Bad Circuits in the Wild

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I would classify myself in the losing quadrant of stupid and industrious (D). I'm willing to tackle any problem, no matter how close to impossible or rediculous, without any prior knowledge or research. I'm too stupid to know that it won't work or can't be done. My mottos are "Do something, even if it's wrong", and "Learn By Destroying". According to the German general, I'm a menace. According to my bank balance, I'm doing just fine. You decide who's right.

Never attribute to stupidity that which can be best explained by lack of adequate information.

Jeff Liebermann
150 Felker St #D
Santa Cruz CA 95060
Skype: JeffLiebermann     AE6KS    831-336-2558
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Jeff Liebermann


Ah-HA! Gotcha! You said, "Learn" - that means you're not stupid. :-)

Cheers! Rich

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Rich Grise

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