Re: OT: Ping Bloggs

By which Cursitor Doom means he disagrees with it, but can't find any respectable counterargument.

Cursitor Doom thinks I'm a totalitarian because I think that Cursitor Doom should be brought to account for publishing risible right-wing propaganda. A totalitarian would insist that he wasn't allowed to publish anything as soon as he had been silly enough to publish something that was clearly silly.

Merely penalised for spreading misinformation that is aimed to distort public opinion in dangerous ways. You can get sued for libel if you publish lies that damage an individual reputation. Damaging public perceptions by posting misleading nonsense should cost you money too.

Up to a point. Shouting "Fire " in a crowded theatre is a well known example of something that crosses that boundary.

But applies with considerably more force to Cursitor Doom, whose reasoning is remarkably defective (though he too dim to realise it).

Or we haven't understood it in the way Cursitor Doom does, as giving him a license to propagate irresponsible idiocy.

If only Cursitor Doom would.

Reply to
Bill Sloman
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No. YOU have singularly failed to understand yet again. You've chipped in your 2c worth without reading Bill's remarks where he has on more than one occasion stated he'd like to see me locked up merely for saying something he didn't like. And not only me, but 2 other contributors to this group besides. I've noted your ignorance on this forum before and having finally got the full version of Agent newsreader working I doubt it will be long before both you and Bill are languishing in a KF therein.

Reply to
Cursitor Doom

I'd be perfectly happy if you were merely fined. And the problem is not that you post stuff that I don't like. The problem is that you post dangerously misleading misinformation, which - if taken seriously by people as silly as you - could lead to unfortunate consequences

Cursitor Doom, Flyguy and John Doe are all stupid enough to have fallen for dangerous right-wing propaganda and have been irresponsible enough to proceed to try to propagate it here.

Here, at least, there are sceptical readers who jeer at you, and them, for it. If they infest right-wing echo chambers they might end up indoctrinating people silly enough to take them seriously and act on their demented delusions.

That would be nice. If you don't see my posts you don't irritate me by posting moronic responses. In reality you see other's peoples reactions to my posts often enough to post moronic reactions to them, which are just as irritating.

Reply to
Bill Sloman

That's not actually true though, Bill. Previously you've lamented that at present one can mostly buy one's way out of trouble by paying a fine. To my mind, ANY form of punishment for voicing one's honestly held opinion is abhorrent. Yet you want to go further still and imprison dissenters. That is not how we do things in the West. We don't get to the root of a problem by jailing those we disagree with. That's the case in China regrettably and we don't want it exported into Western democracies.

Reply to
Cursitor Doom

So what? The idea is to discourage you from posting exceptionally misleading nonsense designed to appeal to right-wing nitwits addicted to particularly toxic conspiracy theories. If we make the dangerously seductive stuff too expensive you may at least move back to the merely ridiculous.

Of course it is. You are much too far gone to realise that your "honestly hled opinions" are dangerous lunancies.

Only the ones who want to massacre a peaceful congregation praying in their local mosque. Having lunatic ideas doesn't make you an active menace to public safety. Acting on them can.

Most of the time.

No-one ever said it would. Jailing those who make money out of creating and exaggerating the problem would help a lot.

"Revived in" the phrase you should have used . You might read up on Senator Joseph McCarthy sometime, and on one of his more energetic supporters - one Ronald Reagan.

Somebody as rabid as you might not find any of that worrying, since you seem hell-bent on emulating them.

Reply to
Bill Sloman

Hey SL0WMAN, what you are trying to say is that we fall for the TRUTH! You, on the other hand, MAKE SHIT UP!! I have documented your LIES over and OVER!!! You keep repeated the same DUMB SHIT to the point YOU BELIEVE IT!!!!

There's ignorant and STUPD SL0WMAN again: can't even spell SKEPTICAL.

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What Flyguy is pig-ignorant enough to imagine to be some kind of "truth."

Which is to say I point out that the misleading propaganda that gullible twits like you fall for isn't entirely accurate.

You do go in for argument by mindless repetition.

Funny that you - of all people - should complain about that. You do believe loads of remarkably dumb shit, and keep on posting it again and again.

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Noah Webster has a lot to answer for. There's a whole continent full of people who think that they speak English but also think that they ought to spell "sceptical" with a "k". It is derived from the Greek "skeptikos" but the sk- spelling is an early 17c. Greek revival and is only preferred in U.S. where they do have a lot of silly ideas.

Reply to
Bill Sloman

Bill, you're making yourself look a fool. Try to maintain some vestage of self-respect for God's sake. The way you are coming across here is not the same as the way you seem to believe you are. You are doing exactly what you're accusing others of.

Reply to
Cursitor Doom

Cursitor Doom is one of the local experts on looking totally stupid, and is dumb enough to think that his opinions are worth posting.

The word is spelled "vestige". I have to admit wasting time on other people's spelling errors isn't all that constructive.

In Cursitor Doom's ever-so-expert opinion. His idea of the way I think I'm coming across may not be mine.

Not entirely, I get stuff right a lot of the time, and you are much too dumb to realise it.

Reply to
Bill Sloman

So says the idiot who can't spell STUPD

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You should re-read the guff you post here all the time, Bill. It's littered with spelling errors. If you want a spelling contest I can guarantee you who'd come off worse - as evidenced by what you've already posted here. But since you'd like nothing more, I'm not going down that path. Anything which deflects from the obvious problems you have trying to martial a cogent argument to substantiate your loony ideas is not to my advantage and I'll be damned if I'm going to do you any favours in your quest to advance the agenda of the Devil.

Reply to
Cursitor Doom

I do make typo's from time to time. We all do. If it were actually "littered with spelling errors" you'd be able to post an example, and you haven't.

None of which you've cited.

Some residual grasp of reality then.

As in pointing out that you champion a variety of lunatic right wing conspiracy theories. The one about the malign influence of the Frankfurt School - Cultural Marxism - is particularly comic, and your fears about the influence of George Soros are equally demented.

Much too dumb.

Reply to
Bill Sloman

That would involve re-reading through your garbage. Ain't gonna happen.

See above.

Nope. Just not giving you a free pass on your total lack of deductive reasoning when you try to substantiate your loony Left-wing ideas here.

Am I supposed to pay the slightest attention to your views on Cultural Marxism and its proponents when you claimed for so long there was no such thing? I don't think so. As for Soros, who the BBC describes as a "philanthropist" - are you saying we have nothing to fear from him? Can you of all people really be THAT stupid?

Reply to
Cursitor Doom

Particularly since you've done it and couldn't find anything that matched your description.

The usual pathetic evasion.

Of course you aren't. You lied and you know it.

Whereas your right wing lunacy is chockful of deductive reasoning? Pull the other leg.

When you first raised the subject I dug out the Wikipedia article about the Frankfurt School - which back then merely included a reference to the right-wing conspiracy theory about Cultural Marxism, which has now been promoted to a page in its own right . The Frankfurt School clearly existed - and I've never denied it - but the idea that they had any influence worth worrying about was always bizarre.

I've read at least one of his books. He came across as well-intentioned and not remotely Machiavellian. Nothing I've read since then suggests that anybody has anything to fear from him. He was born in Hungary and is of Jewish descent, which would - in part - explain why creeps like you don't like him. The fact that he famously broke the Bank of England in 1992, and - in the process - made John Major and Norman Lamont look like the idiots they were, didn't endear him to English conservatives aka Daily Mail readers.

The stupidity is entirely yours. You are stupid enough to take right-wing lunatic propaganda seriously, so some of your more idiotic ideas are other peoples stupidities, which you have adopted - as gullible half-wits do. John Larkin has the same kind of problem with climate change denial, where he is prone to advancing second hand idiocies that he couldn't have come up with on his own.

Reply to
Bill Sloman

You delude yourself, Bill. At the age I am now I am acutely aware I won't be around much longer. The last thing I'd consider doing is going back over all your crap looking for spelling errors. Life's too short - and a damn sight shorter still when the graveyard hoves into view.

Our 'audience' will have made their own minds up on which of us has made the most spelling errors regardless of what we may claim. I'll happily leave the tallying-up to them.

Others can judge that better for themselves and if I may say - at the risk of repeating myself - I'll happily leave the tallying-up to them.

I'm afraid I can't let that pass unremarked. The poison concocted by - inter alia - the likes of Adorno, Horkheimer and Marcuse at Frankfurt was exported to the US public schools system through the 'takeover' and corruption of Columbia University in New York which showered its adherents with doctorates, enabling them to readily obtain teaching posts and commence the brainwashing of American children with Marxist propaganda. And this has been going on in one form or another ever since. I'd say that was an awful lot of "influence worth worrying about" wouldn't you, Bill? Oh, no, of course you wouldn't - being an arch denialist of the Long March.

So you are ignorant of the fact that he was a Nazi collaborator who ratted-out his fellow Jews to the SS just to make a few marks on the side? Or you *are* aware of that, but don't see anything wrong in it? Which is it, Bill? I for one can't think of any other possibilities....

Reply to
Cursitor Doom

Probably not. You want to delude the rest of us by lying with your usual enthusiasm, but you are a bit too obvious about it to have any hope of success.

That's comforting.

You prefer to waste your time reading the Daily Mail, Russia today and Zero Hedge looking for the kind of right-wing fantasy that makes you feel good.

Think of it from our point of view. One more irritating idiot isn't going to post here any more. Jim Thompsons' departure was more of a mixed blessing - he did have useful information to impart, though not as often as he liked to think.

Relying on idiots like Flyguy and John Doe? Optimist.

Brave of you. And idle.

None of which seems have beaten out the enthusiasm of the American media for labelling socialism as communism.

The "Long March" is an item of Communist Chinese history. They did it to get away from the Kuomintang in 1934. It also happened to put them out of reach of the Japanese invasion of China which started in 1937. What it might have to do with the US education system being less rabidly right-wing than you'd like escapes me.

"Soros was 13 years old in March 1944 when Nazi Germany occupied Hungary. He seems to have been told to deliver deportation orders to other Jewish families, and his father told him to tell the families to make themselves scarce before the Germans could find them and deport them.

It does seem to be a complete invention, if loosely based on an episode when Soros was posing as the Christian god-son of a member of the collaborationist Hungarian government . Is it your own lie, or did you pick it up from one of your favourite sources of right-wing propaganda?

You never seem to recognise your own enthusiasm for latching onto vicious nonsense that appeals to your own psychopathic inclinations.

Reply to
Bill Sloman

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