converting verilog to vhdl


I am trying to convert the following code to vhdl

assign Q = (rst==0)?Q_int:1'do;

How do i convert this to vhdl? I have to use a concurrent statement as this statement is not in the always block hence concurrent. I cannot use an if then else statement as it is sequential.

Please help

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Eric Smith

For future reference this is called conditional assignment. Next time you can just google "VHDL conditional assignment".

---Matthew Hicks

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Matthew Hicks

module Reg2(Q, D, en, rst, clk);

parameter REGWIDTH = 2;

input clk, en, rst; input [(REGWIDTH-1):0] D; output [(REGWIDTH-1):0] Q;

reg [(REGWIDTH-1):0] Q_int;

assign Q = (rst == 0)? Q_int : 2'd0;

always @ (posedge clk) begin if (rst == 1) Q_int en_temp, D => D_temp, Q => Q_temp );

-- Passing values to inputs clk_temp

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Remove the line:

Q(1 downto 0)

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How do i implement the logic assign Q = (rst == 0)? Q_int : 2'd0;

if i remove Q(1 downto 0)

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Sorry, my bad. I read your code too quickly, and thought you wer assigning to Q in the clocked precess as well.

Try: Q(1 downto 0)

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neither one works. I am still having the same problem

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Could there be an issue with not having a "wait" at the bottom of your testbench process? Maybe that process is executing every delta cycle, with time never moving forward.

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It maybe possible. Let me check on this and see what happens.

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I'm not sure where you got the code, but it looks like it is a flop with a synchronous reset and enable, and then anding the output with reset after the register.

I would convert it as follows to a standard asynchronous reset circuit. The only difference in behavior would be if rst is high for less than a clock cycle, but not while the clock is actually rising (in which case the original circuit output would be 0 while rst, but return to whatever q_int was afterwards, whereas the new circuit will stay at 0 until something is clocked into q).

process (clk, rst) is begin if rst = '1' then q '0'); elsif rising_edge(clk) and (en = '1') then q

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I cannot change the reset to ssynchronous. My employer wants it to be synchronous.

The wait statement did not help. I have clk_temp

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I tried the solution you gave me. I am still having the same problem, Q or Q_int is still "00" at all time

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I FOUND THE SOLUTION. INSTEAD OF USING TEMPORARY SIGNAL Q_INT, I DIRECTLY UPDATED THE VALUE OF OUTPUT Q. IT IS WORKING FINE NOW. Andys tip of not reassigning signals to itself really helped. Thanks everybody.

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