SONY KV32HS420 dropped

Disaster struck this pm when I dropped my 2 week old HDTV. I was adjusting some cables when it flopped screen side down. Sickening.......

The problem now is one similar to the symptoms of dropped SONY's but a bit different.

The color rendition on the screen is excellent except for a band about

4 inches wide running up the right side that has a green cast. This is true with all inputs. Otherwise the image is quite good.

Might this be fixed or is this the typical problem of mask misalignment---- which I been led to understand implies this set is toast.



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Almost certainly tube is damaged. maybe you could interest a video artist in the set since it is still functional but not for 'normal' viewing.


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The set is not always toast. It's your own set, so why not experiment. I have fixed a couple of these by putting the unit in it's regular location, turn it on from cold so it can degauss itself, then unhook the degaussing plug in coil, or use a switch. Now get a speaker magnet, or better yet a microwave oven magnetron magnet, & place it close to the set, with the back on, or off, whichever works best. You can possibly get the purity just about perfect. It takes a bit of adjusting, but I'll bet you will be pleasantly surprised. Hot glue the magnet, of tie it to the side grill of the T.V. And TA DA! A nice Sony Pix once again. Dani. wrote:

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Two questions one for Dani, the other for the group

Dani == Why does the degaussing coil have to be shut off?

All==If I bring the unit to Sony for warranty service, what do you think will happen? (I am sure it happens.....)

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You can try it with an independent shop that's authorized for Sony warranty work. They will make some money on a warranty CRT replacement and might look the other way on the fact that it was your fault if you're nice. Whether or not you consider this the right thing to do is up to your conscience.

It's also possible that the purity could be adjusted. I've seen a few cases where it was possible to get a usable picture on a damaged CRT after careful adjustment. It will never be perfect, but chances are they could improve it a little. Andy Cuffe

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Andy Cuffe

Most of the time when these SONY sets are subjected to physical shock (AKA being dropped or shipped face down) the aperture grill may become deformed or physically demounted. If this occurs the only fix is a new crt. <

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Reminds me of the story "Television set crushes child." It has been a long known fact by the consumer product safety commision that many large tube tv sets are so poorly designed and front heavy that they have a natural tendency to tip forwards.

If the tv is really that unstable, I would press Sony for a replacement. How would you feel if your 2 year old child bumped into the tv stand and the tv fell and crushed the kid?

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I once saw a Sony 27" TV from about 1990 that was so front heavy that even the slightest touch would make it tip over. I don't know how they got away with selling it. Andy Cuffe

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Andy Cuffe

Dani's suggestion below was great--using a large speaker magnet mounted below the right corner of the set solves the damage problem. Thanks to all for their help.


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