Drugs, politics etc

Is that the best you can do ? I realize you haveno valid arguennt but tha tis no excuse fro such a lame ass thing you (hopefuly laughingly) codsidered a response. Yuo realy are out of your league.

So anyay, if I can't get you to piss in a jar for me, I won't piss in a jar for you.So how are you going to punish me for disobeying th regime and taking something into my body they consider naughy ?

You should probably chill out and burn one, then maybe you'll hacve enough creativity to effectively argue rather than the childish namecalling.

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Oh, I can do better but there isn't any reason to go further. You

*are* a fruitcake.
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fruitcake /fr ewt kake - n

  1. A Man who can design build and repair things, and does.

  1. A Man who thinks of others, and his country.

  2. A Man who will help when able to defend the rights of others.

  1. A Man with a work ethic and record that reflects commitment to carreer and honesty and fairness.

  2. A Man who is playing this gqm with an obvious rube not worth the time, for reasons like when people slow down to watch a good train wreck.

Don't run out of (legal) meds.

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Much better to not need them


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The pharmacy has lots more.

Sure, but that's the equivalent of, life is better than death.

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