My hp 4192A is coming!

I'm sure you're right, there must be lots of nice code out there, but I haven't been able to track down any specific example. If you know anybody you could ask...

I have about 7 different types of the hp four-BNC Kelvin inductance fixtures, but not that one, although I'm watching for it and in fact got outbid on eBay for one two years ago. It looks especially useful for low-impedance leaded parts.

I also have an hp 4191 which goes from 1MHz to 1000MHz, but this uses APC-7 connectors and fixtures. These run $250 to $375 from Agilent, but they're on eBay pretty regularly.

    - Win
Reply to
Winfield Hill
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Congratulations. That is one great piece of gear. Years ago I had written some data acquisition software to make Bode and other types of plots, but that code is lost to DOS graphics and history. But lot's people have done it. Where I work now there's a couple in my building with computers to plot Z(freq), etc.

BTW, I always liked what I think they called the high- frequency test fixture. Instead of spring-loaded lips to grap component leads, it has thumb-screw driven plates.


Reply to
Mike Engelhardt


I think the code in the lab was just written by someone there, so it's not cool to distribute, but I will check if the case is otherwise. But the manual says what to send to the machine to get it to send measurement data back. The stuff is send in ASCII.


Reply to
Mike Engelhardt

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