Voter Criteria

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Anyone wanting to run for any political office in the US should have to 
have a DD214, and a honorable discharge.
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Michael A. Terrell
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Mikek "

You are too optimistic. Only about a third file taxes according to usdebtcl ock, easily findable online. Their page however does not state whether that many people actually PAY income tax. With the state of the crappy jobs the se days, which will get worse as everyone who is not a primadonna gets cut to below 29 hours a week to avoid mandatory healthcare costs, alot of peopl e barely make fifteen grand a year or so. At that rate even a single person pays so little in fed tax it is not even a drop in the bucket.

While not getting into why I don't know for sure I think minimum wage is ar ound sixteen grand at full time no ? Rake off about seven grand of that and pay around 14 % on what's left which is about $1,350. Now there is a possi bility of an EIC payment which might give you back half of that. That whopp ing $700 covers about a toilet seat for the government. If you have a quali fying person live with you and can claim head of household you will pay not ing. Have a kid and you will get back more than they deducted and also like ly get foodstamps and free medical at least for the kid. So just how many o f that about 115 million filers actually PAY ?

Now for the math heads, officially the US debt is what, $15 tril for a roun d figure. This of course does not include a whole lots of things they are c ommitted to but just haven't had to cut the check for yet. Estimates of tha t go up to $100 tril but it is very hard to be sure. Suffice it to say that we are paying interest on the $15 trill as a round figure. Let's say it's one percent per annum which is easy, $150 bill. Now take for round figures actually 150 million filing taxes instead of 115, and that's a grand apiece per year which is only interest. Logically, is that system sustainable ?

That interest is going to go up if the debt does not go down as it is alrea dy way too high in relation to the GDP. Anyone notice what happened to Gree ce ? People are taking their own kids to orphanages becasue they can't affo rd to feed them. Think it's bad here ? Give it a few more years, and neithe r party has any intention of stopping this fall into the financial abuyss. The only solution apparently is military might so we can exploit others. Th at obviously means more wars and less people to pay for them, and the spoil s of war are not shared with the People anymore just like the proceeds from natural resources, unlike some places. In Norway for example the taxes are kept very low for what they get because of their oil revenues. In another country you get mail from the electric company containing not a bill, but a check. We don't get that unless to are an Alaskan resident and that was th e state of Alaska that made that happen. The feds would never be so generou s. In fact they'll just take your land if something useful is found on it. With a good lawyer you MIGHT get a little bit of it, but one of those new p eople called corporations will get the lion's share of all proceeds.

Now SS is not a tax ? Well that's the theory. I will admit that in the begi nning it was probably not intended to be a Ponzi scheme but now, due to dev aluation of the currency (inflation for those who choose to see it that way ) it does and must operate like a Ponzi scheme, except fo one minor problem . Because of the dollar falling the system needs to adjust. There are only so many factors to adjust, one is the rates paid by current workers, one is the amounts paid out to recipients and the last is of course the relative numbers of the two sets of people.

The problem is that payees are not dying soon enough and the payors are not earning enough, whether that's considered individually or collectively is of no import.

So I will agree that SS was not intended to be a tax, it pretty much amuont s to one now. That is sixteen percent of every penny you make on the books, no deductions for having a crop of kids or a high rate mortgage on your iv ory tower, right off the top. Though they don't want you to know it, you ca n opt out. Years ago all you had to do was request the forms, now it is a b it harder and you will have to make some noise. And yes I am fully aware th at the SS website states that participation is mandatory, but that is a bar e faced lie, period. The government lie ? Say it ain't so........

Don't get me wrong, if you consider everything, opting out of SS is not a w ise move for most people. If you work for wages just pay it and the taxes, I mean cheat as much as possible of course, but to fight them over this shi t is not worth it usually. I mean it, if you know how to workk the system, stay in it. No health insurance and need a triple byopass or some new knees just tell them you hear voices and they will pay everything. So what you c an't carry a gun anymore, it's better than not being able to carry anything at all.

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