CERN's black hole cannon not working right for a other 2 years

It seems to be working just fine even at half power. The resulting black hole seems to be consuming funds quite efficiently.

-- Paul Hovnanian mailto:

------------------------------------------------------------------ ~{po ~poz~ppo\anks for hanging up the phone, dear.

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Paul Hovnanian P.E.
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On a sunny day (Fri, 5 Feb 2010 14:47:53 -0800 (PST)) it happened Bill Sloman wrote in :

Poor Billy, Exxon Mobil is *against* global warming as I tried to explain to your last remaining neuron, because if it is cold they sell more fuel and the fuel price goes up.

Reply to
Jan Panteltje

Another of those 'fabulous' Sloman designs?

Greed is the root of all eBay.
Reply to
Michael A. Terrell

Someone who is blind and deaf could pick him out, just by the overpowering scent of a LOSER. :(

Greed is the root of all eBay.
Reply to
Michael A. Terrell



As in one more fable invented by John Fields and enthusiastically believed in by Mike Terrell. The usual case of the dumb fantasist misleading the even dumber brown- nose

-- Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

Reply to
Bill Sloman


t remaining neuron,

Since the explanation - as I pointed out at the time - failed to take into account the the fuel they sell to run air-conditioning units (like the ones my wife and I have in our cars, even if your bicycle doesn't feature this kind of luxury) it was just one more example of your failure to understand what was actually going on, and now alos reflects your incapacity to get your head around any new fact that hasn't been organised into a seductive package by your friendlu=3Dy loca denialist web-site.

-- Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

Reply to
Bill Sloman


Michael Terrell - being a well-known winner, and widely touted as the most successful member of his high-school graduating class - wouldn't know what a loser smelled like, would he?

-- Bill Sloman, Nijmegen

Reply to
Bill Sloman

It did a great job of sucking up what little was left of Bill's brains.

Greed is the root of all eBay.
Reply to
Michael A. Terrell

It has even generated a scientific paper or two, which is what it was designed to do.

Jan Panteltje's little kopftje isn't really up to understanding scientific papers - and John Fields hasn't shown any sign of appreciating them either - so they do have a problem in seeing the point of building the thing in the first place.

-- Bil Sloman, Nijmegen

Reply to
Bill Sloman

Well, if that's the case, then we're _both_ right.
Reply to
John Fields


It is a dam poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word.

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Well, I guess I was a little hasty in saying that none of your
hydrophobic blather is original when what I should have said was that
very little of your hydrophobic blather is original.

And even though you missed my implication, the point still stands; it
being that you criticize others for repeating what they've heard when
you do the same thing, hypocrite, and expect to get away with it with
Reply to
John Fields

Shucks, Bill, what with all the shit you spew, we all do.

Reply to
John Fields


Hell, if I wanted to invent a _real_ fable it'd be that you knew what you were talking about.

But no one would believe it, so what'd be the point?


Reply to
John Fields

Some of us with vision know what the depth of the term "Entropy" extends to. That big hot spot under Yellowstone isn't just idle... it has moved. That means that its cycle is due, as are the cycles of many other geologic / chrono-cyclic events.

Every now and then the world just jiggles a little bit.

Our just happens to coincide with more than a few predictions or "prophecies".

You know not the hour...

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We do so often seem to appear as being one of God's great, noble experiments... that failed.

Jesus certainly said so. People need to start examining things from that baseline. None of us are anything other than equal, and the biggest problem is that there are those that continue to strive to sink below the mesh that is considered normalcy, and at the same time, there are those that get exalted into authority, yet abuse the office and accuse those that are normal of being "below the mesh". They magically float above it, never being held responsible for their actions. I speak, of course, about the abomination that our police have become. They are nothing short of Nazi pigs now, with their profiling behavior. The really sad thing is that visual profiling techniques do NOT work.

They are no longer crime fighters, but now nothing more than opportunists that "find" criminals during their illicit, constitution circumnavigating, illegal search and seizure maneuvers. With all the idiot rookies out there, being trained by already totally retarded instructors and "superior officers" that the country will never recover. I saw this coming as a child, when I saw the TV news of the Chicago riots. I knew then, that this country was doomed to become a police state. It only looks free.

They are gearing up, folks.

Keep your powder dry.

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Why do you call this a disaster ? It's the normal scientific process. You have a theory that something cool will happen when you try X, so you make an experiment. If what you expected does not happen then you know that your theory was wrong, that is, you gained some new knowledge - it's no disaster !

Whether (or better: when) a new more powerful machine will be built is a political decision.

Cool links for aspiring physicists, from a Nobel laureate:
Reply to
Martin Montonion

Sorry, it is an American colloquialism. I did not anticipate that the "over there" crowd would get it... or need to.

Once you do, however... it should all be clear.

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Exactly. "Hey we blew a few billion on this machine and discovered nothing. So now we want another few billion to build another machine that may discover nothing". I think it would be the end of the line for Big$ physics.

Dirk - Transcendence UK - A UK political party - Occult Talk Show
Reply to
Dirk Bruere at NeoPax

And what powder do you refer too?

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