not greatly int erested in what you might think - it's not as if your posting history is ex emplary.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
Reply to
Bill Sloman

Good grief, ignore him.


John Larkin         Highland Technology, Inc 
picosecond timing   precision measurement  

jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com 
Reply to
John Larkin

And finally we get to the nub of it: politics. All that other BS about hurt feelings is just a smokescreen.


"The BEST Deal is NO DEAL"
Reply to
Cursitor Doom

That's Cursitor Doom. He picks the politics he wants to feel offended about and snips everything else.

And he hasn't "hurt my feelings". He's offended my sense of propriety, which is an entirely rational reaction (not that he will have clue about the distinction).

I'm delighted that he has kill-filed me. His reactions to other people's post will continue to offend me (and anybody else who has any grasp of reality), but I can bitch about them without having to put up with his lame responses.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
Reply to
Bill Sloman

Thanks, but I have too much old stuff already. I take some heat for that.

We have a color digital copier that does nice docs up to B size.


John Larkin         Highland Technology, Inc 
picosecond timing   precision measurement  

jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com 
Reply to
John Larkin

John Larkin wrote in news: snipped-for-privacy@4ax.com:

So, a printer that also does copies, no? Because no one would call it a copier that also does print jobs.

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