Yippy, its started !!!

There is nothing at all in the Constitution about the people voting for President. The issue of whether or not you *could* vote for the President was

*completely* left up to the states.
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Democrats like dead people voting. They are all brain-dead. Democrats always believe their constituents are useless and they mostly are.

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^ t

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Lower case 'C' in Constitution is not a typo.

At least you didn't argue either point; you couldn't. You *are* an (now admitted) idiot.

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I haven't had an ID in 20 years and I work for a gov/mil contractor (I do have one, it is over 20 years old and does not expire).

IF I had one, I would not present it as a proof of the right to vote. My name on the rolls is enough.

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No DL? I guess you don't need one, living in mommy's basement.

You wouldn't vote here, AlwaysWrong[*]. Government issued ID required. I like the idea but it'll never happen in the People's Republic of Kalifornika.

[*]In you case, it would be a good thing.
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The Constitution says nothing about your right to vote for electors, either. The *states* decide how their electors are chosen.

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h to



Actually, the Constitution does comment on your right to vote in a presidential election--you don't have one. Your legislators have that right.

"Each State shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives [of that State]..." U.S. Constitution, Article II, section 1.

A couple months ago, as a volunteer, I went and verified the status of some 100 voters registered to vote at a particular location. That was my only assignment. 98 of the 100 were definitely improper (deceased, or didn't live there).

James Arthur
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And these were picked at random ?

Or was it your goal to get bragging rights ?

formatting link

Why not pass legislation after this election so everyone has 4 years to get their IDs in order.

Or maybe 4 years ago, after the last election, pass legislation and have

4 years to fight it out.

Why wait till 30 days before the current election ......

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Probably neither - James Arthur is a Republican groupie, and reliably sees the world in way that makes the Republican party look good.

I imagine that it worked something like this - he knows that the temperature of a living human body is 37C and when he scanned his 100 targets with an infra-red camera, 98 of them showed up as 36.8C or lower, so he wrote them off as dead.

Quite what data he actually collected, and exactly how he misinterpreted it to get the conclusion he wanted has yet to be revealed, but it's going to be something like that.

Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
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Bill Sloman

Sigh. What a maroon.

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Michael A. Terrell

The Constitution doesn't say that the (state) legislature can't defer, to the people, their right. It then says nothing on the people's right to vote.

Doesn't surprise me a bit. There is no real process for removing people from the roles. Who was it recently (a Democratic representative) who had voted in two states in the last election? There is no good reason to *not* demand ID to vote. ID is required for damned near everything else in this society.

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The site was chosen by dint of being not nearly large enough to house that many people. I neither knew nor wanted to know anything else.

Bragging rights? How on earth does one imagine that? It was a nuisance--I did it as a civic duty, to assist the election commission in ensuring the integrity of voter registrations. They only have a few people, and basically have no ability to check.

That's a fictional show. It's make-believe.

I said months ago. Time to take off the tin-foil hat. Everyone gets notified, with plenty of time and opportunity to respond.

At least 98 of the 100 were not legally qualified to vote as registered. They can easily register in other locations too, and vote absentee. And, there's no mechanism to detect if they do.

So, whether or not there's any mischief we mostly wouldn't know, but there's ample opportunity. Why does this not concern you?

James Arthur

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Most of these conspiracy-types simply don't understand our government, how it's supposed to work, and why it's supposed to work that way. Like Ham, not knowing who gets to vote, etc.

The original idea was that the People voted for wiser men in their legislatures, who would be better informed and better situated to chose even wiser electors, who in turn would, by voting, choose the president.

It was a built-in set of selections and primaries, all-in-one--with each stage of selection producing a higher level of refinement and concentration of knowledge and expertise--to ultimately select the best of the best.

Now we just elect the guy with the best hair, or who gives out the most cell phones.

James Arthur
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Right. The Legislatures have the right. They can delegate it to the people if they want, but they don't have to.

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The only reasonable conclusion is that certain people want people to vote illegally.

"Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... But not everyone must prove they are a citizen." Now add this, "Many of those who refuse, or are unable, to prove they are citizens will receive free insurance paid for by those who are forced to buy insurance because they are citizens."

Note that the bar isn't even that high--the attempt was only to verify that people even lived in the districts where they were registered to vote, not prove citizenship, or anything else.

James Arthur
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Because fraud gave us leftists like Al Franken and might even deliver Obama this time.

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So this is the real reason to dis-enfranchise as many Obama voters now, before they have a chance to vote.

Your right wing nut case will not win with out tweaking the voting public.

Now I get it.

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For a fictional show (based on actual events), this is the truest news story you have ever seen.

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No. you don't. You never will.

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Michael A. Terrell

Please Sir, explain it to me.

I am not able to understand.

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