Re: OT: Rants on election

On Sep 10, 11:53 am, wrote: [....]

> 3. There is a huge double standard that exists. The left can virtually say > > and do anything it wants and get away with it but the right cannot. > > Jon Slaughter never noticed Karl Rove's crews of trained liars? I'm > not surprised - Jon Slaughter isn't strong on reasoning or logic.

You need to be able to compare a trained liars words against the facts to detect the lie. It isn't a logic problem. It is a lack of information problem. If all you listen to is the same, you won't detect the lies.

> if it is a good or bad thing but if it's good(which might be proven if > > McCain is elected) then it could set a new trend empowering women which > > might benefit mankind. > > Margaret Thatcher and Golda Mier were there first - and neither of > them were populist air-heads. Jon Slaughter doesn't know much and > understands less.

He is trying to rationalize his vote for McCain / Palin.

> 5. The media is almost entirely liberal and completely biased but are not > > held accountable(this no doubt stems from the double standard). When I > > watch cnn and msnbc there is almost always no conservative voice > > represented. On several show shows it consists of all liberal commentators > > bashing the right(and almost always unfairly). > > A well-known and persistent right-wing claim, which looks odd to the > rest of the world. Jon Slaughter's problem (which he shares with other > rabid right-wing creeps like Jim Thompson) is that he sees people who > share his lunatic beliefs as representing the un-biased norm, and > since the sane population all lies to the left of them, the media > (which looks pretty right-wing to European eyes) looks left wing to > him.

The claim is widely believed in the US. American media is all operated my large corporations and yet people don't seem to notice the lack of independent news.

> > Also there is a subtle/subliminal wording used by the liberal media that > > almost always portrays Obama as good and McCain/Palin as bad. (one could say > > the same about the right wing media but it is much less disproportionate and > > at least fox news tries to be balanced and not outright biased). > > Palin isn't "bad" - she's just inadequate. > > -- > Bill Sloman, Nijmegen
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