Lyin' Biden REFUSES to do the ONE thing that can hurt Russia

Dimiter_Popoff wrote in news:svcg29$f56$

The USSR was put to their own knees for denying themsleves a place on the global economic table. THAT is why they faultered. Having to pay in gold for US dollars to make trades with nations only willing to accept US dollars. They were doomed the moment they started the cold war. It finally took them down completely. Reagan just happened to be the dude on watch at the time.

So we let them in on the world stage and they take the computers we let them have and hack at the world with them, and they take all the dollars they get to play with now and but war hardware and let a warmonger "lead" them back... into war. Give the bully kiddies some money and they go right back to being bullies again.

We should cut their undersea cables and down all their satellites for deciding to harm others.

In fact if we played like them, they would already be vapor... dust...

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Dmitriy Pshonkin wrote in news:984b5ef4-

You are an abject idiot.

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I experienced "La sindrome di Stendhal" after visiting Florence. Upon returning to St. Petersburg, for two weeks I was in a hurry to lie down and fall asleep in order to see incredible colorful dreams! Too bad this will never happen again...

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Dmitriy Pshonkin

Was that more distressing or pleasant? Sounds like fun.

I rarely have hallucinations and really enjoy them. Among other virtues, that's the only time I have perfect vision with vivid colors.

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It might happen again.

I wish I could determine the trigger to my hallucinations, food or whatever. More would be cool.

After a few trips to England and Ireland, I have brief visions of beautiful village and country scenes, usually still but rarely in motion. I sometimes see beautiful female faces. Just a few seconds, just a few times per year.

Paris didn't inspire me. Mostly blocky and grey.

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Flyguy wrote in news:

Grow the f*ck up, immature punk.

Grow the f*ck up, immature punk.

One relief check is NOT a paid vacation, you republitard dumbfuck.

No... That would be the 'makes it up as he goes along' dumbfuck posting here as Flyguy.

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FlyTurd wrote in news:

Says the utter retard posting made up shit every f****ng day. You could not be more stupid, unless your name was Trump.

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