Re: Why Bloat Is Still Software's Biggest Vulnerability

Yes; some stuff cannot be done in C. Start with loading SP. No way in C!

Some code in an RTOS is not possible in C. Look at the FreeRTOS sourcecode. There are bits of asm in there.

Also asm has great uses for protecting from optimisation (which can change silently by upgrading the compiler!). Asm never gets modified; essential when talking to devices needing specific minimum /CS timing etc.

Another example, for accurate delays (ST32F417, 168MHz)

// Hang around for delay in microseconds

__attribute__((noinline)) void hang_around_us(uint32_t delay) { delay *= (SystemCoreClock/4100000L);

asm volatile ( "1: subs %[delay], %[delay], #1 \n" " nop \n" " bne 1b \n" : [delay] "+l"(delay) ); }

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Not dealt with her for ~10 years, and never will :)

Hahaha. It's actually a power series: 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16. According to

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converges to 1/3 so you will always eat afterwards ;)

I think Tinder has curtailed commercial ambitions ;)

My last design is 100x faster than anything done before, and the CPU costs about $7.

But the software takes as long - because 90% of the functionality is now connectivity! MbedTLS etc. There is even an HTTP server (simple: I wrote it myself) for config.

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I think I/O is rare; it tends to be memory mapped.

I'll leave that to the next generation. I want to make a bit of money now :)

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I was wrong

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So yes if you keep divorcing you will eventually lose 100%

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Medical doctors have to cope with a flood of new knowledge.

The peer-reviewed literature where most of it comes out isn't as well regulated in medicine as it is in most sciences - medical professors still have the god-professor status that all professor had in Germany in

1920s. and they get to publish a lot of half-baked papers.

This means that a lot of what is touted as new knowledge is pretentious nonsense.

The regular literature contains a lot of stuff that wasn't worth publishing, but it tends to be more unhelpful than actively wrong.

Of course medical doctors are dealing with the same old problems that human beings have always had, while engineers have invented new problems to solve.

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Bill Sloman

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