Our Congressman canceled townhall meeting

The part about it being aligned with the Communist Manifesto; and how we can stop it, assuming there are any Americans who still believe in The Right to Life, Liberty, and Property.

Thanks, Rich

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Richard the Dreaded Libertaria
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So, how's your golden boy doing in his job of cleaning up this mess?

Are they still torturing prisoners, yes or no?

And howcome his first response to the Bush/Cheney deficit was to TRIPLE it!?

Thanks, Rich

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Richard the Dreaded Libertaria

The difference is I didn't make any claims about it like imagining fantasy land fascist you invented from whole cloth.

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Ignoring the villiage idiots is how we ended up with those idiots in office.

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OK, so I gather you don't want an intelligent discussion. Try not to drive with the tea bags hanging from your camo cap. They interfere with your visibility.

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The Obama administration inherited a financial crisis. It made all the newspapers. Hence the increased deficit.

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Again, no viable rebuttal, so name-call.

Like I said, typical.

Thanks, Rich

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Richard the Dreaded Libertaria

You mean the Patriot Act? It didn't do all that. Besides, Obama's embraced it.

-- Cheers, James Arthur

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Obama keeps harping on the "failed policies of the last eight years," while he strives to preserve and institutionalize the failed policies of the last 50. Like saving failed car companies, bailing out unions, banks, saving AIG, Freddie and Fannie, and so forth.

Those financial problems are made worse by Obama's measures; you can't borrow your way to prosperity. You might invest your way to it, but he's spending, not investing. And no one benefits from saving failed and crooked institutions. Well, we don't anyhow. He might.

Obama's borrowing is to fund handouts for his pals. Not just in the here and now--huge deficits are projected for years and years to come.

Medicare is another fiscal failure. Obama admits that it's breaking the country, that we can't afford it, so his solution is to expand it nationwide. That's absurd.

Even if you want socialized healthcare, Obama's plan isn't it. His destroys care, saves nothing, and costs a fortune we don't have. It's lame.

-- Cheers, James Arthur

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You have a problem with reading comprehension. I asked what particular issue of health care reform would you like to discuss in a rational manner.

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The national security letters are hardly constitutional. I don't see what Obama has to do with this.

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I've answered you:

and, apparently, you have no valid rebuttal, so, as is the style of the Obamanists, rather than present a reasoned argument, you name-call.

Thanks Again! Rich

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Richard the Dreaded Libertaria

I didn't make any claims about who was there, redefining sad sack.

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"PANAMA CITY - Waves of people descended upon Gulf Coast Community college's parking lot Friday night for a town hall meeting without a host.

The event, organized by the Bay Patriots and Talk Radio 101.1's Burnie Thompson, originally was supposed to take place after a health care forum hosted, in part, by U.S. Rep. Allen Boyd. That event was canceled, but the town hall was not."

You're not very good at this, are you? lol

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Ouroboros Rex

No, backing mcuh bigger idiots for the last 8 years is how you ended up there.

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Ouroboros Rex


t a


The national security letters? Sorry, I don't get the reference. From your list, I thought you spoke of the Patriot Act.

Personally, I don't know how Obama can constitutionally compel everyone's doctor to put their medical records in a giant electronic database--that seems a gross violation of privacy. Not to mention cross-reference it all with the IRS for means-testing. I can scarcely imagine a greater intrusion into our personal affairs than this.

Uptight Republicans are often accused of intruding into people's bedrooms, but Obama (and the IRS) would know more about our bodies than we do ourselves.

That's wrong.

-- Cheers, James Arthur

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Hey, stupid, your words: "not a bunch of out-of-state yahoos."

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t Manifesto; and how


The communist manifesto is not a part of the health care debate. I simply can't waste my time on such complete and utter bullshit. Keep it up dude. I can hear the moderate Republicans running for the door.

Perhaps you would like to discuss how the insurance companies look for excuses to cancel your policy. Assuming your are a listener and contributor to NPR, perhaps you caught the "This American Life" where they play the audio of the health insurance executives that won't swear to cancel policies. If you don't recall, here it is:

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Skip ahead to 35 minutes.

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p the

got a



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The PATRIOT act greatly expanded the power of the National Security Letter.

Right now, your medical data is probably being read by outsourced workers in India or Pakistan.

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Use H&R block? Your IRS data is probably sitting in Bangalor.

I rather have my data locked up by the feds than some sleazy private contractor. It is possible to set up databases so that when someone peeps at your data, it is logged. Yeah, it happens, and people get fired all the time for doing this crap. I have heard of cops being fired for running plates that were not part of the job. Still you are better off with the government handling your records than some cheap ass lowest bidder contractor.

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Yep - not a claim as to who was actually there, just a description of his duties, redefining sad sack. It is not his job to show up and deal with a bunch of out of state yahoos. And that's what we've had, each time we get a report from a town hall meeting the screamers have invaded.

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Ouroboros Rex

Yes it is.

Fascist you haven't a clue who was there and neither does the

There's nothing we can do about the bussed in screaming Union thugs,

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