I can't pay next month's rent...


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A Silvertone from 1558 ?? Classic indeed. (Obviously, that's a typo)

Me: keyboards only. (Just could not get the hang of guitar.) A Yamaha P-80 and a Kurzweil K2600.

Crown DC300A amp, which I never use anymore opting instead for a really nice set of Roland studio monitors. -mpm

Obviously, I didn't visit your site, but if that's a hinderence in your job hunt... ditch it. Or sell that Jurrasic-era Silvertone and retire. :)


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Buttons in Space?


My site wasn't important. You didn't read the whole message:-)))))) Nobody did! Cool.

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Nonsense. I get calls all the time from just a passive Monster posting. There is another contract position opening here, or so I'm told. They're hiring real employees too. ;-) Lotsa work to be done.

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How can you expect a job when you have this kind of lunacy on your CV?

(Note - I have recently been informed that ITT Manufacturing Enterprises, of Wilmington, Delaware, has been making slanderous (false) statements about me to potential employers, when contacted for employment verification. That is illegal. They are being sued. The number on that piece of paper has lots of zeros. I've had to sue them twice already. The first time, they settled out of court for full payment. They got off on the second lawsuit due to a technicality. But, the third time is the charm! I've always wanted to buy an island. I've been to lots of islands, but I really liked Hawaii. Maybe I'll buy it.)

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Samantha Pierce-Harder

Couldn't he pay the rent with some of that? Or was the actual sum $0000000001.00

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Paul Burke

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