design hobbyist fife

Hi, I am in need of a piece of equipment which can show me a relation between sun intensity and temoerature. How do I find a hobbyist in my area (Fife,UK) who can design something like that for me. You are all experts compared with me Len

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Hi, Len. There's no way you can get accurate experimental results for less than obtaining a cheapie light meter on eBay.

Cheers Chris

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I'll second the light meter idea. If it's a good one, be sure to use the "incident light" mode (with a little white bubble over the sensor) and point it at the sky instead of the subject/target. If it's a cheapie, you can probably make your own diffuser instead of the white bubble.

Note that the relation between sun intensity and the temperature of air or any target is also dependent on time and thermal conductivity, and with air there are also the issues of wind speed and humidity.

If you can explain exactly what you are trying to do, someone here can probably give specific advice.

Best regards,

Bob Masta D A Q A R T A Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis

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Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, Signal Generator Science with your sound card!

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Bob Masta

Walk out onto your front porch barefoot.

You can send the consultation fees to me at: ......

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NRen2k5 wrote in news:f_wMh.224$NM.6466

You have to do it multiple times, noting the sun intensity and temoerature.

You can send the consultation fees to me at: ..... (5 dots is SO much better, because 5's prime!)

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