OT: Seattle is DYING - thanks to a LIBTARD city council, judges and head prosecutor

Which is to say that Dan is just as enthusiastic about self-delusion as ever. That doesn't seem to be something that gets measured by an IQ test. He'd score way high if that got figured in. Pity that the "better university" didn't do him any good - except perhaps to feed his delusions of competence.

-- Bill Sloman, Sydney

Reply to
Bill Sloman
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And you have PROOF of that? I thought so. Lyin' Biden has enough sense to not take a test he knows he will FLUNK.

I see that you are ADMITTING to the fact that you LIE PROFUSELY.

If you are going to call me STUPD you had better write a COHERENT SENTENCE, you idiot.

I am not as STUPD as you, SL0WMAN. Catching you in ALL OF YOUR LIES proves that.

Now, SL0WMAN, you are REALLY GRASPING AT STRAWS. So ALL of my TVs and computers have the color balance screwed up. Point of fact: they are NOT adjustable, you dolt. This is just a back-handed admission that Lyin' Biden looked like a corpse.

Well, HERE IT IS, AGAIN: No, you LOSERS are "desperately" wanting to think that Lyin' Biden will make it thru the next 4 years w/o totally collapsing. Lyin' Biden even forgot OBAMA'S NAME! Lyin' Biden isn't suffering from "tip of the tongue" bullshit: he is suffering from early onset dementia. Watch this:

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Hardly - the "idiots" were those that elected Lyin' Biden who is in a cognitive freefall.

Only to socialist idiots such as yourself.


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<snip - and there it went again>

He will probably make it. To anybody with enough sense not to be taken in by Trump, he looks to be in decent shape.

In Flyguy's ever-so-reliable (and predictable opinion). He is the kind of idiot who seems to think well of Trump. He does make quite a few other mistakes.

We prefer the term "sane people". Right-wing nit-wits do try to be unkind about people who don't share their toxic delusions.

<snip = and there it went again>
Reply to
Bill Sloman

The guy is a basket case and there is no way he will make it to the end of his term with a full compliment of marbles, since he clearly didn't even start with that from before day 1. How anyone can be stupid enough to believe that someone in this advanced state of decay would be preferred by the voters over Trump is delusional. There is NO WAY he could have won the election without illicit intervention by TPTB. NFW is he the legitimate president. Henceforth I'm going to refer to him as "Usurper Joe" - because that's

*exactly* what he is: a usurper.
Reply to
Cursitor Doom

It is well known that Trump makes a habit of doing this.

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Flyguy is stupid.

Not so much "flunk" as not competing in contest where Trump can cheat his way to an improbably good result.

Only a moron could have misunderstood what I posted as meaning that, and you clearly aren't all that clever.

<snip Flyguy getting excited about another typo>

No. You are a great deal more stupid. Too stupid to realise quite how much more stupid.

Where? You have tried to contradict me on a number of points, but asserting that I have lied isn't actually catching me in a lie. You have caught me denying things that you assert, but your assertions have been wrong, though you are too dumb to have noticed this, even when your nose gets rubbed in it..

So you admit that you have never seen a corpse? My father looked much the same as ever when we checked him for a carotid pulse and couldn't find one. He hadn't been all that healthy for a while before he died - that was why I was staying with my patents at the time - but there hadn't been any dramatic change in his skin tone.

Joe Biden's face is showing up on TV at regular intervals, and his skin tone looks fine to me, and nobody other than you seems to have noticed anything wrong. You may not know how to adjust the colour balance on your receiver - you have to know how to get into the relevant menu, which isn't made obvious, and you may have been sold a set where this is even more securely blocked to prevent idiots like you screwing it up unintentionally and screaming blue murder about their set failing after they`ve managed to do it. <snipped more election propaganda - that election is over, and Trump lost, but Flyguy is stuck in his time-warp>

That does seem to be Trump's delusion too. You should have snipped the "How" at the start of that sentence. It's not only stupid, but also less than grammatical.

Trump did put this argument to various courts. None of them thought much of it. As evidence of illicit interference, it falls a long way short of being convincing.

In Flyguy's demented opinion. Flyguy is demented enough to imagine that his demented delusions are worth publishing. It's a sad case.

Reply to
Bill Sloman

Cursitor Doom means that Joe Biden doesn't subscribe to the demented delusions which Cursitor Doom is silly enough to believe.

That's merely evidence that he has something closer to a full complement of marbles than Cursiotr Doom does. The fact that Joe Biden won the elections is probably better evidence of that.

But Joe Biden won the popular vote with 81,283,098 votes beating Trump's 74,222,958.

This does seem to have Trump's argument when he took the case to an number of courts. None of the courts were remotely convinced and asked - rather unkindly - for more positive evidence of illicit intervention on the scale being alleged.

Once the courts had rejected that pathetic argument nothing stood in the way of Biden being declared the legitimate president, and that's what he now is. Cursitor Doom may want to play King Canute, but he has missed the ironic content of the original story.

Cursitor Doom does go in for demented delusions. If people took him seriously he might be dangerous, but the extreme lunacy of his delusions makes that very unlikely.

Reply to
Bill Sloman

Bill Sloman snipped-for-privacy@ieee.org wrote in news: snipped-for-privacy@googlegroups.com:

I would not carry on a conversation with any of the dopey TrumpaZoid dipshits.

President Biden WON the election because we ALL called for mail in ballots to circumvent the 17 RED states that ALL have voter supression laws in place to keep minorities from voting.

So we used mail in ballots to whip their f****ng ass and we did it

100% legitimately, and if they simply check the votes against Trump's first relief check disbursement list (thanks IRS) they will find out that the election was 100% legit.

Wham Bam Argument OVER. HE LOST, THEN HE LIED, and these idiots all believed the bullshit.

Just look at the republitards in 33 states all scurrying to draft new voter suppression laws to stop legit elections from taking place. Fact is the bastards know they will lose and that is why gerrymandering and all the other bullshit they have put in place over the last 60 years is there. They are too pussified to take the plate of shit they have been handing Americans for decades. This is the information age and their time is UP!

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I leave it to the readers to figure out who makes implausible claims.

Higher IQ, Better University, Higher net worth.


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Bill is the one with delusions of competence. My better university got me a career with a total of 6 days of unemployment. Bill's got him years of unemployment.

Bill is afraid to let slip his net worth. He claims it is to prevent anyone from stealing his money. He is not smart enough to figure out how to indicate his worth without posting his account and password.

So it is still " higher IQ , better university, more money "


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Yeah, right - anyone who can't remember the names of BOTH Trump and Obummer is in PERFECT cognitive condition - NOT!

Socialists NEVER concede that they are FUCKED UP - and YOU, SL0WMAN, are no exception.

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Yup, the Dims are experts are getting dead people to vote, which is kind of ironic now that it is Easter.

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My university career ended up getting me a wife with a career of her own. Moving to the Netherlands at 51 years of age didn't do anything good for my career. Dan's career does seem to be short of high points - like patents and cited publications - but it does seem to have suited him.

Not so much afraid as too sensible to let anybody know who doesn't need to know. Dan is so desperate to find something - anything - to boast about that he claims that he might be less discreet.

Claiming to have eaten in three star restaurants, including

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back when it was the second best restaurants in the world might have given somebody with more sense than Dan some kind of clue.

And no evidence to support any of it. The fact that he persists with the claim says a fair bit about his intelligence. Mensa (and Clive Sinclair) exist to remind us that IQ tests don't capture as much as their supporters like to claim.

Reply to
Bill Sloman


The only case that made the newspapers, was some old lad who was registered to vote as Mrs. James Blalock.

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Her husband had indeed but she was registered to vote as his wife, as she always had been.

Flyguy may be even sillier than Fox News, who did eventually realise that they'd made a false claim.

Reply to
Bill Sloman

I invited anyone who doubts that I went to Harvard to send me an email at " snipped-for-privacy@post.harvard.edu " And I will respond.

I think that pretty well establishes the claim of a better university. Now with it established that I went to Harvard, the claim of an IQ of 158 is not implausible. Bill does not claim to know his IQ, but the chance of his IQ being higher is low.

Now as far as net worth............. I do not think Bill will agree to anything that might show he has a lower net worth than my net worth. And I hesitate to post proof of my net worth. Doing so is a bit crass. But would agree to provide proof of my net worth to anyone in this news group if Bill will agree to do the same. If Bill will not agree to this, I would suggest that a plausible reason is that he thinks my net worth is higher than his.


Higher IQ, Better university, more money

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<snipped the usual>

Dan hasn't got anything real to boast about, so he boasts about stuff where he can make unsupported claims. He does seem to think that he can prove he went to Harvard, but what he posts suggests that he didn't learn much when he was there.

Reply to
Bill Sloman

Hey SL0WMAN, did you send Dan an email as he invited you to do? I thought not - you are the master of lies and deceit. You made the bold claim (lie) that I don't have a pilot's license - even though you DON'T KNOW ME. And, then, you claimed that I would crash immediately IF I flew when the facts are that I have thousands of hours of accident-free experience.

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Hey SL0WMAN, think again:

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That's a spinfest, not a data dump. The facts support only a tiny bit (three ballots) of voter misfeasance, but hints are dropped of large-scale (three million) finagles.

The fact is, the 2000 election in Florida had so many rules that would discard a ballot, that the officialdom-trashed-my-ballot effect arguably DID skew an election result. That's the REAL voter fraud being perpetrated here, it's an electoral-participation suppression technique.

The courts subsequently struck down lots of the Florida 2000 tricks, so... mainly Republicans have been trying to invent and foist new ones on we, the people.

It's not a good use of politics, to suppress voting.

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I don't think you know Bill Sloman very well. You will never win him over with logic or evidence. He is this group's most indefatiguable troll and he will never concede any point won against him. Oh, did I mention he's also a psychopath? No? Well, he's a psychopath. AND THE WORST TROLL ON THIS GROUP BY MILES.

Reply to
Cursitor Doom

Dan does make this claim. A more plausible explanation is that I'm not interested in playing in his game.

Whereas Cursiutor Doom thinks he does?

Not the kind of feeble attemtps at logic or evidence that Cursiotr Doom tries to put together.

John Doe is much more enthusiastic, and Cursitor Doom isn't far behind.

Cursitor Doom thinks he can win points by advancing "evidence" from the Daily Mail, Russia Today and Zero Hedge.

Cursitor Doom checked the spelling this time, but he still doesn't know what the word means.

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"Although no psychiatric or psychological organization has sanctioned a diagnosis titled "psychopathy", assessments of psychopathic characteristics are widely used in criminal justice settings in some nations and may have important consequences for individuals. "

It's not a diagnosis, but a term of abuse. Cursitor Doom wants to dignify one more of his fatuous delusions with yet another pretentious word.

Repeating his claim that I'm a troll in upper case letters is decidedly troll-like behaviour. Flyguy and John Doe go in for that too.

Cursitor Doom's grasp of reality isn't all that sound.

Reply to
Bill Sloman

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