Where can I buy a large analogue meter?

... but you keep eyes on the screen, you put one hand on the mouse. You don't palpate to find the cord before you start using your pointing device. All users knew this was a bogosity.

Yeah, one. With your other hand, you can shift/option/fn/control/command if you need to use a modifier. Point, click: those are the mouse functions.

The recent mice have touch-sensitive surfaces that give three 'buttons' which (confusingly) are software-assignable in many ways. I'm unimpressed by the ergonomics, but I've also seen nine-button mice which were MUCH less useful (three numbers, three colors, three symbols).

My Apple trackpads are one-button. If software can't handle that, it's the programmers' fault.

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If you want to make your own, you could use a servo as the broom straw holder and rotate to whatever degree you have in mind for the display. A display device does not have to be an exact copy of a Simpson.


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Pssst, you're meant to type first.

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Commander Kinsey

Incoherent nonsense, there. Right wing means associated with the party in power, which isn't the Donald. Right wing is NOT common sense, because it is not a central (everyone-agrees) coalition, but... a WING. And whatever isn't-the-Donald must be what you call left wing liberals, but it's the Donald who's currently under investigation for fraud, stealing-from-the-rich.

The 'therefore' clause belongs at the end of a chain of reasoning, not at the end of a rant.

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No, right wing means associated with the right wing party. At the moment Biden is in power, and right wing people are not associated with Biden.

Right wing is for the individual. Left wing is for the collective.

Everyone knows Democrats and Liberals means the same thing. Not sure why yanks have several names for one thing.

All politicians are always under investigation. Anyone who becomes a politician and doesn't try to nick something is an idiot. Didn't you ever take paper from the photocopier at work?

What utter bullshit. Therefore talks about a conclusion. That is at the end. You cannot make a conclusion without the prior information.

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Commander Kinsey

Commander Kinsey did the usual wanker trick of sticking his response in the middle of Whit3rd's sentence. The right-wing of the US Democrat Party is associated with Joe Biden, and they are in power. The left wing of the Democrat Party is closer to Bernie Sanders, but they are in power too.

That's what right-wingers like to claim, but in reality the more rabid end of the right wing spectrum wants to subordinate the individual to the needs of the nation state, which is a collective (even if the don't call it that.

The left wing does place more emphasis on getting society to work to everybody's advantage, but that doesn't make them "for" any kind of "collective" which is a reference to the Soviet Communist's collective farms, which didn't work all that well for the population as whole, though the small fraction of population who were members of the Communist Party quite liked them.

They may mean that to Democrats in the US, but "liberals" were originally in favour of free trade while their Tory opponents wanted to protect people who owned agricultural land from competition from cheap imported food. In Australia the "Liberal Party" is on the right and the trade union's Labor Party in on the left.

Donald Trump wasn't actually a politician, but a disastrously lousy property developer, who lost so much of his investors money that he was reduced to playing a businessman on TV and money laundering for East European kleptocrats.

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He got into politics because the Koch brothers had used their Tea Party Movement to astroturf the Republican Party with mindless windbags, so the Donald's scheme to exploit the Republican presidential candidate selection process for a bit of cheap publicity worked rather better than it should have done.

He's probably under investigation to see if he can be nailed for his part in the invasion of the Capitol Building (which was politics of a particularly crude and rudimentary sort) but people were also looking at his non-political financial activities.

Commander Kinsey imagines that the deluded nonsense laid out in his rant is some kind of "prior information". It did informs us that Commander Kinsey is a deluded right-winger of the dumbest kind, but that doesn't seem to be what he thought that he was telling us.

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Anthony William Sloman

I didn't mean you actually touched the cord, but you can easily feel it pulling at the mouse. Now unless that mouse is circular, I'd be hard pressed to accidentally rotate it 180 degrees.

Why use two hands when you can use one? A second button is an absolute must for any computer.

And just how do you know where the border between each button is?

I don't have 9 fingers on one hand. Gamers seem to like that sort of thing though. Not sure how they remember which weapon they've assigned to which button though.

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Commander Kinsey

IQ has much to do with upbringing. The training that goes with learning Chinese has a positive effect. You will also note that cultural Jews in the USA (mostly atheist by the way) do much better that the average hillbilly.

There is not much stress to difference in IQ. My take is that you cannot function in an organisation that has a level 20 points lower than you (or for that matter 20 points higher).

Groetjes Albert

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When I worked at EMI Central Research there were lots of clever people around, and quite a few who were spectacularly clever. The ones who were hard to get on with weren't differentiated by cleverness, but rather by pig-headedness and other kinds of personality defects. By and large the cleverer people were better at getting around the personality defects.

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Anthony William Sloman

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