OT: Stupid Electronics Jokes I Made Up Part 5

What type of mouthwash do electronic designers use? Scope And the soap? Dial

What type of memory is totally useless? WOM Write Only Memory

What's it called when an electronics designer keeps working with the same transistor? Transistor bias.

Why is a 2.2k resistor a 2.2k resistor? Cause a resistor can't change it's stripes.

Where can do you find a CRT display? In a landfill.

When I have a flash of insight, I usually get the fire extinguisher.

The tougher the project, the more surprised I get when something works.

I made a robot that puts hats on people. I call it 'The Capacitor'.

The battery went dead on my blinking circuit. My eyes are so dry now. :(

How do you make an oscillator out of any combination of electronics parts? Put'm in a paint shaker.

What do electronics designers need when they get fat? More bandwidth.

I got angry with the mafia owned inductor manufacturer. I told them my order was short one inductor and I won't do business with them anymore. They came by and gave me a choke.

Have you heard about the new gay connectors? They're just like regular connectors but you have to think of different body parts.

The most disappointing movie I've ever seen. Transformers.

I saturated the core with lots of flux. It's really sticky now.

A diode gets pulled over by a cop for a driving violation. Cop says 'Don't you know you're going down a one way road?' Diode says 'What's wrong with that? I was only going one way.'

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D from BC
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