OT: Time to dust off the bomb shelter!

The mortgage side of the banks had a fell funded government monolith that set up a willing market for its junk. Why would they worry about quality? The amazing thing was that the investment side of the same banks were buying equivalent junk from other banks, knowing perfectly well what the game was. Is it even possible that they thought that they were the only ones playing the game?

Yes, most local banks could see the fire at the base of that smoke and chose not to play with it. They never stopped selling mortgages because they knew what the quality of their portfolio was and they weren't under water.

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You really are dense. Yes they *ARE* doing well at it. They aren't (didn't) do well at pawning junk off on each other, then insuring that same junk. That is *not* managing risk.

That isn't happening to the mortgage banks. They're doing quite well, actually. The ones that are hurting are the ones that were leveraged

30-40:1 with junk loans. The (mostly local and regional) banks that chose not to play the game (and are leveraged perhaps 8:1 with quality customers) are still doing well.

That was why Bush thought he had to bail the big banks out, though this has *NOTHING* to do with your asinine argument about not being able to judge people's ability to repay a loan.

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So far beyond being grossly oversimplified that is actually gets to just wrong.

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No, that is the _only_ cure. You can only play games with some aspects of the timing. I say put the billionaires and such in jail and use their net worth (sold at auction) to pay off some of the deficit. Hell it may even balance the budget for a year.

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The major part of why we had to nationalize them is that Congress dictated to them whom they should loan to.

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I couldn't understand WHY the idea of loosening up credit was suppose to correct a problem that was caused by loose credit. That's like curing cancer by giving the person the SAME kind of cancer. Then you have these bozos that blame the free market and lack of regulation, when it was government mandates that caused the feeding frenzy to begin with. Novel idea, don't spend more money than you make and see how things work out. We could go on and on about the stupid statements being bandied about, like we need to free up credit so companies can make payroll. Let me tell you, if a company needs to borrow money to make their payroll, THEY ARE ALREADY BANKRUPT. I mean, come on!

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It wasn't supposed to correct a problem; it was supposed to delay it until it's Someone Else's Problem.

It's like doubling down in gambling; it puts off the moment when you have accept you've lost, at the expense of making the loss bigger.

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Interesting. Person can do it. Company can do it. Why can't country do it?

So the person can die quicker. It is a cure, sort of...

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'We' know it was REALLY suppose to fix any problem, but 'they' knew that most Americans were going to fall for it.

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I guess that is true. When the body dies, so does the cancer. Viola' no more cancer! Kinda' like cutting off the head to cure a headache.

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They're never going to find a cure for cancer, or any of the other deadly killers; as soon as they found one, there'd be no more research grants. ;-)

Cheers! Rich

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Rich Grise

Don't worry, some new nasties will undoubtedly crop up in the meanwhile. AIDS has really only been well-known for a handful of decades now, and most likely didn't even exist in humans prior to roughly the turn of the 19th century.

One has to wonder... are all the new nasties a result of evolution or intelligent design?

Or was it the CIA after all? :-)

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Joel Koltner

Unintelligent actions. AIDs is one of the easiest diseases to avoid. Sex is and always has been a wonderfully efficient method to transmit disease. Monogamy has its purpose.

You suppose some real intelligence in the CIA. ;-)

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Naw, it is just all the intentional introduction of random numbers in the simulator.

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Living withins its means works very well for individuals and companies. why would it be different for the countries?

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Well, it is hard to do with the billionaires, so we can start with you. Less money, but less hassle.

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As the entity gets larger, it gets easier to obfuscate the figures.

In politics, reality doesn't matter, only the perception of reality. The illusion of prosperity is just as good as actual prosperity, so long as it lasts.

If you're borrowing money yourself, you probably know the difference between what you've borrowed and what you've earned. OTOH, you have no idea where your customers (and their customers, and so on) are getting the money from; so long as the customers are spending, it doesn't matter. But when the credit dries up, you'll quickly discover the difference.

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Countries have two things:

1) Your money 2) Printing presses, well stocked with ink
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not as=20


do it?


suppose to


Nonsense, there have been various "cures" for specific cancers that require disfiguring surgery, disabling surgery, destructive chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Never daring to treat to various self destructive behaviors that enable/enhance cancer. Otherwise, environmental clean ups will reduce the incidental exposure to carcinogenic substances some.

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