Strange warning message from ise8.2i ?

I have received the following error warning:

Cpld:828 - Signal 'done.RSTF' has been minimized to 'GND'.

Waiting with antissipation, Thanks

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Waiting might not do anything for you. Do you want help?

There's a chance that your logic is not doing what you expect. Have you run this through simulation software? My guess - if you do - is that the signal will always be ground because the logic reduces to always-zero output.

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Hello, Here is my program, if you want to compile it and see for yourself, it would be wonderful. Waiting with antissipation, Thanks.

module vv(clk1, clk2, reset1,reset2, addr1); input clk1; input clk2; input reset1; input reset2; output [4:0] addr1; wire [4:0] addr1; wire int_mux_clk; wire int_done; mmux mymux(.a(clk1),.b(clk2),.sel(int_done),.y(int_mux_clk)); mcounter mycounter(.clk(int_mux_clk),.rs(reset1),.ad(addr1)); mdetect mydetect(.a(addr1[4]),.rs(reset2),.y(int_done)); endmodule

module mmux(a,b,sel,y); input a, b, sel; output y; reg y; always @ (a or b) begin if (sel==0) y=a; else y=b; end endmodule

module mcounter (clk,rs,ad); input clk,rs; output [4:0] ad; reg [4:0] ad; always @ (posedge clk or posedge rs) begin if(rs) ad=0; else ad=ad+1; end endmodule

module mdetect(a,rs,y); input a; input rs; output y; reg y; always @(a or rs) begin if (a) y=1; else if(rs) y=0; else y=y; end endmodule

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Since you have no signal or module named "done" and I wouldn't expect the tools to rename your int_done wire, are you sure this code generated the "error warning" (please specify if it's an error or a warning) that done.RSTF was minimized to ground?

Also, the word is "anticipation" just for your information, no offense.

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Here are all the warnings generated. If you compile it you will see the same:

WARNING:Xst:905 - "vv.v" line 22: The signals are missing in the sensitivity list of always block. WARNING:Xst:737 - Found 1-bit latch for signal . WARNING:Xst:1355 - Unit mmux is merged (low complexity) WARNING:Cpld:828 - Signal 'int_done.SETF' has been minimized to 'GND'. WARNING:Cpld:310 - Cannot apply TIMESPEC TS1000 =

The first one I know how to fix. The 2nd one, I assume it's because of the bus bit associated with it, so ok.

3rd one, stange, but ok, I have no objections. 4th one, SETF, what is that ? Last one, TIMESPEC ?

Waiting with anticipation Thanks.

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If you fix the problem for y (in mdetect which drives int_done) your int_done warning will probably go away. The SETF is probably a control pin for the latch element that XST was trying to produce for you. As it tried to contort your intent into a latch, I'm guessing it generated a set signal that - in the end - wasn't needed.

By the way, I can only compile and get the same results if I have ISE8.2i (of unknown service pack) and know what CPLD family you're targeting. Since I'm up to ISE9.1i+, I won't bother.

Good code produces few warnings.

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