OT: Software bloat (Larkin was right)

Can you even buy a new Alfa?

Imagine that the parking lot has lots of empty spaces scattered around. You usually only have to move a few cars to insert one in order. And bins are a lot easier to move than cars... you don't have to fish around in your pocket for keys. Big pocket for 4800 keys.

In the case of bins, inserting a new bin usually takes, maybe, 5 seconds. Grab, slide, put.

Having a location code as well as a part number is like having 4800 sets of keys. And it requires that either the parts never move (in which case you go where you expect to find the parts, and they're not there) or that you maintain the location codes religiously. That does sort of imply quantized (non-smooth) shelves.

I wish my freezer were this well organized. I can never find a bagel when I really need one.


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John Larkin
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Xilinx probably has better silicon, and it works great. The software is a train wreck.


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John Larkin

So you've pulled part numbers (explicitly or implicitly) for *every* value of *every* package -- even if you never BUY any of those! And spent all the time to codify how to do this.

I've already used 6. If you only have 5000 parts (from an earlier post), you've got a boatload of holes in your number system! (I've probably got 5000 different parts just in the *garage*!)

And rearrange things each time you add stuff to them.

Has nothing to do with number of parts. (I apparently have at least an order of magnitude more than you)

With 7 times the labor you couldn't rearrange yours in a day. Because you force yours to take on a certain structure. If "your neighbor" grouped devices by manufacturer, all of your parts would be in "wacky order" (unless you buy *all* of your passives from one supplier, all hardware from another, etc.). I can put things anywhere effortlessly because the location isn't dependant on the identity of the part.

You think like an accountant. You want all your purchase orders to begin with "PO", all your invoices to begin with "INV", etc. Because you keep your purchase orders in one place and your invoices someplace else. And, thats how you *think* of them.

I think of them as just "things" that I put wherever is convenient. E.g., last year's PO's are not cluttering up drawer space with this year's invoices *or* PO's.

How does that work in a 30,000 sq ft stockroom? "Yeah, it;s in here *someplace*..."

Doesn't bother *me*. You seem to be working really hard to defend a system that you put in place and fail to see how another approach can be better. You want to be able to manage things in your head. You want to force structure onto things (numbers) when no structure is needed. I can walk through your stockroom late at night and build a database that exactly represents all of your items, locations, etc. (five "location codes"). Your system, OTOH, can't accommodate parts that come along unexpectedly or want to "move" to different places in the stockroom ("Gee, these coaxial relays are $100 each and we need them for that IBM contract. We'd best put them under lock and key of only top make sure no one 'borrows' one")

Your model is a "small startup" (this is how many companies work). I see no advantage to it that isn't offset by having good tools (since you will need good tools sooner or later)

Then why are you objecting to me doing exactly the same thing?? It bothers you that I *can* assign different locations to different parts? That I might have to "turn left" at the end of the aisle instead of "right"?

Ad hominem attacks. Wow, really mature, John. Should I infer that working with analog leads you to "noisey thinking"? Or, that my working with digital designs is more "noise immune"?

Go insult a "programmer" if that is what floats your boat. Though I think you'll find that writing good code (not just a single little hosted application) requires far more discipline (order) than deciding on arbitrary schemes for numbering resistors.

I don't control any of my (physical) *parts*. If I need something, I use industry standard part numbers to refer to them and let clients map those to their house numbers as they see fit. Little companies don't usually bother creating their own part numbers -- just use manufacturer numbers and me putting my own part number on a device just adds one more level of confusion to their process. ("Is that *your* P/N 123456 or *my* part number 123456?")

I *do* have over 100000 part numbers assigned, though. This is *really* easy when you start controlling lots of "documents" (software modules, tools, specifications, linker scripts, etc.). It's not uncommon to create thousands of part numbers for a single project! (even the C library is several hundred "parts" -- and that's a trivial piece of code)

I know many companies with wide inventories. The gentleman that initially exposed me to this concept was at a multibillion dollar company with easily that many

*physical* part numbers -- and probably almost that many *employees* (worldwide).

If you treat the number as insignificant you don't fret using them freely.

I can show caps in order by value, weight, color, manufacturer, quantity on hand, etc. What's your point? You cant sort based on anything other than "value"?

The point is, *you* can't put things anywhere. You've artificially constrained yourself. "This has to be with this other thing because the numbers are adjacent"

And I have even *less* drama, more simplicity. No need to spend time figuring out what part number to assign to this new part ("Gee, we've never used a 16Gb FLASH before. What part number should we assign to it? And what about these SODIMMs... should we treat them as regular DIMMs?"). No need to prepare documents formalizing all of these "number assigning" procedures.

"I need a 25uF, 16WVDC, axial lead capacitor. How many do we have in stock?"

"None, the part does not exist."

"Well, do we have anything similar? Show me all caps that are in stock, at least 16WVDC, smaller than 0.3" and at least 25uF...

Hmmm... none of those will work for me. Give me a part number for that 25uF device, enter that information as it's formal description. Here's *one* vendor's part number for something that fits that bill. Order 100 of them for me."

(all of this can be done by the machine -- without consulting any special documents)

It also only supports 5,000 parts (currently). My address book has almost that many *names* in it!

No, I just think things through *before* doing them. I don't cling to something that was done before and assume it is going to work in the future. I suspect you made lots of decisions about your system's implementation using 15 year old technology and haven't revisited any of them, since (?)

I listened to the advice of a gentleman who already had

40 or 50 years of business experience behind him. With a company the size of which I would never *dream* of having to support. I figured there was some wisdom there worth exploring. When I had the need to make that decision for myself, I opted to follow his advice -- instead of the "lets put some significance in the part number" that I had suggested to *him* in that fateful interview. It has served me well for these 25 years. And looks like it will serve these other folks equally well.

I've not heard any criticisms of *flaws* in my system. You've not pointed out anything that I *can't* do. (recall, I can emulate *your* system overnight!) You just don't like the lack of order in the numbering and tracking aspects. The idea of having to keep track of *another* identifier (besides the five "single letter codes" you use) seems

*ghastly* to you.

I get it. You've dug your heels in. This is what you have. This is what you're going to *keep* -- come hell or high water. If it works for you, great.

Maybe Digikey would be interested in it!

When you start outgrowing it, I wonder if you'll be honest enough with yourself to rethink it -- or just throw more effort after it -- more "exceptions", more "part number definition guidelines", etc. (?)

Reply to
D Yuniskis

I found a local source for different sizes of heavy zip lock bags to store each paperback. I haven't found what I want for the hardbacks, since they come in so many different sizes.

If I run across a copy, I'll pick it up. I recently picked up hardback copies of 2001, 2010 and 2061 in good condition.

I've offered to maintain the local group's website, but haven't heard anything.

One local group uses the tiny 'Avery' dots and a chart to code the prices. They also have a bargain room with 25 cent books.

Ha! The group I mentioned raised the money for a new, local library building. It replaces the old building pictured on that website. :)

Anyone wanting to run for any political office in the US should have to
have a DD214, and a honorable discharge.
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Michael A. Terrell

Ah, that's a good idea! Would probably also help keep the pages from drying out as quickly (extremely low humidity here)

The book describes much of the (personal politics!) involved in the film, the innumerable rewrites (that it suggests were intended merely to delay publication of the book!) and different endings for the movie/book. It's not something you would read *like* a SF book but, rather, more a human interest thing and a chance to explore other directions that the book/movie *might* have taken.

Regardless, it pales compared to the power of _The Sentinel_.

They tried to rope me into that and I politely declined. :>

I wouldn't learn anything from that experience.

They apparently tried that in the past and didn't like the results. When it came up in discussion there was an

*audible* grumbling in the room. I felt it best not to go poking around that (dormant?) hornets' nest! :>

They started using things like address labels but some patrons complained that they didn't come off easily. (I guess I can relate to that... I don't like crap on *my* books!) Removable labels are a bit more expensive (if I can locate a "free" source, it saves them money to put towards other uses)

Once a year there is a booksale in the library's meeting room (~1200 sq ft) -- in addition to their normal book display.

Cool! They must have deep pockets!

When I grew up, the "town library" was a guy's house (donated to the town at his death). The "reference room" had a fireplace in it :> (the police station was someone else's house; the post office was a *coat room* in town hall -- yet another person's house :> )

Our branch was recently remodeled and another 4500 sq ft added (a big chunk of that being meeting rooms). I think the Friends group only has about 30K in the bank at any given time (there is constant pressure to "spend the money" as it does nothing sitting in the bank!)

I don't get involved in finances or politics. I'm just here to solve problems :> (e.g., I made the artwork for their "aprons" as noone else had the tools to do so)

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D Yuniskis



You forgot Actel. Some of their parts are interesting, though LUT3s are quite limiting and their choice of packages isn't that great. They have some

*really* low power stuff and the new mixed-signal with embedded hard core processor stuff is quite interesting.

I find it a huge advantage to not commit to one vendor. Well, I should say, it's an advantage for the small designs we do. If I were using at the larger Virtex or Stratix parts I'd likely have a different opinion (BTDT).

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I had thousands of removable labels I bought at a dayton hamfest, several decades ago, but what is left is all going bad. I used them on computer cases and parts to keep track of each system when i was doing computer repair. Each label was three die cut parts, and I paid $12 for

12,000 sets of labels. I sold lots of them to people @ $1 per hundred to use to label 3.5" floppies and still had all I needed. :)

Maybe the group could contact a label manufacturer or large printing company and request some obsolete or misprint labels be donated?

The local groups are supposed to have a sale every three months, but usually fail to update their website in time for everyone to find out. They expect you to see a sign in their store or in the local newspaper.

Not really. they were aggressive and spent a long time saving the money. Here is a link to the new library, and some information about the old building:

Anyone wanting to run for any political office in the US should have to
have a DD214, and a honorable discharge.
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Michael A. Terrell

Yeah, the glue gets "funny" and the labels "yellow". I just use mineral spirits to remove self-adhesive labels. But, "on paper" you have to be careful (though covers are usually "coated") as once the liquid gets "around the side" it seeps into the cover and discolors it.

Possible. They have a decent supply of their current labels (printed on a laser printer and then cut to size) so they haven't been pestering me. Something will turn up sooner or later...

The library (branch) posts the sale several weeks in advance. It is usually well attended "by locals". Their goal is more to get rid of the books than it is to try to make much money (I think they only bring in a few kilobucks). They want to keep people interested in the library, give people a reason to *come* to the library, etc. (*this* branch, not The Library).

Lately they've had things like live bands performing in the meeting room (really odd to hear that much "noise" in a library!)

Ah, OK. Here they try to spend the money quickly to get things

*into* the library (plus things like recognition dinners for the volunteers and staff, scholarships, etc.)

Wait, is this (photo) the new or the old? (there were two photos on the previous web page -- one of which was this building)

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D Yuniskis

The citrus oil based 'Goo Gone' seems to do less damage. In some cases it completely evaporates and leaves no sign a label was ever there. I put a drop or two on top of the label to soften the adhesive. If I time it right it will peel off and leave no old adhesive. The others get a quick wipe with a paper towel dampened with more Goo Gone. What I hate are used book stores that rubber stamp their advertising all over a book.

Do you have a 'Dollar tree' store in the area? A package of pre printed of yard sale stickers is $1.

Around here "a couple weeks" isn't enough notice for a Saturday event. That is why I am trying to get them to post a tentative schedule for the year, then set a firm date for each sale as soon as possible. They aren't greedy. In fact, at their sales they let you fill a brown paper grocery bag for $1 from their stock of bargain books. This is a big county, with a lot of retirees. They buy books, read them, then donate them back to the group. There are dozens of used book stores, and probably 100 flea market book dealers in the county.

the old building was a house atone time. It was too small and not disabled friendly. There was a ramp added to the rear of the building, but the door was kept locked and you had to ring a doorbell, then wait for it to be unlocked. Replacing the building with a more efficient and larger building was their primary goal for a long time. It took over ten years to find and purchase the property. Too many people would put land up for sale that met their needs, then double or triple the asking price when the county tried to buy it.

That is the new building. The old building was built in the late

1800s. The front was stone, and 'Library' was spelled out in a second color stone.
Anyone wanting to run for any political office in the US should have to
have a DD214, and a honorable discharge.
Reply to
Michael A. Terrell

It seems nothing much has changed in the past decade or more! Shame Xilinx don't make more effort with their software, then they'd win on both counts.

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Hmmm, I'll have to try it. I have an assortment of solvents that I use for cleaning and "dissolving" that I "escalate" until I have achieved the results I want *or* succeeded in "melting" the underlying material (e.g., many plastics)

Yup. Even more amusing when you see different stamps from different stores from various parts of the country. I.e, you know the book has "traveled".

Are they removable?

Ah. Here the thinking is the folks who "frequent" the library are more likely the types who will be interested in those materials. E.g., folks outside a red cross blood center are more likely to be frequent donors... (than the people who are NEVER "outside a red cross blood center" :> )

Our county-wide book sales are like that. Several days each (plus a two week event in February). They have "bag days" to try to move stuff out quicker -- though I think their bags are $5.

Here, the sales are timed so "winter visitors" (retirees) can attend. They buy books and donate them back before they "go home" in April.

Understood. Our original library (house) ended up with a modern addition (maybe 1000 sq ft). Then, some decades later they built a modern library (the old "house" only had 3 parking spaces!). I imagine it is easily 20,000 plus has a yet unused full basement (another 20K ft).

Reply to
D Yuniskis

I was using Xilinx' software (ISE) a couple of years ago. It seemed to work fairly well, but was a PITA to use (far more complicated than it needed to be). Ten years ago it was far worse (Synplicity was a must). According to John, it's back to broken. Dunno, I'm not likely to use Xilinx for some time.

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If you like those you may like the novel "Across a Billion Years"

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Hey, i am already sold. Once you mentioned using FSM for UI development (a few posts ago), its value was fairly obvious to me.

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If they aren't on the book for too long. :)

This is an area of mostly retirees so you have regulars who die or end up no longer able to read as much. That means that you need a steady supply of new customers.

The old library only had about ten spaces, which meant that you had to park a block or more away and walk. Only one space was marked handicapped parking. That was one problem finding a new location, where they would have enough room for extra parking.

The main county library is in an old shopping center. Most of it is now the library, with about 25% used for the county records storage. The former tenant was a Scotty's hardware & building material store. It has room for a couple hundred cars and shares that lot with our Veterans park.

is the new library. The veterans park is to the left if you zoom out. The upper 75% is the library. Even with that many spaces, there are times that it is difficult to find a parking spot close to the entrance.

Anyone wanting to run for any political office in the US should have to
have a DD214, and a honorable discharge.
Reply to
Michael A. Terrell

Its always been broken in some way or another. I get frustrated at the number of times I get an error message where the software has tied itself up in knots and inviting me to open a webcase. And while Xilinx know what the error code is, there's no help available on the site to help the cause. It's usually a piece of code, which is of correct syntax, but something ISE can't cope with and throws the baby out with the bath water. The code can be isolated by commenting chunks out, and there's always been a work around, but it's not untypical for their webcase to take a month to sort out.

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Just to even things up, I've used A and X devices in the last few years and know and prefer the Altera tools much more, but.....

A client was hoping to use Altera's PCI Lite (free master/target 32bit/33MHz) core for a project I'm currently working on. November/December last year I tried integrating it in the SOPC system I was building but it was broken.

The values set in the configuration pages changed when you saved it and opened it again and when apparently built cleanly, meeting all timing constraints, the PCI card froze the PC I was testing on.

It was clear that there had been very litte verification/quality control on this which is unlike Altera, their software mostly just works.



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Nial Stewart

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