XLNX as a way to invest in AMD (2023 Update)

I don't understand what you mean. AMD is grabbing market share from Intel, with both hands, and Intel can't stop it. Intel is yesterday's news. Actually it has been a long time since Intel was a good investment. Over the last three years they've seen a 10% gain in value while the Nasdaq has seen 135% gain. You could probably use a dart board to pick stocks and do better than Intel.

Yes, Xilinx is a proxy for buying AMD stock with a significant kicker. A really good proxy. :)

I don't get where the "only" comes from!

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Rick C
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If you are paying attention to the Xilinx stock price, you have missed the entire point of this conversation.

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Rick C

YOU haven't been paying attention - it DOESN'T MATTER what has happened in the past, it only matters WHERE it's going.

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Yes, and that's why Intel is a poor investment. There is no reason to think they are going to do any better in 2022 than in the prior 3 years. I really don't get your thinking. You keep talking like the P/E ratio is important in some way when it's not. P/E is about the past which you acknowledge is not relevant. Why do you contradict yourself this way?

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Rick C

And we are seeing where XLNX and AMD are going, and that is DOWN. These expensive stocks are getting hammered on the news of a Fed rate hike. Over the last month, they are down 14.1 and 9.1 percent respectively, while INTC is UP 3.3 percent. This is relative performance of 17.4 percent wrt XLNX.

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Hey SNIPPERMAN, we know one thing for certain: you have absolutely NO FUCKING IDEA what is going to happen. You don't even know that AMD and INTC don't make their own litho machines, for God's sake (XLNX farms out all of their chips, too, but I am sure you had no clue about that, either).

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You are the one who claims it doesn't matter what has happened in the past. You also say, "daily ups and downs ARE NOT what investors look at". These numbers are all "daily ups and downs" and in the past now. But wait, isn't the PE ratio a measure of the past? I thought you said it was all about PE!???

You can't figure out what you mean, can you?

Reply to
Rick C

Hello, while the past does not predict the future, we DO look at past performance to assess our investment judgments. And one month is THIRTY days, not one. I call that short term performance, and that indicator shows AMD and XLNX support breaking down. A 17% difference is a BIG DEAL!

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You can focus as narrowly as you wish on any particular time frame. Although Intel doesn't look at all good until the last week mostly mirroring the Nasdaq. Odd considering the company has not moved significantly for THREE YEARS while the Nasdaq and most stocks have gained significantly in that time. That is separate of the supporting evidence of Intel having fallen behind in the technology race and AMD surging ahead. Intel may see temporary boosts when they have a major announcement at CES or the like, but mostly they continue to fall behind most other successful tech companies like AMD. Poor Intel.

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Rick C

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