verilog code


I am new in VLSI field. I have written one verilog code to calulate evenparity of two input data.

EX: input data1 input data2 output eparity output overflow output code

whenevr either data1 or data2 are with evenparity increment eparity, if eparity reaches FF , increment overflow. if data1 = AA or data2 = 55 increment code.

following is code which i have written , i just want to know is this efficient code, or i can still improve code.


module assg (clock,clear,reset, datain1, datain2, evenparity,overflow,greycode);

input clock; input reset; input clear; input [7:0] datain1; input [7:0] datain2;

output [7:0] evenparity; output overflow; output [7:0] greycode; reg [7:0] evenparity; reg overflow; reg [7:0] greycode; always @(posedge clock or negedge reset)

begin if(!reset) begin evenparity=0; overflow=0; greycode=0; end else begin if(clear) begin evenparity = 0; greycode = 0; overflow = 0; end else begin if(~^datain1) evenparity= evenparity + 1; if(~^datain2) evenparity= evenparity + 1; if(evenparity==8'b11111111) overflow = overflow + 1; if(datain1==8'b10101010) greycode = greycode + 1; if(datain2==8'b01010101) greycode = greycode + 1; end end




if anyone can suggest any improvement in design

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I won't even try to understand that.

Do you know about the Verilog reduction operators.

I believe that for a wire w of any width, ^w gives the total xor over all bits, same for most bitwise operators. Kind of APLish, can be very powerful, should synthesize.

Read the language book again.

And please everyone, I is spelt uppercase, and my English grades were not that good, even I can manage that.


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Okay, I'll add some *constructive* criticism since you haven't gotten any yet.

1) You're using blocking operators (=) rather than non-blocking operators ( if(datain1==8'b10101010) greycode = greycode + 1;
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In addition, I like to always use binary notation after an arithmetic operator. In past, I have seen different simulators behave differently due to the way they may represent integers differently. I don't think it is so much of a problem here. But things can get tricky if you are addin negative nos or multiplying big nos.

overflow = overflow + 1 can be written as overflow

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