SONY KP-61XBR38 Convergence Repair and Thermal Paste questions


I wonder if you have advice on these questions as I begin the repair of my SONY KP-61XBR38 set.

I removed the D Board on my SONY KP-61XBR38 last night to attempt the convergence repair by replacing the ICS. I noticed immediately that the lower right STK4278-L had loose, cold soldered pins #23 & #24 - WHICH CERTAINLY CONTRIBUTED TO my convergence issues.

1) SInce I have it open and have two new ICs, should I replace both, or just this one and try it.?

2) Do you know if thermal paste HAS to be electrically conductive in addition to thermally conductive? I ask as I just purchased Artic SIlver Ceramique thermal paste - so it wouldn't accidentally electrically short anything. then I've started wondering whether it's also intended to ground the IC to the tray.

3) what other components (PICO FUSE?) need to be checked for repair?

4) ON Techlore, a user mentions having a heat sink applied to the STK4278-L IC. I notice the ICs have a plastic shell. Did you cut through this shell to affix the heat sink to the underlying IC metal case? Is this a recommended mod?

I am starting a webiste to document this repair as there does not seem to be much discussion of this SONY KP-61XBR38 model rapair on the Internet.


formatting link
KP-61xbr38 Convergence Repair.htm

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