The continuing saga of cleaning out my lab...

It doesn't matter. there are Heathit collectors wanting any unopened Heathkit and are willing to pay for them.


Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
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Michael A. Terrell
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I GUESS, being someone bid on it within 4 hours of posting the auction. I don't think I've ever seen that before.

But if they collect them and never open them, they're just buying sealed boxes with the kits inside. Seems like a shame not to open them and enjoy them.

I ran across a goy who's selling out his collection of unopened ones, and he had an amateur reciver and transmitter matched pair. I asked him how much he wanted and he wanted $1300 for one and I think $900 for the other. Whew. Too rich for my blood.

Yours In Liberty,  Melissa  - Colorado, U.S.A.

The last best hope for liberty, to give the world its first Bill of 
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Oh wow, like those old plastic sheet phonograph records. How quaint!

Yours In Liberty,  Melissa  - Colorado, U.S.A.

The last best hope for liberty, to give the world its first Bill of 
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It looks like you've stumbled onto a real treasure in that it's a
collector's item, and there are folks who will pay you big bucks for
it just to keep it for another ten or twenty years to resell,

Good luck!
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John Fields


Hey, I HOPE someone bids $500 for it, but ain't holding my breath.

I think I have another one somewhere too, only an actual kit. An electronic siren, IIRC.

If I had a time machine, I'd go back and buy a warehouse of the stuff, like the $300 linear HF amps that were around back then and are selling for $1600 unopened now. Of course if I had a time machine, I wouldn't need to, I could just play the big Powerball when it's $100 million. :)

Yours In Liberty,  Melissa  - Colorado, U.S.A.

The last best hope for liberty, to give the world its first Bill of 
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I just checked a fall 1987 catalog, its a learning course, i have the spanish version, those things come with audio lessons in sheets as thin as paper that played on the turntable!

Steve Sousa
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Steve Sousa

If you did both, Heath would still be in the kit business. ;)


Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida
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Michael A. Terrell

Think old unused postage stamps. That's how they see them.

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