RPi.GPIO-0.7.0 - a few questions about how it adds the PWM class


... Well, whoops .... :-|

Am I glad that my normal MO is to try to explain my POV, instead of, for example, attacking the messenger. :-)

Me not being a native speaker either has most likely also contributed to it.

I might have tried to take a shortcut by asking the people here to point out my mistake, instead of just go try to read /everything/. Including ofcourse how that structure functions (which, in the end, turnes out having nothing to do with my problem) and by it how classes in CPython work, and so on. In short, not really a small task.

In other words, as a newbie you do not have a clue which direction you should be looking in, and as a result, using that "figure it out for yourself" method, waste ginormous ammounts of time and energy looking in all the wrong ones ...

Thats not to say I do not understand the sentiment though.

Regards, Rudy Wieser

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Entitled to what exactly ? Me expecting to be dealt with just as the person expects me to deal with them ? Something else ? Or actually anything at all for that matter ?

Ah yes, the good-old "absense of knowledge equals stupidity" attack. Luckily I can gain knowledge. You on the other hand will probably never lose that attitude - which makes you caustic in all kinds of environments.

Kiddo, if you can't "win" (do not understand or just disagree with the others POV) than you could do a lot better than to go on a personal attack.

Regards, Rudy Wieser

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Thankyou for the vote of confidence l-)

I literally said ?It doesn?t create an instance of anything?. Back on the 3rd, Dennis told you when instances (of the PWM type) were actually created. He also quoted the documentation of PyType_GenericNew, clarifying that it was a function, another thing that apparently only registered when Steve told you.

If you had mentioned that you thought it was a class then things might have gone a bit quicker. The idea that you?d have that particular misconception simply didn?t occur to me because (1) you?d already seen the documentation for it, so if you?d been paying attention you?d know what is was and (2) there is no such thing as a class in the C language.

I?m not asking that you ?just understand?, I am asking that you pay attention to what is being said. When there?s one right answer to a question then it?s inherent that there?s going to be some repetitiveness in any discussion about it, because the right answer doesn?t change.

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Richard Kettlewell


I already knew its shouldn't, but could not figure out why. That was my whole doubt problem!

No, that "its a function" part was rather inconsequential. What was was what " = PyType_GenericNew" (regardles of latter being a class definition or function) was returning.

I assumed it was returning an instance, which did not match up with the "yes, you can move that assignment onto the table", which confused me. And I mentioned that (it supposedly returning an instance) several times.

But although I was told wrong there, I can't seem to remember that I've been told /what actually got returned/ - until Ahem/Steve mentioned that it its a pointer. Which directly made sense.

And I said the same for the exact same reason back to you. :-)

I did not expect you to change your answer, but I /did/ expect you to explain it and/or pick up on my misconception and replace it with the correct one (I think that both would have led to the same result).

Bottom line, it looks like we both missed clues about what the other tried to say or even explicitily said. The will in each direction was there, but the connection failed (which most likely frustrated you as much as me) . :-\

Regards, Rudy Wieser

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Ahem: It was you that critcised RichardPERSONALLY.

Not me.

Dont compound that with hypocrisy.

Frankly if I get much more of the current snoflake 'I dont understand and that's *your* fault, for not explaining ' I will vomit.

The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to  
? H. L. Mencken, American journalist, 1880-1956
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The Natural Philosopher

In short, communication is difficult and requires work, patience and a little luck to succeed.

Steve O'Hara-Smith                          |   Directable Mirror Arrays 
C:\>WIN                                     | A better way to focus the sun 
The computer obeys and wins.                |    licences available see 
You lose and Bill collects.                 |    http://www.sohara.org/
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Ahem A Rivet's Shot

Strange and unhelpful attitude, everyone has problems understanding some things and usually the best way past those problems is varying explanations until the blind spot that prevents understanding is illuminated. Very often that blind spot is invisible to the explainer and the explainee won't be able to point it out until after understanding has been achieved which is why spotting the blind spot is the art in teaching.

That being said nobody is required to be a teacher, or to try and help others so if you don't want to then don't.

Steve O'Hara-Smith                          |   Directable Mirror Arrays 
C:\>WIN                                     | A better way to focus the sun 
The computer obeys and wins.                |    licences available see 
You lose and Bill collects.                 |    http://www.sohara.org/
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Ahem A Rivet's Shot

I didnt really follow the technical ins and outs but it SEEMED to be an argument that hinged on not understanding that a certain sort of declaration in a compiled language allocates nothing.

The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all  
private property. 

Karl Marx
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The Natural Philosopher

Wow. "Good people on both sides." Barf.

Reply to
A. Dumas


I'm sorry. I can imagine that one or both of us being "bad" would have given you much more entertainment. A blamefest with a sidedish of mudslinging perhaps ?

I hope you can still enjoy your popcorn though (just turn the TV on and find some political debate) :-)

Regards, Rudy Wieser

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Very nicely put. :-)

Regards, Rudy Wieser

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