je suis charlie

Yeah? Who is the utter idiot who "gave him" this stupid moniker, BILL SLOMAN?

Tell the group who that immature, retarded, provoking BASTARD was?

You looking in a mirror?

Just so you know, you illiterate, Usenet newsgroup trolling bastard, "quaint" and "red-neck" do not "go together".

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You NEVER post circuits or electronics theoretic content to USENET, you're a parasitic troll.

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I thought the cartoons were funny. I guess some engineers have no interest in humor.


John Larkin         Highland Technology, Inc 
picosecond timing   precision measurement  

jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com
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John Larkin

Simple string compare:

"John" "Fred"


John Larkin         Highland Technology, Inc 
picosecond timing   precision measurement  

jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com
Reply to
John Larkin

You posted your political lean. Period.

We all got all the exposure to recent news events we need. Using it to add noise to the group is not anything like "telling a joke among friends at the penny ante table".

It is adding noise, and nothing more.

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That's his subconscious talking...

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Yeah, there are so many posts here that we need to conserve bandwidth.

Design anything interesting lately?


John Larkin         Highland Technology, Inc 
picosecond timing   precision measurement  

jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com
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John Larkin

Unlike in the modem days, this is NOT about bandwidth, you dishonorable bastard. But I do not expect you to understand nor desist.

Yes. A fully rugged encrypted HAIPE linked RAID array, that will likely end up replacing the current Black Box recording medium, and many other instances where high reliability data recording and transmission is utilized.

Now go ponder your political and technological inaneness.

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See a shrink.

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The cartoons weren't actually funny, and they were - quite explicitly - ant i-Obama, but John Larkin's sense of humour isn't something to celebrate, an d he seems to share his political sensibilities with James Arthur and Ruper t Murdoch.

Google is to be relied on) which would be wasted on an American audience ( and would have been wasted on me, since my French isn't all that comprehens ive).

Bill Sloman, Sydney
Reply to
Bill Sloman

Not exactly. He was advertising his political position - a little to the ri ght of Genghis Khan - and declaring his affiliation with our other right-wi ng nitwit Obama-haters. Quite why he feels the need to advertise his affect ion for the Murdoch media quite so frequently escapes me - maybe he gets so me kind of frequent-flatterer benefit.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Bill Sloman

It isn't the moniker that was stupid, but the Jim Thompson posts that provo ked it.

You may not like the association, but "an attractively unusual or old-fashi oned red-neck" is a perfectly feasible concept. It's odd to find a moderate ly successful high-tech consultant who is an unreconstructed red-neck, and Jim's capacity to get what he wanted out of MIT while avoiding any broader education deserves to be recognised (and despised) as a triumph of mean-spi rited parochialism.

Bill Sloman, Sydney
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Bill Sloman

Truth hurts, eh, BloogsTard?

Your sub-conscious kept you from performing your usual inane snip as well. Something else you didn't catch. You are guilty, as charged, asswipe.

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More of your delirium- you're just not impressing anyone with your outrageo us claims which you can NEVER back up with engineering or scientific detail . I suppose it's some kind of coping mechanism for dealing with a life of c omplete rejection and failure, very sad. How did the day go watching over t he parking lot and collecting time stubs?

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Does that involve electronic design?


John Larkin         Highland Technology, Inc 
picosecond timing   laser drivers and controllers 

jlarkin att highlandtechnology dott com
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John Larkin

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