OT: Seattle is DYING - thanks to a LIBTARD city council, judges and head prosecutor

Well you can tell by the way he quote those blocks he's a woman's man - no time to talk.

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Yeah, wow. And there was an earlier clip showing Wolf Blitzer of CNN smiing and winking at Parker at the outset, but that one seems to have been purged as I can no longer find any copies of it. Not on YT anyway.

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Cursitor Doom

I don't actually watch CNN. I get my television news from the ABC - the Australian equivalent of the BBC.

And how does this "Globalist influence" on CNN actually work? Are they owned by the left-wing equivalent of Rupert Murdoch?

And I read newspapers, none of them owned by Rupert Murdoch.

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Bill Sloman

Encouraging people to get upset about the Sandy Hook school massacre is the kind of thing that the murderous right deplores. Stopping right-wing nut-cases from getting their hands on guns probably does look like "weakening and subjugating ordinary people" to John Doe, but he is a right-wing nut-case.

More like the rational centre, but John Doe has a particular point of view, and no sense at all.

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Bill Sloman

How's that giant rodent infestation you got going in Australia at the moment, Bill? Any connection with you living there? If the government ever works that out, you'll have to find some alternative country of refuge.... ;->

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Cursitor Doom

The mouse plague was remarkably bad and had made it onto the evening new on TV. It's a long way inland from where I live, and seems to have been driven by he high rainfall that came with the current La Nina, which provided a lot of mouse fodder which let their population explode.

We've just had an extraordinary amount of rain in the last couple of days - once in fifty year downpours in lots of places, and once in a century in some - which has probably drowned most of the mice. The cure may well have been alot worse than the disease. Low-lying farms have been washed away, and we've had pictures of complete houses drifting down-river.

The current government couldn't find its bottom with both hands. I'm an Australian citizen - I was born here, and one of my great-uncles got fatally wounded on Gallipoli (he'd been born in the UK but that doesn't get in the way of him having Australian legendary status) - so they'd have trouble working up a case to get me deported, if they were gullible enough to be infected by your demented delusions.

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Bill Sloman

John Doe is a top-posting troll. He's also a complete idiot, so if anybody were silly enough to put him in charge of anything that thing would probably fall apart very rapidly.

As prophet, he's not up to much, and his ideas about who might be a troll are rather less than definitive.

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Bill Sloman

The observation is not new:

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Or they will take to an irrational idiot like Trump seriously and things will get worse.

But that was posted by Cursitor Doom, who seems to think that Zero Hedge posts rational comment.

Right wing lunatics keep on making this claim, but it doesn't seem to happen.

In Cursitor Doom's ever-so-rational opinion.

Sadly, better street cleaning, more cops and good schools all cost money, which have to be paid for from higher taxes.

Sc.electronics.design wasn't around in 1979, so Cursitor Doom is either lying or confabulating. It doesn't matter much which - his output isn't to be relied on.

Congenital idiocy produces the same kind of effect. Cursitor Doom hasn't got any stupider since he started posting here - so congenital stupidity is the more economical explanation.

And they probably avoid him.

Was Trump a "conservative reaction". He did try to pass off his silly ideas as "conservative", but "criminal" seems closer to the mark.

Gullible twits like Cursitor Doom and John Larkin do lurch from one popular idiocy to the next. The world is mostly nowhere near as extreme as they like to think - they need fatuous conspiracy theories to keep themselves entertained.

Only the gullible twits.

If they've never eaten it before, they can't know what it tastes like.

And John Larkin and Cursitor Doom are clear more easily manipulated than most.

This isn't the link John Larkin posted, though it takes you to the same place, and lets you see where it is taking you.

The crowds that get deluded consist mainly of people like John Larkin and Cursitor Doom. The rest of the population has rather more common sense - not enough to stop getting Donald Trump elected in 2016, but enough to get him slung out in 2020.

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Bill Sloman

Useful to have a bit of background on you evidencing your congenital stupidity, Bill. And to a criminal extent too. But as Australians were bred from the criminal classes, we can't really blame you for what is in essence a genetic issue.

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Cursitor Doom

Hey SL0WMAN, your ranting on this thread has gone on far more than the usual drivel you drip from your foul mouth. You seem to be following Lyin' Biden's cognitive decline, maybe a year or two later. Not surprising from a dunce that can't spell STUPD.

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Flyguy has loads of delusions. He's gullible enough to believe Trump's election propaganda about Joe Biden, and silly enough to think that the same kind of nonsense is worth peddling about me.

He is much too silly to realise that typo's aren't evidence of any cognitive problem. They pop up in the process of transferring instructions from the brain to the extremities - but comprehending that requires the kind of insight that he can't manage.

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Bill Sloman

Hey SL0WMAN, you are FUCKING HILLARIOUS!!! Trump didn't have to say one negative word about Lyin' Biden - he did it ALL ON HIS OWN!!!! For example, Lyin' Biden once introduced his granddaughter (a female, you know, who was standing RIGHT NEXT TO HIM) as his DEAD SON BEAU!!!!! Lyin' Biden couldn't:

  1. Tell the difference between a male and a female.
  2. Forgot that his son had died YEARS AGO. This is a not a "slip of the tongue" - this is the definition of DEMENTIA, you fool.
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With a little help from some careful video editing.

Wrong. That is exactly how errors of action work, and Biden has been famous for making them throughout his political career.

Try to persuade people that the recent instances are evidence of a progressive decline is the sort of thing that lying idiots like Trump and Flyguy go in for.

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Bill Sloman

Cursitor Doom can misunderstand anything in a way that supports his demented delusions, no matter how unpromising the evidence might look to a rational observer.

Which takes real imagination.

Some Australians do happen to have some convict ancestors. I don't.

And the criminal gene is just as mythical as the gay gene. Cursitor Doom does strive to be a complete idiot so he does have to claim to believe in both.

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Bill Sloman

LOL! Who's "wrong" here, surprise of surprises, is YOU! Lyin' Biden DID make this demented blunder, but you, being the TOTAL IDIOT you are, are in denial. Go do your libtard "fact check" on the event and PROVE it didn't happen, fool.

The evidence is OVERWHELMING, you dolt. Even Obummer's chief physician thinks that Lyin' Biden has lost it - CHECK IT OUT!

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I didn't say it didn't happen. I did say that it didn't mean what you want it to mean. You are much too dim to understand the difference.

Only a dolt like you would think so.

Why bother? What you probably mean is that Dr. David Scheiner has said that Joe Biden has some of the sorts of minor health issues that show up in 78-year-olds (including one that I share) , and somebody like Fox News has decided that that means that they can claim all sorts of other nonsense. Even you have more sense than to post a link to it.

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Bill Sloman

Hey SL0WMAN, why bother? Because you are a liar - the video exists of Lyin' Biden introducing his granddaughter as his DEAD SON BEAU, you idiot. Denying is equivalent to denying gravity. You won't look it up because you KNOW WHAT YOU WILL FIND and it will PROVE that you are a LIAR besides being a STUPD IDIOT!

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Which part of " I didn't say it didn't happen. I did say that it didn't mean what you want it to mean. You are much too dim to understand the difference" are you failing to get?

Quite wrong. The stupid idiot here is you. You've seen something, misunderstood it, and expect everybody else to share your misapprehension. The idea the that you could have misunderstood it is quite beyond you, because you are a total and complete moron.

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Bill Sloman

Hey SL0WMAN, then you ADMIT that Lyin' Biden DID introduce his GRANDDAUGHTER as his LONG DEAD SON BEAU. This is CLASSIC early onset dementia AND later stage dementia. Most of us would remember FOREVER the death of a child. I know you don't have kids (who the hell would marry such a disagreeable person, after all), but rest assured this is a FACT!

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