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ssh with -X does not work
Hi, I am new to the use of ssh. I used to have a stand-alone desktop OpenSuse PC. Now I bought a RPi. I set it up headless and tried to ssh to raspbian. That works fine as long I use the CLI mode....
What is the easiest way to get a development environment running for the RPi ? Which flavor of Linux has a good IDE and compiler ? I am looking at application not kernel development. Thanks hamilton
Might try Raspberry Pi...
I'm thinking of buying a Raspberry Pi. Can I connect it (preferably by just one cable) to a PC, so that the PC provides power, keyboard, mouse, monitor and storage? Or, all of that except power at...
Powering your Raspberry Pi option
Got my Pi online last night and to save cabling, I tried plugging the power cord into the USB port on the front of my DVR/Cable Box. Much to my surprise, it worked like a charm. So, now I am using my...
Running Raspberry Pi Model B with composite video cable
Have any of the people on this newsgroup used the Raspberry Pi model B with the composite video cable instead of the HDMI cable. I had initially tried using the Raspberry Pi with one of the two HDMI...
Raspberry Pi webcam server
Any recommendations for using the Raspberry Pi as a webcam server? My preferences are: * high frame rate, high resolution * include video and audio * streaming over a network I am not looking for...
Raspberry PI board on Revolution
This Monday's Episode of Revolution exhibited a scene where (no good at names) the chunky guy with the beard pulls apart a Mac SE and rips out some boards, none of which are inside a Mac SE, and one...
IRLP daughterboard
I've been pondering an IRLP (or PLRI) daughterboard for the Pi. As some of you may already know, the standard V3 IRLP board can be attached with a ribbon cable connecting to the P1 header. Then you...
Happy Hacking Keybord Lite 2
So I gather there are some issues getting this keyboard to work under Raspbian. Has anyone actually got this keyboard working? I'm asking because I'm thinking about modifying one to have a Pi and a...
Camera board available
As subject; OOS at Farnell when I checked, but ordered OK from RS Chris
Revolution references r.pi
R.pi in popular culture: At 0:14 in "The Longest Day" episode of Revolution (CBS, Mon 2013.05.13 22:00) tech-geek guy opens an old upright Macintosh in an abandoned electronics shop, and then the next...
Are SD cards created equal?
I have configured Raspbx on my Raspberry Pi and it's doing pretty much what I want it to do so I thought I would clone the SD card as a backup. I am using Win32 Disk Imager and it reports: Not enough...
7.1 usb soundcard on RPI > 4 stereo audio outs
I am attempting to split a 7.1 usb soundcard into 4 stereo outputs on a ras pberry pi, running raspbian, when I use lib_ao_default, its streams out of the front channels seamlessly, when I use...
5GHz USB WLAN recommendation?
I'm new here and learned a lot while reading your posts. I just bought a my first RPi, and I am happy I found this NG! While collecting the required accessory to get it to work, I was looking for an...
wi-pi is working, kinda sorta
All, I purchased the wi-pi adapter from Newark Electronics (I bought my raspberry pi from them, too) and I'm able to ping my router (and any website), and I can get on the Internet by using the Lynx...