synthesis error

Hi, synthesizing the following code yields an error.



-- Company:

-- Engineer:


-- Create Date: 16:22:54 06/23/2008

-- Design Name:

-- Module Name: main - Behavioral

-- Project Name:

-- Target Devices:

-- Tool versions:

-- Description:


-- Dependencies:


-- Revision:

-- Revision 0.01 - File Created

-- Additional Comments:


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; use IEEE.numeric_std.ALL;

---- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating

---- any Xilinx primitives in this code.

--library UNISIM;

--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;

entity main is port( clk,reset : in std_logic; btn: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); rx : in std_logic; tx : out std_logic; led: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); sseg : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); an : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

-- to/from chip ad : out std_logic_vector(17 downto 0); we_n, oe_n : out std_logic; -- SRAM chip a dio_a : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); ce_a_n,ub_a_n,lb_a_n : out std_logic; -- SRAM chip b dio_b : inout std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); ce_b_n,ub_b_n,lb_b_n : out std_logic ); end main;

architecture Behavioral of main is signal tx_full, rx_empty: std_logic; signal rx_data,tx_data : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal btn_tick: std_logic; signal mem : std_logic; signal mem_rw : std_logic; signal mem_addr : std_logic_vector(17 downto 0); signal mem_data_f2s : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal mem_data_s2f : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0); signal mem_ready : std_logic; signal h2a_hex : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); signal h2a_ascii : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); signal wr_uart,rd_uart : std_logic; type state_t is (s0,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10); type regs_t is record state : state_t; led : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); hex : unsigned(3 downto 0); end record; signal r_reg,r_next : regs_t; begin uart_unit : entity uart port map(clk=>clk,reset=>reset,rd_uart=>rd_uart,wr_uart=>wr_uart, rx=>rx,w_data=>tx_data,tx_full=>tx_full,rx_empty=>rx_empty, r_data=>rx_data,tx=>tx); btn_db_unit : entity debounce port map(clk=>clk,reset=>reset,button=>btn(0),db_level=>open,db_tick=>btn_tick); sram_unit : entity sram_ctrl port map(clk=>clk,reset=>reset,ad=>ad,we_n=>we_n,oe_n=>oe_n,dio_a=>dio_a,ce_a_n=>ce_a_n, ub_a_n=>ub_a_n,lb_a_n=>lb_a_n,dio_b=>dio_b,ce_b_n=>ce_b_n,ub_b_n=>ub_b_n,lb_b_n=>lb_b_n, mem=>mem,rw=>mem_rw,addr=>mem_addr,data_f2s=>mem_data_f2s,data_s2f=>mem_data_s2f,ready=>mem_ready); hex2a : entity hex2ascii port map(hex=>h2a_hex,ascii=>h2a_ascii); an

Reply to
Thorsten Kiefer
Loading thread data ...






h2s_ascii is neither an input nor is it assigned anything .. it is a floating undefined net .. that is your problem.


Reply to
Mike Lewis

.. snip..

.. snip..

.. snip ..

.. snip ..

.. snip ..

It assigned to something, but we and the synthesizer don't know what it is as the hex2ascii component wasn't defined. There was probably another synthesis warning on the "hex2a : entity hex2ascii" line.

Ed McGettigan

-- Xilinx Inc.

Reply to
Ed McGettigan


You connect h2a_ascii with tx_data. I guess tx_data is the real problem, as it is connected to gnd in process and h2a_ascii in concurrent statement. Without the component declarations I can only guess, that the entity inside drives h2a and sources tx_data. It would be a good idea to include the component declarations. I know why I use std_ulogic instead of std_logic :).

bye Thomas

Reply to
Thomas Stanka

What happened in simulation?

In Modelsim, you can use the "drivers" command to find out exactly what drivers are connected to the signal in question; that gos a long way to finding the problem.

- Brian

Reply to
Brian Drummond

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